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Dark Magus Returns-Chapter 934: Let Me Ask You A Question
Chapter 934: Let Me Ask You A Question
At first, Raze was a little stunned as he saw Belil emerge from his independent training room. At least that's what Raze thought Belil used it for; he wasn't quite sure.
The reason for him feeling this way, he didn't understand it. He had faced Sha Mo, someone from the Demonic Faction who was considered on the same level.
Although the power of Qi was fierce, Raze had handled it well, fighting it off with his own body. The last time Raze had met with Belil, he had felt this as well.
A slight tingle all over his body, like a small electric shock on the inside. Yet he thought that was due to the difference in Qi, so why was he feeling it now once again?
But all of those thoughts disappeared with one word that had come out of Belil's mouth. "Besides, you might need your energy; after all, the two of us need to talk, Mage," Belil said. 'Mage' continued to ring in Raze's head because of who had said the word.
'Everyone knows about the Dark Magus now, due to all the reports and me spreading out my name, but the word 'mage' is unknown to Pagna warriors.
'Those in Alter might know it, as well as some people in Bonum Society, so why does Belil know it... why does he know this word 'mage', and why does he know I am one as well?'
If Raze was on guard before, he was extra careful now, thinking that at any point, he might have to fight for his life.
His guess was right: there was a link between Belil and the Dark Faction founder, but whose side was who on? Raze didn't even know if he was on the Dark Faction's side-he was just following in his footsteps at the moment, wishing for an item that he left behind.
"What, did I startle you?" Belil asked, standing by the door and already turning around. Before Raze knew it, he was moving his feet, but something was still on his mind. He turned his head, thinking about his blazer; he didn't want to leave it with the two troublemakers. "Don't worry, you two aren't to touch him. If you do, I will deal with you myself," Belil said. Raze didn't know whether to say thanks or not, as he was more concerned about his blazer, but thought Belil's threat would be enough to stop the two from doing anything at all.
"This will be a private matter," Belil said, turning around, and when he stretched out his hand, the door swung closed.
It appeared like Wind magic, but that would have been impossible. So the only thing Raze could think it was, was Qi.
Yet how could one use Qi like that? Raze had recently gone against Sha Mo, but the Qi was just invisible and connected to him.
This didn't seem to act the same way.
Too many questions were appearing in Raze's mind, even more than the last time he had visited. It felt like he was finally going to get some answers.
Raze was walking down the narrow hallway. The heat was intensifying, yet he didn't use his magic to cool himself down like he had before.
He wanted to hold on; he could feel the heat affecting his body, almost breaking down the energy inside and replacing it with new energy.
Eventually, Belil sat down cross-legged, facing the door in the circle, then in one area, Raze saw an area circling, almost like wind again.
"Take a seat; let's talk face-to-face about these matters. I'm sure there are a lot of questions you want to ask."
Willingly, Raze walked over and sat down in the circle. It was slightly cooler; whatever was being used was pushing the extreme heat away.
"First, I want to talk about the positives. You have grown incredibly strong since we last met, in such a short amount of time. You are indeed an impressive person, and I am happy that Rayna happened to pick you."
"It's almost as if strings are being pulled all just to please me!" Belil said with a large smile. "Should we go and destroy another Light Faction base? Maybe this time, you can have some part as well."
Belil continued to laugh, and Raze didn't know if he was serious or not. Some people thought the Dark Magus was crazy, yet it was clear they hadn't met Belil, Raze thought.
"Your Qi has improved so much, and you even managed to defeat the Behemoth Clan. He has been a pain for so long, but I never dealt with him. Do you know why?"
"Because going to battle with him would mean the loss of many of your men?" Raze replied, unsure if that was the right answer.
It felt strange for Raze; it was quite likely that these two were closer in age than Belil thought, but from Belil's actions, it was almost as if he were talking to his own child.
"No, not at all. I've always been quite confident I could beat that man with ease. I believe he might only have half a brain. I mean, he didn't even fully plan out his attack on Flendon and acted on pure emotion. Which is why I like you, because you seem to be a person with a head on his shoulders, at least for now," Belil replied.
"The reason I never got rid of him was because he was the biggest deterrent to other factions attacking us. He was a useful tool to use with the large size of his clan."
"The Demonic Faction has always been smaller in the number of warriors compared to the other factions, so his numbers boosted the power of the faction as a whole quite a bit... but I think the timing was right more than anything. We won't have to worry about the other factions, especially with you controlling the Dark Faction!"
Belil continued once again in a loud bellow of laughter, and when he stopped, he straightened his face as he asked his next question.
"So let me ask you, how much of the Dark Edge Sword Arts have you learned?"