Dark Moon Era-Chapter 322 - Three Mystical Items

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Chapter 322: Three Mystical Items

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“The Seven Stamen Lotus, the Starry Ghastly Fish, and the Mutated Tri-color Pearl.

“All these three items are needed to achieve a perfect breakthrough to a Purple Moon Warrior, but how many have achieved the perfect accumulation? Therefore, according to the production rate and reserved number, it will be enough to satisfy those who have the perfect accumulation.

“Even if you don’t have the perfect accumulation, if you use the three items to break through to become a Purple Moon Warrior, it will still grant you major benefits in the future. That’s why everyone is fighting to get the items before the breakthrough. Even if they can only get their hands on one of the three, it’s better than nothing. Since the demand is high, these three items are categorized as extremely rare tactical resources. During the production year, different factions will fight over it, hence it’s even rarer for people to get them.”

As expected of someone from Holy Tree, Han Xing sounded plausible when he explained.

Tang Ling was all ears while Ro Xin and Ro Li did not interrupt him either.

However, while Han Xing discussed the serious topic, his face was covered in spots, so he looked a little strange. Ro Li did not care about the gravity of the atmosphere and laughed out loud, Ro Xin was too shy to laugh at Han Xing. Since Han Xing had called Tang Ling ‘bro’, he must be a good friend of Tang Ling, was he not?

“Continue.” Gu Dao, who was in the middle of watching the match on the screen, suddenly joined the conversation, startling Han Xing. However, since his goddess’s master had encouraged him to continue, he would not let this chance to show off slip from his hands.

He continued, “I mentioned the production year, so what does that mean? It means that all these items aren’t produced annually.

“Strictly speaking, the Mutated Tri-color Pearl isn’t affected by its production year, but its place of production. The entrance to that place is only open once every two years. Due to the all-year-long rough ocean currents and all sorts of environmental factors, the waters where the Tri-color Pearls are located is a dangerous place filled with whirlpools. There are too many giant whirlpools and deep vortices hidden underwater to count. Only once in May every two years, there will be a strange 10-day window when the waters are calm. Up until now, people still don’t know what causes the rough currents to calm down.

“The Starry Ghastly Fish is a school of fish that usually exist in deep-sea areas far from the coastline! I don’t think I need to tell you how dangerous the ocean is, do I? Since the beginning of the Purple Moon era, mankind has yet to conquer the waters! Even though mankind has grown very powerful and even possesses super-advanced technologies that surpass the old civilization, we still fail to conquer it.

“According to reliable sources, there are less than 10 people in the world who are capable of catching Starry Ghastly Fish in the deep sea, but this handful of people have no reason to risk themselves. Hence, people can only wait for the chance when the Starry Ghastly Fish swim close enough to the coastline, which is also in May but occurs once every three years.

“They will only swim to a dozen fixed areas around the coastline, but not all of the coasts are suitable for catching fish. Many dangers lurk in the waters, and until now, mankind has only occupied 5 fishing spots. Moreover, the fishes caught in Darkness Port’s fishing spot are known for its quality.”

Han Xing talked about everything endlessly, but Tang Ling had to admit that he was very precise with his explanation. Most importantly, Han Xing would not charge him for listening, unlike Boss Huang. With the information being free, it was like a pleasant melody to his ears that soothed his heart.

Even Ro Xin was captivated. She automatically poured another cup of tea for Han Xing.

Although her master had told her about the items before, he did not go into detail as Han Xing did. Han Xing even explained the reasons and his analysis properly.

When he saw Ro Xin refill his cup of tea, Han Xing displayed a wicked smile, but when he saw Tang Ling’s glare, his smile toned down and he continued explaining.

After a gulp of water, he continued, “I suppose, up until this point, everyone must think that the Mutated Tri-color Pearl or the Starry Ghastly Fish are hard to get, but the hardest of them all is the Seven Stamen Lotus,

“It’s a type of living being that didn’t exist in the old civilization. All the modern scientists have failed to find out what kind of old civilization species it mutated from. It is shaped like the lotus in a lake and its useful part is its stamen. Hmm, how should I put it? It’s actually a lot more beautiful than how I describe it. Based on common sense, how can such a thing grow in the sea? Still, it does.

“It’s unusually difficult to find, and we only know that it will appear in a special sea area near Darkness Port, but nothing is known about the exact place of origin and growth pattern. When the Purple Moon rises, it will only appear at night randomly in that special area in the sea and just for a short period. As for how magical it is, even I don’t have the exact words to explain because it’s constantly changing.” Han Xing scratched his head awkwardly.

Suddenly, Gu Dao, the weird old man, cut into the conversation again, “Yes, it is ever-changing. So, if you want to get it, you will have to face all kinds of unstable situations that keep changing.” After he left the young ones with a couple of sentences, the match on the screen started and he glued his eyes back to it with a serious look, rendering the young ones speechless.

His behavior was understandable because the live broadcast of the matches in the arena area cost money and the fee was not exactly cheap, so not watching the broadcast would be a waste of money.

“Change?” Tang Ling was in deep thoughts as his brows furrowed. He then looked at Han Xing. “You mentioned it only appears in a special area of the sea. What kind of ‘special’ are you talking about?”

“The Death Mist Area. It’s that simple. Do you need any more explanation?” Han Xing shrugged. If Tang Ling did not know about the Death Mist Area, the conversation could not continue.

The Death Mist Area? Of course, Tang Ling had heard about it. It was a type of mist that appeared randomly at sea. It could appear anywhere as long as there was water.

The ships that sailed into the mist had a high chance of not returning. Only a handful of ships could sail out of the mist alive, whether it was luck or power that blessed them.

Besides, the way the ships made it out of the mist could not be taken as a reference point because everyone would have different encounters in the mist area. This particular point coincidentally coincided with the changes during the extraction of the Seven Stamen Lotus.

With that in mind, Tang Ling asked, “Extracting in the Death Mist Area is basically a suicide mission, yet people take the risk to get it?”

“Hmm, it’s different. When the Death Mist floats towards that special area in the sea near Darkness Port and forms the Death Mist Area, the Seven Stamen Lotus will surely appear. The strange thing is that when the Seven Stamen Lotus appears in the Death Mist Area, the ships might still encounter all sorts of danger when sailing in, but unless the captain or the ship has a suicidal intent, it won’t be as harsh as sailing into the Death Mist Area without the Seven Stamen Lotus. The probability of sailing out alive is higher than dying within,” Han Xing tried his best to explain to Tang Ling.

In the Purple Moon era, there were far too many mysterious phenomenons to count and record. With no rational explanation for them, the best thing to do was to tell others about it and try to find a way around it.

“I get it now. So, the Death Mist Area in the special area in the sea with the Seven Stamen Lotus is relatively safer than the normal circumstances. Even if the ship doesn’t get the Seven Stamen Lotus, there won’t be that many life-threatening threats, am I right?” asked Tang Ling.

“Something like that.” Han Xing nodded.

“Hmm, that means the only pattern that people have found out about the Seven Stamen Lotus is that when the Death Mist Area forms in a certain area at sea near Darkness Port, it will surely be there?” Tang Ling was adept at capturing the details to analyze the information, so he accurately absorbed all the important points in the explanation.

“Bro, you are really smart! Can you practice swordplay with me when we go back? What do you say?” Han Xing seized the chance to flatter Tang Ling just so he could get the chance to practice.

“We’ll talk about it later.” Tang Ling was thinking about something else. The three mystical items would surely be a target for the major factions, so how should he get his hands on these items? With money? That was not realistic enough.

Ro Xin told Tang Ling, “Tang Ling, after listening to all that, I suppose I don’t have to remind you about the points, do I? You must have noticed something.”

“I got it. Han Xing emphasized the production year. Does it mean that the opportunity in May next year is about the chance of all these items appearing at once?” Tang Ling answered briefly.

Ro Xin looked at him with an admiring gaze. She felt like it was never too tiring to talk to him.

Tang Ling, on the other hand, finally understood why Boss Huang said that the upcoming opportunity was rare and that Tang Ling’s generation was lucky. The conditions for these items to appear were harsh, especially the Seven Stamen Lotus! It was…

With that in mind, Tang Ling asked again, “Are you sure that the Seven Stamen Lotus will appear? I’m not too sure about it. Are there any signs of its appearance?”

“There are. Even though people are having headaches about the randomness of the formation and the whereabouts of the Death Mist, it isn’t impossible to observe the mist either. Two years ago, some elite scientists worked together with a special observation instrument and deduced that the Death Mist will appear in that special area in May next year.

“On top of that, this upcoming Death Mist Area is unlike others. Rumor has it that the Nine Stamen Lotus will appear. Legend says that your fa-, I mean, Tang Feng got one of those before, but he didn’t prove it himself, so it was deemed a myth.” Ro Xin also knew a lot, but when she mentioned Tang Feng, she paused for a second because she knew Tang Ling did not like his father.

On the other hand, Han Xing scratched his head in confusion as he looked at her with a bedazzled expression. “Roro, Tang Ling had such an amazing father. Why would you…”

Speaking of Han Xing and Tang Feng, the two of them had a special connection. Han Xing admired Tang Feng from the bottom of his heart for teaching him the sword technique.

Because of his admiration for Tang Feng, when he suspected that the person in the ring yesterday might be Tang Ling, he had followed him without a second thought. Han Xing was older than Tang Ling, yet he willingly called the latter ‘bro’.

However, Han Xing had not revealed his connection with Tang Feng because he still had some hesitation and worries, but it did not stop him from being annoyed with Ro Xin for disrespecting Tang Feng. Even though he loved beautiful girls, he had strong principles and a bottom line.

Ro Li was coughing violently as he looked at Han Xing. He coughed so hard that his lungs might come out at any moment.

Feeling weird, Han Xing wanted to say something, but Ro Xin beat him to it. “What did you call me? Roro? Am I that close to you?”

Han Xing did not feel defeated at all. Instead, he was happy to respond, “Roro, feisty! I like it!”

Damn it! What about his principles and bottom line?