Death Guns In Another World-Chapter 1126 1063: Gracier Alexandra Kael 1

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In one of the high-ranked dungeons was a group, Gracier group but currently, she was alone in front of what she believed to be a ghost town whose name is Sanlow.

The gentle road that led to Sanlow was slowly absorbed back into nature as grass, flowers and small shrubs reclaimed what they can as fast as they can. Gardens grew beyond their artificial borders and began claiming parts of the streets and houses.

Some doors had collapsed or were perhaps destroyed by looters or animals as time passed. Either way, they left a welcoming entrance for animals. Clothing, home appliances, and other belongings were left lost and broken outside some of the homes. They were of no use to anyone anymore.

Sanlow, once a major festival town and home to an amazing night lift was now a ghost town in the truest sense. Silence had taken hold and would've been deafening were it not for the many animals that had made this place their home. Bird songs, rustling bushes, and the occasional howl filled the air.

Destroyed packages, remnants of forgotten letters, and unpaid bills littered the floor of the post office. The smell of animal droppings clung to the air as much as the droppings did to the floor, the animals loved the post office.

Street after street of abandoned homes made for a terrifying thought. Each house was once a home, a home belonging to a family and now there was only emptiness. But despite all the decay and destruction at least there was happiness among the animals. Most had found a relative haven to live in.

''I wonder what is the real identity of dungeons. Maybe they are the vestige of a forgotten civilization?'' Gracier wondered while passing through the ghost town when she suddenly stopped and declared.

''Why not stop and come out now?" She declared with a provocative smile and it didn't take long for the enemies to come out from all directions like ghosts but more like moles as they came from underground.

When Gracier finally saw the enemy's identity she was left speechless.

''Dark elves?"

''No, I should call you lots short Gray elves,'' Gracier said after observing the barely 5ft elves with gray skins and dark pupils. fr𝚎e𝙬𝚎𝚋𝚗૦ν𝚎𝒍.c૦m

''Kill!'' Someone among the gray elves ordered, surely their leader.

And then in the blink of an eye, there was nothing except darkness. This was also the innate skill of the Gray elves—Dark Mist. They could create a mass of darkness that not even magical spells could penetrate and conceal themselves within it. Almost no surface creatures were able to get away safely from this skill.

But it was a pity that their enemies were entirely different this time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shortly after the dark elves released the dark mists in a panic, a series of rumbles and explosions echoed as a dazzling, flame column appeared above them. Then, it slammed the ground like a gigantic flame hammer. Not only did the flame power eradicate the darkness, but it also smashed them into bits.

Gracier who had simply created a flame hammer in a flash withdrew her right arm and let out a burst of evil laughter. At the next moment, she dashed straight into the hectic battlefield like a streaking meteor, crashing into her victims.


Before one of the unfortunate gray elves figured out the situation, it was plowed into a corpse underneath Gracier's feet. In this thunderous explosion, the surroundings couldn't help but rumble, where cracks spread across the weaker building walls. The mighty impact proliferated in powerful airwaves, striking and blasting away gray elves that couldn't evade in time. In an instant, the area around Gracier was cleanly swept. Apart from the spider web-like fissures underneath her feet, there was nothing else left.

But at that moment, the other Gray elves that came out from the underground launched attacks like professional assassins.

The instant she landed on the ground, several razor-sharp, pitch-black, and seemingly modified blades struck at her. Their elves' swordsmanship was top-notch, especially in terms of speed and accuracy. Not only that but the blades of their swords were also smeared with a lethal poison that could seal one's throat. Just a scratch from the blade would be enough to send one into the abyssal of death… But it was a pity that they were dealing with a rock-hard enemy right now.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

In a string of crisp rasps, the invisible barrier negated all threats mercilessly. The strong recoils from the blades forced the gray elves back by half a step. Despite that, they instinctively extended their arms to strike again. But at that moment, Gracier retaliated.

"Not bad but that will not work as you will die here!"

Gracier bellowed at the top of her lungs. She raised and spread her arms to the side. Along with this action, innumerable, flaring lights erupted around the transparent barrier, dispersing in all directions and ramming into the gray elves. Even though the elves wore armor that was highly resistant to ordinary magical spells, it was a pity that Gracier's light flame was not normal. She is the master's hundred flames after all. As soon as the flame beams slammed onto the gray elves, they would feel as though red branding irons were pressed against their skin at once, where not even the well-trained dark elves could withstand this agonizing pain. As blood-curdling screeches filled the air, the encirclement of the gray elves disintegrated entirely like a broken eggshell.

"Oh no!"

Looking at this scene, the bewildered female gray elf wearing a mage's robe who was protected at the rear turned ashen. As a spell caster, she understood more than the others just how powerful Gracier's attack was. Even though she was mentally prepared for such an extent of the attack, the terrifying fire power made her tremble in fear. But now wasn't the time to be terrified. The moment the encirclement shattered, she raised her snake whip and yelled out evil incantations. Shortly after, a pitch-black and ice-cold energy of death coalesced on the tip of the six-headed snake whip. Then, she snarled and flourished the long whip.


The dark, sinister energy of death metamorphosed into a gigantic viper that widened its jaw and pounced on Gracier. She who was seemingly unable to react in time was swallowed by the viper entirely.

'I did it!'

Looking at her success, the female mage cheered inwardly. This was one of the most powerful spells she mastered. Any life form that came into contact with the darkness of death would have its energy absorbed in the shortest time possible, before drying up into an ice-cold, corpse.

However, before the female mage completed her smile, a dazzling, light flashed past her eyes.


In the blink of an eye, the enormous viper exploded into bits of fragments. The burning energy surged like blazing flames, devouring the snake whip in the female mage's hand. The female mage gaped, but at the same time, a petite, jade-white fist grew in size as it enveloped her vision.

With a loud bang, the female mage's skull was like a watermelon smashed by a baseball bat. Her beautiful face was completely crushed. One of her perfect eyes fell out of its socket and dropped to the ground. But at the next moment, it was squashed by a boot that landed on it!


Gazing at the corpse that was spurting blood from the neck and falling back to the ground, she nodded in pleasure and raised her bloodied right hand high in the air.

"And now it's your turn.'' Gracier declared as she rubbed her nose gently and cocked her head to the side with an evil grin.


In the next fifteen minutes, the silent ghost town was filled with blood-curdling screeches and destruction, she killed more than a hundred Gray elves.

''I should join Saeko but I wonder how my brother is doing? I miss him so much. Once we are back I should have him go on a date with me.'' Gracier had a sweet smile as she talked about her brother.

Meanwhile, in another location is Saeko but unlike Gracier's fight, Saeko sauntered by the rear, putting up an elegant smile like a young noble lady taking a stroll in the back garden. She extended her arms and along with this action, her katana was summoned and from this katana, a blood-like mist escaped the land around her. The mist trembled and struggled constantly as though it were self-willed, before slipping back into the ground. She swung her katana. Countless bursts of red light erupted from her katana and struck her surroundings destroying everything radius of twelve meters.

After killing so many monsters Saeko's expression wasn't bright as one would have expected because she was something on her mind lately. She missed her lover Alex, for some unknown reason she wanted to see him as if something was about to grow wrong, she ought to be by his side she thought.

''I must have missed him for so long that I'm overacting.'' She said before adding.

''This longing has become a road I can walk forever, but seeing you would be such sweet relief.''

''Pft! Hahahaha, those were some creepy lines. Hahahaha, I should join Gracier I bet she missed him too. I wonder when Gracier will bring a man home.'' She had a mysterious smile on her face when she pictured Gracier with a man, a lover.

'Probably, it would be asking for too much knowing her feelings.' Saeko thought with a sigh.