Deep Affection: Honey, Come Back To Me-Chapter 537 What Does It Mean To Enter A Mans Room

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"I hoped that there was something happened." Cali felt helpless.

"You did." Ivy insisted, "Mr. Sean must like you, but you don't know. You see, he never cares about others, but only you. He doesn't get close to others either. You two have just walked a long way.

And he saved you and beat someone for you. He likes you. You are lying!" Ivy asked in disbelief.

Biting her lips, Cali's eyes were as bright as the stars at night. She held Ivy's hand and asked, "Really?"

Ivy patted her chest and promised, "Trust me, Mr. Sean will definitely like you."

For a moment, Cali felt as sweet as honey.

She held Ivy's hand tightly as if she was holding support. She said excitedly, "What do you think I should do? Am I going to confess my love to him? But shouldn't we let boys come to confess their love?"

"You have to act according to the actual situation." Ivy looked around and went to a hidden place with her hand in hand. "Let's go there and say that in case of we are caught slacking off, I'll be doomed."

As soon as they arrived at a place where they could talk, Cali couldn't wait to ask, "How can we act according to the actual situation?" 𝗳𝙧𝐞𝚎w𝗲𝚋n𝚘𝙫𝑒𝘭.𝑐om

"Is Mr.

ese roses." Nina said and left.

She knocked on the door of John's room, and soon the door opened.

"I knew you were in your room. If others are angry, they will slam the door and go out. Only you will hide in the room." Nina smiled fawningly at him, revealing her white teeth.

'My little girl with bright eyes and bright teeth always made people unable to be unhappy.' At this moment, John sighed helplessly in his heart and remained calm on his face.

"I'm not angry." John leaned towards the door and looked at her with his deep eyes. "Didn't you say that you should keep a distance from me?"

'Why did you say that you were not angry with me by acting like this?' 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

With her heart beating fast, Nina looked at him aggrievedly. "There are no servants living here, but can you let me in first?"

"Are you sure you want to come in? Do you know what it means to enter a man's room?" John looked at her leisurely and said.

Nina thought, 'Of course I knew.'

"Yes." Nina pushed him into the room and closed the door with a bang. She pulled his tie with her right hand and kissed him on tiptoe.

The whole process went smoothly in less than two seconds.