Deep Sea Embers-Chapter 801: Pilgrimage of the Apocalypse

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Chapter 801: Pilgrimage of the Apocalypse

As twilight descended, a chaotic breeze swept across the expansive plains, picking up fallen leaves from the modest hills and whirling them towards the vast sky above. The city’s outline on the horizon was bathed in the remaining sunlight, gradually enveloping it in a radiant golden glow.

This “illusion,” crafted by Navigator Two using the residual data in its database, was astonishingly lifelike. It was so detailed that it replicated even the tiniest particles of dust and the subtle movements of the breeze with remarkable precision. Knowing that his interaction was with an ancient artificial intelligence at a conscious level, Duncan recognized the scene’s artificiality. Without prior knowledge, distinguishing the simulated hill and plains from their real counterparts would have been impossible.

Yet, this was, indeed, an illusion. The flaw of this simulation lay in its perfection—every dust particle was meticulously calculated by Navigator Two. The wind that seemed to flow chaotically had its path predetermined within the AI’s core algorithms before it ever began to traverse the plains. The simulation was constrained by its database and calculations, leaving no room for the unexpected, not even a randomly blown dust particle.

The ancient kings were aware of the apocalypse and the reality of the Great Annihilation, but only Navigator Two, a sophisticated AI developed by an advanced civilization that once navigated the cosmic seas, grasped the subtle yet critical “differences” in the fundamental laws of the universe.

And now, it had encountered another being capable of comprehending everything.

A weary man, clad in a white lab coat, found solace on the slope of a hill, seated on a substantial rock, gazing distantly at the artificial twilight.

“My creators had not achieved the advancements of your civilization; hence, I struggle to comprehend what a 0.002-second slice of the universe signifies or the futures it could unfold. Therefore, I fear that your strategy might only be expanding a ‘Boundless Sea.’

“Though it may be vast, capable of harboring trillions of stars, and might exist for billions of years, mimicking the lifespan of a genuine universe, as long as the challenge of ‘ultimate transcendence’ remains unresolved, it would still serve as a ‘sanctuary’ where the evolution of civilization is confined to its initial design. Thus, the very forces that once obliterated our homeland could threaten it once more…

“‘Paranoia’ was the second concept I learned related to ‘human nature’ after my creators disappeared. This ‘paranoia’ and ‘fear’ are deeply ingrained in the foundation of my system, driving me to incessantly ponder and calculate in pursuit of a scenario allowing ‘two-dimensional beings’ to ‘rise’ from their plane—a phenomenon I’ve termed a ‘super-system event.’

“Yet, I’ve not succeeded.

“A self-contained system precludes occurrences outside its parameters. Despite countless adjustments and refinements to my logical framework, the stark reality is that the nature of non-closed-loop and super-system events is a privilege exclusive to the real universe.”

The tranquility of the hillside enveloped Duncan and Navigator Two as they both looked off into the distance together. After a period of reflective silence, Duncan unexpectedly voiced a thought: “…So, for the Boundless Sea, Shirley represents a ‘super-system’ entity. Could it be because the ‘information’ I carry surpasses the boundaries of the Boundless Sea itself – yet, within the universe’s 0.002-second span that I embody, this portion of information remains a part of a self-contained system, incapable of transcending itself?”

Duncan shared this notion with a sense of unease, realizing that this hypothesis offered little in the way of reassurance. If his speculation were accurate, it would confirm Navigator Two’s grave concerns: regardless of whether it’s in the old world or the new, a “super-system event” would be unattainable – civilization was destined to be ensnared within an enclosure, despite how expansive it might be engineered.

Navigator Two remained silent for a moment, lost in thought, before gently shaking his head.

“Upon encountering that girl, I did entertain this theory for a moment. However, upon deeper analysis, I ultimately discarded this notion,” he articulated thoughtfully, “because you didn’t completely ‘reshape’ her. Apart from your ‘influence,’ everything that makes up Shirley remains a ‘creation’ confined within the sanctuary…

“This situation could be interpreted as a super-system event within what was initially a closed-loop system, yet you didn’t genuinely alter the ‘total information’ of the Boundless Sea sanctuary. That is to say… the universe’s 0.002-second worth of information is still entirely encapsulated within you.

“From this perspective, the ‘super-system’ characteristic should be considered as intrinsic to you. The alterations in Shirley did not result from her being endowed with ‘information’ from outside the Boundless Sea, rather it’s because she acquired your ‘trait.'”

Duncan, pondering deeply, felt compelled to respond: “But your assessment might be flawed, as you yourself have acknowledged the ‘limitations’ of a closed-loop system.”

“Yes, being confined within a closed-loop system restricts my ability to perfectly analyze and calculate singularities pertaining to you. Hence, the possibility that the ‘new world is just another Boundless Sea’ cannot be disregarded.”

Navigator Two paused, then slightly shook his head again.

“Nevertheless, it is of no consequence. In the end, lacking a superior alternative, ‘doing our utmost’ is often the only course of action available.”

Without further comment, Duncan simply nodded in agreement. Then, he and Navigator Two continued to sit on the hillside, basking in the serene tranquility of the evening air, their gaze fixed on the shimmering river waves across the plains.

In this digital illusion, time seemed to flow exceedingly slowly – and it had been a considerable while since Duncan had allowed his mind such respite.

Yet, like all moments of luxurious repose, it felt fleeting once concluded.

“I should leave,” Duncan announced abruptly, rising from his seated position on the hill. “There’s still a long journey ahead.”

“Yes, you have much farther to go,” responded Navigator Two, standing up to face Duncan with a composed look. “You still have to meet the remaining two of us. After you’ve visited all the nodes along the external barrier, Gomona awaits your arrival—do not make her wait too long.” freewebnø

Duncan paused, absorbing these words before responding, “…You’re aware of my intentions, aren’t you?”

“…You are embarking on a pilgrimage along the external barrier, the initial step in the dismantling of this world,” Navigator Two revealed with an innocent smile. “I understand that once you depart from Gomona’s place, the actual dismantling of this world will commence its countdown. Regardless of how the new world will form, the disassembly of the old world is an integral part of this transformation. We must find a way to conclude this persistent… ‘Great Annihilation.'”

He extended his arm, offering his hand to Duncan with a smile of pure joy.

“I cannot predict the chances of our success, nor can I foresee whether we can be ‘carried over’ into this new world, and in what form we might exist there. But I trust that you will give it your all, so I’ll see you in the new world.”

Duncan regarded the offered hand for a brief moment before accepting it.

A small green spark quietly jumped between their clasped hands, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.

“See you in the new world.”

Duncan’s form slowly faded away—disconnecting from the simulation.

The wind that had been moving across the plains and hills came to a halt, and the golden-red sunlight that had illuminated the sky began to dim. Standing quietly on the hillside, the man in the white lab coat watched as darkness gradually enveloped the world around him.

Memories of his homeland nestled back into the shadows; he remained there, motionless for an extended period, before slowly raising his right hand.

A small green spark lingered on his fingertip, but in an instant, it was enveloped by a soft starlight glow, seemingly revealing its “true essence.”

Navigator Two raised his hand, waving gently in the enveloping darkness.

Suddenly, a complex tapestry of lights and shadows sprang from the void, rapidly morphing to reveal a scene of staggering complexity—the vast, dimly lit expanse of the Boundless Sea, cities shrouded in fog, and the misty borders of the world, along with the nodes and barriers that flickered in and out of existence.

This scene unfolded on what could be described as the surveillance display of the entire world.

As Navigator Two’s eyes moved over the projection, his attention was drawn to the periphery, where the nodes and barriers were just barely perceptible. There, a shimmer of starlight caught his attention.

This starlight, originating from the node known as the “Leviathan Queen,” had traced a path in the shape of a quarter arc along the external barrier, making its way to rest at his own “Navigator node.”

This starlight appeared to be wearing away at the barrier, radiating a potent and expansive “aura”… that was accompanied by the unmistakable scent of impending destruction.

Navigator Two remained in a state of silent anticipation. After an indeterminate period, he witnessed the starlight at the Navigator node flicker momentarily before continuing its journey toward the next node.

This advancing arc of starlight along the barrier acted as a forewarning, a countdown to the end of the world.

Pondering the situation, Navigator Two adjusted his focus slightly, and a message materialized within his field of vision, destined for a distant recipient:

“Sender- LH02, To – King of Fire – He is en route to you.”

In the engulfing darkness, Navigator Two awaited a response, an interval that seemed longer than any previous communication with Ta Ruijin.

Eventually, a response materialized:

“Sender-King of Fire – Understood, I am prepared.”

“Sender – LH02 – Your response was delayed, is everything alright?”

“…The flames grow weaker, but I remain.”

“…Bartok, are you present?”


“Leviathan Queen, are you still with us?”


From the desolate wastelands above, the eerie howls and whispers akin to those from a tempestuous temple were barely discernible. With a gentle exhale, Navigator Two waved his hand, dispersing the lingering dim illumination in the atmosphere.