Demon King Ascension System-Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: Human Cannonball

Some distance away from where Robus had just collapsed a tree with his earth spike throws, a humanoid demon was currently chasing after a very agile oversized demon monkey.

‘What did he do over there?’ Blake pondered as he heard three consecutive booms from where he left Robus with the earth spikes.

His mind might have asked that question, but Blake himself already had a guess on what could possibly happen that caused such resounding booms that even filled his ears from quite far away to happen.

‘It was probably him throwing those huge earth spikes and something breaking at the end. Probably a boulder or a tree, more possibly a tree since I doubt the earth spike is sturdier than rock boulders..’

The first two booms sounded similar and only differed about a few seconds from each other while the last one took longer and sounded crisper and had a stronger vibration than the first two.

“His strength really is unbelievable...” Blake shook his head left and right and muttered out loud while still jumping around left and right, following the one remaining monkey from the group of four.

Blake had already expected that chasing after the monkey wouldn’t be an easy feat due to their high agility and his very average physique stat.


He was still able to keep up with the monkey, but it was only due to the monkey trying to confuse him and also dodging the occasional darkness bullet that Blake cast by running left and right, up and down, basically all over the place, in order to not be hit by Blake’s attack.

If the monkey were to run away in a straight line, which would also be difficult in a forest full of trees, then it would have already outrun Blake by a lot.

Blake had also realized this fact, hence why he used the darkness bullets to prevent the monkey from doing exactly that.

However, if they ever reached a large clearing in the forest, which was quite rare, but not impossible to find, then the monkey would truly be able to use its clearly superior physical strength to run away and Blake would have to give up on the monkey.

And although the darkness bullet had done a lot so far, it was clear that it was only enough for Blake to barely keep up with the monkey, it wasn’t able to make Blake really catch up to the monkey.

In order to truly catch up to the monkey, Blake would need to either make the monkey completely stop moving for a few seconds or make himself move fast enough.

He had been thinking about the two methods so far and he already had a vague idea in mind about how to achieve one of the two methods.

The first method might be harder to do since even the darkness bullet, the fastest moving spell in Blake’s arsenal, was the only spell that had the speed to threaten the monkey with its agility and was only able to make the monkey slightly change its course.

However, that didn’t mean that it was impossible to halt the monkey’s movements.

Blake had thought of a method, but in order to do it, he had to get close enough to the monkey, which means that he would need to use the second method first and make his body move faster.

One of the ways that would instantly make his body move faster was to deactivate Robus’ bloodline power that Blake had currently activated.

However, Blake wasn’t sure if it was wise for him to do it since he was aware that his current body was as flimsy as a sheet of paper and the monkey would most likely be able to fatally injure him without even using their bloodline power.

Just like how the monkeys back on earth had the necessary strength to rip your face off if you piss them enough, it was only logical to think that the demonic beast equivalent of the monkeys in the demon realm was several times bigger than the monkeys back on earth would have the strength to not only rip your face but also the power to tear your limbs apart from your body.

And Blake didn’t want to be turned into an amputee just because he underestimated his enemy.

‘I will really put more love into my physique stat after my spirit stat is high enough to handle second realm spells...’ Blake promised to himself.

So turning off the dark earth armor wasn’t a possible option and Blake would have to think of something else to increase his speed.

Blake had an unusual idea in mind about how to get that speed boost he needed. But he wasn’t sure himself whether it would work out or not.

The move that he had in mind was inspired by a video game character that he played on his phone back then.

The character he played moved slowly while walking on the ground, but they were capable of using cables to pull themself forward.

And if he used two cables and put them at two opposite sides, then the character would be propelled forward, straight in the middle of the two cables with great speed. In fact, it was one of the fastest moving characters in the game if the character used that ability.

Going by his logic, it should work. And the little knowledge of physics that he got from his prior education at school also told him that it should be possible.

Blake didn’t know if he could pull it off or not since it would be his first time ever doing something like that with his real physical body.

But thinking that he had nothing to lose if he were to try doing it and the fact that he had been running for quite some distance away and they would sooner or later meet the clearing that would enable the monkey to flee from him, Blake decided to just do it.

Blake kept his eyes observing the ever-changing surroundings around him as he waited for the perfect moment for him to recreate the video game character’s ability.

And it soon appeared. ƒ𝚛𝐞𝚎𝑤𝘦𝚋𝓷o𝚟e𝘭.c𝐨𝙢

2 trees, a few meters apart and parallel from each other, and more importantly, a clear path forward directly to the running monkey in front of him, Blake instantly knew that it was the perfect time to do it.

Blake might not have cables to pull himself forward, but he had something even better.

Blake drew two sets of runes with both of his hands and they were the familiar runes that he used almost everyday.

The runes were plainly too simple that a split second was enough for Blake to finish both runes simultaneously and cast the spells at the same time.

The runes flashed and soon two darkness tendrils, one from each of his hands shot out and they aimed themselves towards the two parallel trees on two opposite sides.

They soon latched themselves onto the trees and pulled Blake towards them.

If there was only one darkness tendril, then Blake’s body would have been pulled in that direction.

However, because there were two darkness tendrils pulling Blake to different sides, his body was pulled forward instead of the two directions, heading straight into the running monkey.

With the boost he got from the darkness tendrils, Blake’s body shot past the two trees that he used as anchors and the speed that his body was currently flying with was several times faster compared to the monkey’s speed, even almost reaching the huge crow’s flying at full speed.

The monkey was initially oblivious of Blake suddenly gaining that much speed in an instant, and Blake was only a second away from crashing against the monkey.

But call it a beast’s instinct or the monkey was sensitive to the absence of Blake’s steps behind it, the monkey didn’t hesitate to quickly kick the ground and side-stepped, essentially saving itself from being hit by Blake’s flying body.

Blake was of course aware of this fact since he had his eyes locked on the monkey.

But he wasn’t worried at all since the reason that he propelled his body forward in the first place wasn’t that he wanted to be a human cannonball and hit the monkey with his body.

The moment he let go of the two darkness tendrils from his hands, Blake had already cast another darkness tendril spell.

But instead of aiming it toward another tree to change his course of movement towards the monkey’s direction, Blake just directly aimed the darkness tendril towards the monkey who was only a few steps away from his body that was still flying forward with the momentum.

With the distance between the two being so close, Blake’s sudden and unpredictable movements, and also the speed of the darkness tendril leaving his hand, the darkness tendril successfully latched itself onto the monkey’s body, pulling Blake straight into the monkey while also jerking the monkey towards Blake’s direction.

And now that he was locked onto his target and there was no way for him to miss, Blake didn’t hesitate to be a human cannonball and used his body that was clad in dark earth armor to crash into the monkey’s body.

His naked body might have had his bones cracked and destroyed if he were to try and pit them against the monkey’s physique, but the dark earth armor was a whole nother thing.

The moment the dark earth armor that carried all of Blake’s momentum crashed against the monkey’s body, several loud and crisp cracks were heard.

But those cracks weren’t from Blake’s weaker physique, instead, they came from the monkey’s bones breaking apart from being pounded by the dark earth armor.

And not only that, the monkey’s body was thrown backward as it carried on the momentum that Blake’s body previously had, crashing the monkey’s body onto a thick tree trunk before falling down to the ground.