Depthless Hunger-Chapter 155: Zae Zin Nim and the Brightwind Sect

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Chapter 155: Zae Zin Nim and the Brightwind Sect

Normally Zae Zin Nim trusted Kai to take care of himself. Even if he was idealistic to the point of naivety, he was strong and he could be trusted to fight or kill when necessary. But now he was dealing with Omilaena, who she didn't trust, and sect cultivators, who would be more ruthless than he could understand.

Technically she was supposed to be cultivating, but her focus repeatedly wavered. She wished she could just kill everyone sent by the Brightwind sect, but she needed more time...

Eventually she couldn't take it any longer. Zae Zin Nim erased her presence as well as she could while moving and headed out into the city. She used the crystal ship immediately, because it hid her features and would look like every other Krysali ship. Once inside, she rose higher over the city and examined the lower districts for any sign of trouble.

From above, she couldn't tell anything about any potential battles. She didn't see any flagrant use of qi and didn't feel Kai, which was about all she could do from a distance. The ship from home hovered ominously over the river... until it started to move.

Her attention immediately focused on it, imagining what her father's servants might be doing. She realized that there was a Krysali floating up to them - it had to be Suortril, using his little hovering chair. From a distance she couldn't hear what they were talking about, but several minutes later the ship rose and headed directly for the city wall.

Instead of being happy to see them leave, Zae Zin Nim felt her stomach clench.

She flew after the Brightwind ship, trying to pretend like she was just on a normal errand. They paused briefly at the wall and Suortril gave some signal to the guards by the large defensive crystal, then they were allowed to pass through. This was no departure... they might be pursuing the thief, which could mean further complications... and Kai.

When she accelerated toward the wall, the guards looked nervous and confused. They didn't try to stop her, perhaps assuming that she was with the other ship. Just as well, since she didn't want to waste energy fighting her way out.

Once outside the city, she could just see the Brightwind ship ahead of her. They were using heavy amounts of qi, both from Cloudspire and crystals. It all seemed to be directed forward, scanning for something. The idea of those scanning techniques turning around and being aimed at her made Zae Zin Nim grimace, but it was clear that this was an absolutely essential development and she couldn't afford to ignore it. Whatever they were looking to find could be pivotal.

Eventually they seemed to hone in on a specific target, a squat and oddly large wagon trundling away from the city. It didn't seem unusual until she realized that it blended into the landscape because it was shielded, which was immensely suspicious in and of itself.

As soon as they got within range, one of the Brightwind cultivators leapt out of the ship and raced forward, riding a flying sword. She was gathering qi for an attack when the wagon suddenly exploded in a column of dark blue smoke.

Instantly Zae Zin Nim's attention split in several directions. If she hadn't done so much meditation she likely wouldn't have been able to keep up, as she thought the other cultivators couldn't. On a physical level, the wagon scattered debris and unconscious bodies all across the road. By far the most obvious change on a spiritual level was the appearance of a great chest with the Brightwind logo that glowed with qi. Hidden by the more dramatic events, she just barely sensed something shoot out of the smoke at great speed and vanish.

It wasn't as obvious, but Zae Zin Nim realized that Kai had fallen out of the wagon and her heart leapt. He looked injured and drained, as if he had survived a great battle. Alone among all the bodies, he seemed to be enduring the smoke. She wished she had a way to grab him and retreat, but he was much too close to the others, hidden only by smoke, and she couldn't risk being seen.

No one else seemed to care about either Kai or the fast object, as they were all fixated on the chest. The cultivator riding her sword swept down with a triumphant cry. She examined the chest for a moment and then undid the lock on the front.

Pitch-black smoke belched from within.

The cultivator stumbled back, clutching at her throat, but it was already deep within her system. She had only an ordinary Physique, so she didn't have a chance. Even before the poison finished spreading through her system she was crumpling to the ground and she was dead not long after.

That death sent the rest into a rage. All three of the remaining cultivators leapt out of their ship, descending on the wreckage. Some went to their fallen comrade and others summoned a wind to push away the black poison smoke. Since they were looking in all directions, Zae Zin Nim parked the crystal vessel on the ground hidden by a rocky outcropping and then peered around the corner.

All of them were arguing with one another, and Suortril had descended on his chair to join the discussion. If she centered herself and drew on her qi, she could just hear their words. It sounded as though the chest that should have contained their stolen goods had been filled with poison, which led to many rounds of recrimination. Accusations were being thrown right and left, some blaming one another and others blaming Suortril for negligence.

Abruptly one of the cultivators lashed out, unleashing an enormous burst of qi. To Zae Zin Nim's surprise, it splattered off the glimmering prism - just how strong was that defense?

A case of literary theft: this tale is not rightfully on Amazon; if you see it, report the violation.

"See here, calm yourselves," Suortril said, as if he hadn't just been attacked. "You asked me to bring you the thief, and haven't we caught them? You wanted someone to punish - he's right here."

Zae Zin Nim swallowed as she realized what was about to happen: they all turned on Kai.

His strength had grown immensely and he would have been able to fight them at his best, but he was drained and all three remaining cultivators descended on him. Worse, he was cooperating, as if he could talk his way out of this. As if they would listen to reason.

"Wait, the thief is getting away!" he tried to shout over them. "We were tracking her... Lord Suortril, you should know that the city was investigating!"

"I know of no such thing," Suortril responded coldly. "One or two accomplices may have escaped, but we have you right here beside the desecrated chest. Tell me, friends, do you want justice?"

"This will barely begin to remedy the insult," one of the cultivators said. "This is your failing and your cultivator... do what you should have done and make it right."

Two of the others forced Kai to his knees and he started to struggle as he realized what was going to happen, but the odds were against him. Suortril paused only briefly, then reached into what appeared to be a spatial ring and pulled forth a long wooden lance. He extended it carefully, directly toward Kai's chest.

The smart thing to do would be to flee and let it happen. Two years ago, she would have abandoned him in an instant. But now, even though she knew it would cost her, Zae Zin Nim leapt out to stop them.

"Wait!" She stopped just in front of the group, her full qi fully visible. Instantly the cultivators all turned toward her with wide eyes, forgetting about Kai completely. Suortril frowned at her, but he lowered the lance.

"Mistress Zae Zin Nim!" One of the cultivators stepped forward and bowed. "Your father heard that you have overcome your difficulties and reached the Nascent Foundation stage. He would be glad to welcome you back to the Brightwind Pagoda."

"I'm willing to go back," she said as she walked closer, "but let us forget about this little matter. Are any of the people of Deadwaste worth our time?"

"Of course, you are our primary mission." The cultivator bowed again, but when his head rose, his smile had hardened. "Unfortunately, there were those minor incidents when you left before. Your father is very concerned that you should return to him without causing trouble. We'll have to seal you in order to ensure your cooperation."

"I understand. Do what must be done."

They were walking away from Kai now, having practically forgotten about him. He was back on his feet and he looked like he wanted to jump to her defense, so she shot him a desperate glance. Even if he didn't understand, he held back, letting them surround her.

"Tell me," Zae Zin Nim asked, "how can I help my father and our sect?"

"There's been trouble with the Coiling Island sect," one of them told her as he began the sealing technique. "One of their greatest young masters is in need of a bride, so you may be able to make peace."

"Of course." She closed her eyes and waited for what would come next.

The sealing qi closed around her, aiming to sink into her meridians and block off her cultivation. It evaporated in blue flames as the Coldfire Corona lit up around her and the cultivators flinched back, surprised by the unfamiliar technique.

Zae Zin Nim struck one of them in the forehead, killing him instantly.

She was surprised how easy it had been. Despite all his qi, he had been unprepared and crumpled at her strike. The others immediately struck at her, shooting out great blasts of qi, and she dodged around them. They had power but they struck her as oddly clumsy and it was easy to counterattack, dealing several injuries in the first exchange.

Suortril sat back, watching in annoyance, while Kai was preparing himself to join the battle. When he launched one of his claws directly at her, Zae Zin Nim was ready and flipped overhead.

Both cultivators survived, since they had raised their full qi defenses, but the claw sent them staggering. Between Zae Zin Nim and Kai, they should have been able to finish it. But as soon as they realized they didn't have the advantage the cultivators retreated, and one yelled to the other.

"Tell the patriarch! He must know what happened here!"

One of the cultivators leapt upward, back to their ship. Zae Zin Nim tried to intercept him with a qi bolt, but it was deflected. The remaining cultivator on the ground rushed forward, spending his qi on such a ferocious assault that she was locked in place. With every exchanged blow, the ship accelerated further, turning away to leave the continent for good.

"Kai, you have to!" Zae Zin Nim saw him watching her and screamed out the words. He understood and, with only a moment's hesitation, leapt away after the ship.

For several moments Zae Zin Nim was locked in the melee. They were both at the same stage and now, without the benefit of surprise, she couldn't kill him quickly enough. But over his shoulder, she could just see Kai crouching down and then emitting a massive flaming sphere.

It struck the ship, which exploded in all directions. She wished she could celebrate, but at that moment the cultivator realized that he was alone and he fled.

Only one left. Zae Zin Nim pursued him into the craggy landscape between cities, not letting him escape. He was doing his best to erase his presence and failing, since his heart was pounding. For all that Kai's emotionality had infected her at times, in that moment she felt nothing but certainty. This cultivator threatened her entire life and she would end him.

After a chase into the wasteland, she finally struck his leg with a qi bolt. When he fell to the ground she was on him in an instant, pinning his chest with one foot.

"Tell me what my father is doing and I'll let you live," she said. "Does he know I'm here?"

"No, no!" The cultivator began to plead with empty emotion, wanting nothing more than to save his own life. "He knew you had broken through on Deadwaste, but not where. So he sent us to every port where we had connections to begin the search."

"How many?"

"I don't know! I think there was one more in... in Krysal. Several in the other nations. We had a few paltry resources, the sort of thing that the barbarians drool over, but that was just to help the search."

"Then why care about the theft?"

"Because those resources were for you!" The man gave her an obsequious smile and bobbed his head like a peasant servant. "The patriarch was concerned that your cultivation might have deviated, so he had a plan to help restore you."

"I see." Zae Zin Nim considered whether or not she needed any more information from the man, then killed him with a palm strike.

As she turned back, she allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. Yes, she had just started a terrible countdown, because in time her father would realize that one group wasn't returning and make assumptions. But it would take quite some time, so the threat was no longer hanging over her head. Hopefully when she finally had no choice but to confront her father, he would no longer have the power to control her life.

It should have been over... but Kai was nowhere to be seen. As Zae Zin Nim searched desperately for any trace of him or the merchant, she realized that their troubles were far from over.

This content is taken from fr(e)ewebn(o)vel.𝓬𝓸𝓶