Descent of the Demon Master-Chapter 576. Tightening (1)

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Chapter 576. Tightening (1)

“Sir, your granddaughter seems quite spirited,” said a man as he stepped inside Lee Jung-Geol's office.

“Fuu-woo...” Lee Jung-Geol sighed, then chuckled bitterly. “Yes, it seems so.”

“Even if it's you, Assembly Master... I'm sure it'll be difficult to suppress your affection toward your own grandchild.”

What a subtle provocation that was. This man was saying that even Lee Jung-Geol would get shaken up by the presence of his own flesh and blood.

However, Lee Jung-Geol was capable of brushing aside this kind of provocation with ease. If things were stable and peaceful, sound advice was what one needed to hear, but in times of strife? A driven, starving wolf with an ax to grind could be more of a help.

Lee Jung-Geol coolly rebutted the provocation. “There is nothing to worry about. I'm not the type to let my emotions run amok because of my grandchild. You know that too, don't you?”

The man, Director Jo Hwa-Pyeong, slowly nodded away. Lee Jung-Geol was right. He never really was interested in caring about his family. Director Jo was well aware of how Lee Jung-Geol's son died, after all! “My apologies, sir. I was out of line.”

“No need to apologize. The old me would've been displeased by what you said. But I know better now. I fell from the top because I allowed such words to get under my skin. That is why I should take such words in my stride. Be glad that someone cares enough about me to say such things.”

That wasn't the only thing Lee Jung-Geol learned. He also learned that the type of cuisine didn't give worth to the experience of eating a fulfilling meal. The best type of meal in this world was... Taking in the sight of his fallen enemies and silently munching away at his food!

Even if that food was a mud-covered ball of cold rice, it'd still taste like heaven!

“Director Jo, how were their responses so far?”

“It's leaning in our favor, sir,” said Director Jo.

“Hmph...” A subtle smirk floated up on Lee Jung-Geol's lips.

“It unfolded as you said, sir. Giving them time was the correct call. Most are now on our side. Of course, the actions of some members have been a little unclear, but there shouldn't be an issue as we're still monitoring them.”

“Solidarity is indeed important,” said Lee Jung-Geol as he lightly tapped on the window. “You see, solidarity is like this glass, Director Jo. Put too much pressure on it, and it'll shatter to pieces. However, once you decide to break it, the glass could be surprisingly resilient. So, you need juuust the right amount of pressure to manage the glass.”

“Yes, sir. You're absolutely correct.”

“Anything else of note?”

Director Jo fake-coughed to clear his throat first. “Before I start, I must apologize to you first, sir.”


“I took the liberty of contacting the Yeongnam Group's elders first. I thought reporting to you first and waiting for your approval could take a little too much time,” said Director Jo. He deeply bowed when Lee Jung-Geol's gaze sharpened. “My apologies, sir.”

“Being proactive is a good thing. However, independently making decisions means you must shoulder the responsibilities as well. I'm sure you knew that, yes?”

“Of course, sir.”

“Good, then. Very good. Director Jo, you and I are no longer the same as our past selves. I must let go of things I should have. And you can't keep waiting for me to give you orders, too. So, this is a good change for both of us. However...” Lee Jung-Geol spoke in a calm voice. “You must watch yourself. You simply must. We need to be extra cautious in everything we do. That is our current situation. However, if our plan goes awry because you've made a mistake somewhere... I won't be able to let that go, Director Jo.”

Cold sweat drops trickled down Director' Jo's forehead.

Lee Jung-Geol sounded so calm. So utterly composed. But that composure was scaring Director Jo even more.

Wasn't Kang Jin-Ho scary, too? Of course he was. But that fear stemmed from Kang Jin-Ho's physical strength. So, why would the elders still stick to Lee Jung-Geol even though Kang Jin-Ho was so much stronger? To regain their former glory?

Of course not. The truth was something else. They knew too much about Lee Jung-Geol's tenaciousness. His obsessiveness! They were more scared of someone as obsessive as Lee Jung-Geol hiding in the shadows and scheming something dastardly. Because... Lee Jung-Geol's plan would be foolproof.

“Very well. How did they respond, then?” Lee Jung-Geol quietly asked.

“Positively, sir,” Director Jo nodded hurriedly.

“Mm... It was only a matter of time before we contacted them, anyway. Maybe this was for the better, then? Still, keep monitoring them to ensure there aren't any leaks.”

“Yes, sir! I will definitely remember!”

Lee Jung-Geol weightily nodded. “Things are clicking nicely into their intended places. Then again, this is how everything usually unfolds, doesn't it? In the beginning, you feel frustrated by how slow everything is moving. However, go past a certain point, and... And then, things speed up so much that you have a difficult time keeping up.”

“Sir? Is it difficult for you?”

“A little, yes. I'm not a spring chicken anymore, fella. However, what of it?” Lee Jung-Geol slowly rubbed his beard. “We're trying to oppose Kang Jin-Ho here. Obviously, it shouldn't be easy. If it is, something must've gone wrong somewhere. So, the way things are unfolding is just about perfect.”

“Sir... Everyone is curious about something regarding that topic.”

“Curious?” Lee Jung-Geol cocked an eyebrow as he stared at Director Jo.

“Yes.” Director Jo's expression stiffened. “We all agree that the Martial Assembly cannot continue on in this manner, but... They are curious about how you're planning to deal with Kang Jin-Ho. To confound the situation even further, foreigners have recently joined Kang Jin-Ho's circle of acquaintances. Of course, I mean Vator and Knight Wiggins from the…”

Lee Jung-Geol's expression grew icy. “Indeed, he has introduced a couple of insignificant foreigners into our midst.”

“Sir, neither Vator nor Wiggins can be called insignificant. If I'm being honest, Kang Jin-Ho might be the only martial artist in Korea strong enough to fight against those two.”

“Mm... That might be true, yes. However, them being insignificant still does not change.” Lee Jung-Geol straightened his back and stared at Director Jo. “People often mistakenly believe that only the strong have the right to rule over the martial world. However, that is not true. Tell me. Do you think I ruled the Assembly because I was peerless in South Korea? That there was no one stronger than me in this country?”


“Hah! I'm sure many of you were curious about who would have won if I had fought Kim Seok-Il in a duel. However, that would've been a meaningless waste of time. Why would I personally fight Kim Seok-Il? Have you seen soldiers putting their firearms down to slug it out with their bare fists, like in those Hollywood movies?”

“No, sir. No soldiers would do that.”

“It's the same story for me. The true victor in the end will be the organization. I understood this fact early on in my life, and that is precisely why I worked hard to nurture this organization, even at the cost of my own cultivation time. What do you think will change just because you have one or two powerful martial artists in the sea of many?”

“Sir? But...” Director Jo looked unconvinced by that line of thinking and asked Lee Jung-Geol again. “Didn't you concede to the current Assembly Master Bang precisely because of one powerful martial artist?”

“No, that's not the only reason. I simply made an error in calculating the combat force. If I had known about Kang Jin-Ho coming after me a little earlier... Things would've worked out quite differently. That was my mistake back then...!”

Director Jo remained worried as he carefully studied Lee Jung-Geol's expression. Obviously, he understood what Lee Jung-Geol was trying to say here. However, there wasn't much Director Jo could do about his heart shivering in dread whenever he recalled Kang Jin-Ho's mug.

Lee Jung-Geol glanced at Director Jo. “Do you still not get it?”

“...Sir, if I was as smart as you, I wouldn't be working under you like this.”

“Huh. That statement can be misinterpreted in a number of ways, Director Jo,” Lee Jung-Geol tutted, then walked over to the office's couch. After settling down, he crossed his legs and leaned back. The air of a wizened veteran wafted from his figure. “To me, Kang Jin-Ho was a variable I couldn’t have predicted. Like an arrow flying in toward my back. And it was my fault for not detecting it sooner. However, our positions have changed now. I've already tasted defeat at Kang Jin-Ho's hands, and he most likely doesn't think someone he vanquished would attack him again.”


“Do you know why? Because he's a man like that. You could say he's obsessed with the idea of victory. And he's undoubtedly a martial artist. He probably thinks I might challenge him again one day, and he'd also think my method of that challenge will be different from the norm.”

Director Jo slowly nodded in agreement. Even he thought Kang Jin-Ho did have such tendencies.

“That is why I'm systematically getting things ready from the shadows. To successfully stab that man in the back! And that is the reason why I keep reminding you to maintain utmost secrecy in everything you do and say, Director Jo. We are at the best location, right below the lamp. As long as we don't make any noises, Kang Jin-Ho would never know that I've been sharpening my dagger.”

“Yes, that sounds correct.”

“My duty is to polish this dagger until it's sharp enough while observing him. Then... We create an opening. The only thing remaining will be to stab Kang Jin-Ho with that dagger.”

“I see! Then, that dagger is...?”

Lee Jung-Geol smirked deeply. “It's a problem that we have so many folks willing to be that dagger. Kang Jin-Ho created far too many enemies in such a short time. He believes his strength can solve every problem, but he will soon learn that's not the case. Soon, he will see how powerless a single individual is against the fearful might of an organization.”

Director Jo silently lowered his head. He still couldn't tell what's what. Even though Lee Jung-Geol had explained so much, Director Jo still found it difficult to estimate who might emerge victorious from this battle. To him, Kang Jin-Ho was like a mysterious creature beyond his capacity to comprehend.

All Director Jo could do for now was to trust Lee Jung-Geol and follow him.

Lee Jung-Geol smirked again. “Most likely... their side will make a move first.”

“I'm sorry?” Director Jo tilted his head.

“They will try to placate all the elders who are agitated by the current wave of changes. They will say sweet nothings like, 'No, we're not trying to take away what's yours,' or 'The Assembly will not fundamentally change.' Someone among their ranks must've thought about this topic by now. If not, they must be hopeless idiots. Of course, they are not idiots, so someone will definitely make a move soon.”

“Aha! Then, we pretend to accept their explanation and make them lower their guard! As in, 'We are obviously on your side'?”

“Don't be stupid,” Lee Jung-Geol scowled deeply. “Tell the elders to swear and yell. Be indignant. Be forceful in their approach.”

“I'm sorry?” Director Jo was taken aback and blinked his eyes.

“They will think there won't be any urgent issues to worry about while we openly air our dissatisfaction. They'll definitely feel relieved that our actions fall largely in line with their expectations. So, my order is for everyone to act as expected. Shout at Bang Jin-Hun if they want to, and pretend to cower when Kang Jin-Ho wades into the discussion. That should do that trick.”

“Sounds difficult, sir.”

“On the contrary. They will all instinctively behave that way. Or... Were you planning to have a shouting match with Kang Jin-Ho?”


When Director Jo hurriedly clamped his mouth shut, Lee Jung-Geol couldn't help but smile bitterly.

'Indeed, this is our reality now.'

Even though these old farts voiced their dissatisfaction about losing their authority, privilege, positions, and the right to decide the Assembly's future, none of them were prepared to fight the culprit responsible for their current state. That was the truth about the elders following Lee Jung-Geol. This was all they amounted to.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Jung-Geol did not trust any of them.

Having more hidden aces up his sleeve was always better. And it'd be monumentally stupid to put all his eggs in one basket. Hadn't he already learned the painful lesson? That he could trust only himself in the end?

'Yes, everyone's gone soft...!'

If he had been in Kang Jin-Ho's shoes, Lee Jung-Geol wouldn't have spared his opposition after taking over the Martial Assembly. It was never wise to leave behind a potential seed of future trouble, after all! Still, Kang Jin-Ho's weak approach had created this opportunity.

Lee Jung-Geol knew that there would be no extra chances after this one. Failure this time meant his certain death. That was why...!


'I shall resort to every means necessary.'

Lee Jung-Geol was prepared to grovel while clinging to someone's pants. He'd not hesitate to throw himself into a pit of excrement if necessary. He'd not mind being cursed at or called a coward. What he needed to produce were tangible results, so why should he care about anything else?

If he could drink bitter and unappetizing coffee on a land of his victory covered in blood and crap...! He'd have nothing left to wish for. Everyone's criticism and scorn would sound like words of praise to his ears after that day.

'And now...! This is merely the beginning, Kang Jin-Ho. You shall soon learn how terrifying a dagger stabbing you in the back can be. Exactly like how I had to learn that truth the hard way!'

The moment of the sly old fox baring its fangs had finally come. From those who wished to act to those who tried to use others, and even those who knew nothing...

While harboring different dreams and thoughts from each other, they all charged headlong toward their destruction.

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