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Dimensional Descent
Dimensional Descent
The Third Dimension iscollapsing. The Fourth Dimension isdescending.First itseemed that only technology would evolve, but who knew the world itself couldtoo? Itwasn't assimple asclimate change ortectonic movement. No, the fundamental laws ofphysics that governed everything were changing.Leonel was fairly lucky. His family was decently well off, his father loved him enough tobrew vomit inducing nutrient rich smoothies every morning, and this was both the day ofthe National Championship and his 521st confession tohis dream girl, Aina. Ashis father always said, nothing was more important than respect and persistence.Unfortunately, everything changed that night. Atthe after party ofages, the world reached asaturation point and anapocalypse descended.Abilities awakened. Sub-Dimensional Zones opened. Invalids rampaged through the Earth like avirusThose who could evolve would have aslim chance for survival. Those who couldn't would die.This novel will beaunique spin onthe dungeon/system genre. Dungeons won't bedungeons and the system won't beasystem Take alook tofind out what Imaen :)
- C.3292 - 3294: A Budding Legend
- C.3291 - 3293: A Chance
- C.3290 - 3292: A Weak Little Human
- C.3289 - 3291: Unfair
- C.3288 - 3290: Hide
- C.3287 - 3289: Kill
- C.3286 - 3288: My Queen
- C.3285 - 3287: Together
- C.3284 - 3286: Who?
- C.3283 - 3285: To Be Loved
- C.3282 - 3284: Too Weak
- C.3281 - 3283: Trust
- C.3280 - 3282: Husband
- C.3279 - 3281: Our
- C.3278 - 3280: Open Palm
- C.3277 - 3279: Not Just
- C.3276 - 3278: Control
- C.3275 - 3277: Tip of the Iceberg
- C.3274 - 3276: Far Larger
- C.3273 - 3275: I Will Be
- C.3272 - 3274: Chessboard
- C.3271 - 3273: Enough
- C.3270 - 3272: A Pawn
- C.3269 - 3271: Her Babies
- C.3268 - 3270: Aina Morales
- C.3267 - 3269: No Longer
- C.3266 - 3268: The Creator
- C.3265 - 3267: Berserk War Goddess
- C.3264 - 3266: Relief
- C.3263 - 3265: Crimson
- C.3262 - 3264: Atone
- C.3261 - 3263: Thronebearer
- C.3260 - 3262: Four
- C.3259 - 3261: Returned
- C.3258 - 3260: Blood
- C.3257 - 3259: Overgrown Weeds
- C.3256 - 3258: First Blood
- C.3255 - 3257: Bunch of Babies
- C.3254 - 3256: Fruits
- C.3253 - 3255: An Emperor
- C.3252 - 3254: A King and an Emperor (7)
- C.3251 - 3253: A King and an Emperor (6)
- C.3250 - 3252: A King and an Emperor (5)
- C.3249 - 3251: A King and an Emperor (4)
- C.3248 - 3250: A King and an Emperor (3)
- C.3247 - 3249: A King and an Emperor (2)
- C.3246 - 3248: A King and an Emperor (1)
- C.3247: Only One
- C.3246 I Am Content
- C.3245 Ripples in Time
- C.3244 Too
- C.3243 Feel It?
- C.3242 Twelve Pointed Star
- C.3241 Dangerous
- C.3240 Unforgivable
- C.3239 Short
- C.3238 A Son’s Fury (2)
- C.3237 A Son’s Fury (1)
- C.3236 It
- C.3235 Truly Arrogant
- C.3234 Overwhelming
- C.3233 Have It
- C.3232 Very Cool!
- C.3231 My King!
- C.3230 Come
- C.3229 Grudges
- C.3228 Strong
- C.3227 Deserves
- C.3226 Outside World
- C.3225 Coddle but not Baby
- C.3224 Free From Comparison
- C.3223 Scary
- C.3222 Quicksand
- C.3221 Long Time
- C.3220 Timely
- C.3219 Own World
- C.3218 Their Father
- C.3217 Speechless
- C.3216 Help Me
- C.3215 Quill
- C.3214 A Third
- C.3213 Precipice
- C.3212 A Father’s Fury (7)
- C.3211 A Father’s Fury (6)
- C.3210 A Father’s Fury (5)
- C.3209 A Father’s Fury (4)
- C.3208 A Father’s Fury (3)
- C.3207 A Father’s Fury (2)
- C.12: Mayan Temple (4)
- C.11: Mayan Temple (3)
- C.10: Mayan Temple (2)
- C.9: Mayan Temple (1)
- C.8: Awaken
- C.7: Spatial Tear
- C.6: Changes
- C.5: The Incident
- C.4: Confrontation
- C.3: The Game
- C.2: Expendable Profession
- C.1: Leonel Morales