Divine Rune Awakening: Starting With Various Divine Runes and Dominating the World-Chapter 278 - : National Guardians, Kill Them for Us!

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Chapter 278: National Guardians, Kill Them for Us!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the first day of the Southern Universeโ€™s collapse, time and space were in chaos.

Other than the data in the computer, time no longer existed. All the creatures looked at the exploding galaxies in the live broadcast. They all trembled and began to condemn the instigator.

[Diqin Naxi will make all the universes die with her sooner or later!]

[Thereโ€™s also the Ancient Douluo Clan. Are they only coveting Blue Star? They want to replace the human race, which has the longest history, and rule the entire universe!]

[Youโ€™ve finally thought it through. This bitch is willing to do anything for revenge. What the Southern Universe is today might be our tomorrow!]

[Hmph! What are you talking about? Such a good opportunity has come knocking on our door. We should kill all the creatures that have escaped from the Southern Universe. Only then will we have a chance to dominate!]

[Diqin Naxi didnโ€™t do anything wrong. The strong are the kings. Isnโ€™t that what the humans on Blue Star always do?]

[In the end, itโ€™s just that this bichโ€™s methods are a little sinister. Weโ€™re already prepared to hunt down the humans who escaped!]

Blue Star, main building.

Everyoneโ€™s expression was solemn. They couldnโ€™t care less about the ridicule and pity of the outside world and focused on maintaining the planetโ€™s status quo.

At the Southern Universeโ€™s outskirts, the vast galaxy was split open by lightning. The aura was extremely terrifying. The Dark Divine Runemaster who was charging at the front didnโ€™t have time to dodge and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Feng and Wu Rui were already extremely furious. This was because they were so powerful, but they were unable to shatter the Dark Night Divine Talisman from the outside. Moreover, this group of Dark Divine Runemasters had come at the right time.

As soon as the Indestructible Phoenix armor appeared on Zhao Fengโ€™s body, the entire space was instantly illuminated by a dark red light. He activated his Spiritual Wind Divine Rune, and his huge wings of light suddenly expanded hundreds of times. Like a magical phoenix, he flew up and shuttled among the Dark Divine Runemasters. Wherever he passed by, corpses were dropping like flies.


Wu Ruiโ€™s body shook and equipped the Dragon God Emperor armor. The mighty and domineering flood dragon behind him let out a huge dragon roar.

Boom! Boom!

The vortex reversed, creating a deafening sound. The group of Dark Divine Runemasters seemed to have been frozen, unable to escape the shackles from the Xunfeng Wind Divine Rune.

On the other hand, Monkey Kingโ€™s Battle Demon God Emperor armor was on his body, and his purple-gold crown shone brightly. He opened his mouth and shouted to vent the anger in his heart. Then, he turned around and separated the team of Dark Divine Runemasters. The aura around his body turned into an aura that could destroy the world and beat their souls into pieces.

Taotie, Qi Yuna, and Vermilion Bird were also going crazy. They had been in the Time Box for so long that they could destroy an entire galaxy. However, this Dark Night Divine Talisman seemed to cover the Southern Universeโ€™s outskirts. Thus, all of their killing intent was absorbed by it, and it didnโ€™t move at all.

โ€œStop it!โ€

Zhang Hut s Demon God Hammer struck out again.



The entire area shook violently. The Dark Divine Runemasters struck by the lightning were instantly knocked down.

The other ancient race clans in the Southern Universe were not willing to be outdone. They went all out as all kinds of ancient divine runes exploded with powerful might to suppress those Dark Divine Runemasters.

At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly surrounded them from all directions!

This is bad.

The few of them were shocked!

โ€œItโ€™s a Divine Runemaster army from another universe!โ€

Qi Yuna transmitted her voice through her mind, โ€œEveryone, stay alert!โ€

In the void behind Zhao Feng and Wu Rui, almost all the Dark Divine Runemasters had died tragically in the area that was circled by the dragon and phoenix. However, when they sensed the aura of an unknown origin, the two of them were stunned.

Upon hearing Qi Yunaโ€™s reminder, they flew to the outer area where the other ancient clans were gathered.

Vermillion Birdโ€™s Nine Sun Emperor armor emitted a dazzling light. She shouted, โ€œItโ€™s the alliance army of the Northern and the Western Universes!โ€

Taotie raised his War God Ax and his Hao Tian Divine Rune erupted. โ€œThey actually dare to take advantage of us? Kill them!โ€

However, something strange happened. The broken limbs of the dead Dark Divine Runemasters suddenly trembled and flew in the same direction!

โ€œFuck, what the hell is happening?!โ€

Zhang Hu looked at his charred body that was instantly blown away by the flame dragonโ€™s breath. He flew away from the hammering thunderstorm, and he could not help but be shocked.

The leader of the Giant Turtle Clan laughed loudly as he appeared from thin air, โ€œThe Human Race is finished! Why are you guys still insisting?!โ€

The Crocodile Clanโ€™s leader also walked out. He glanced at Zhang Hu and the others and laughed. โ€œYou guys are extraordinary. You will shine wherever you go. How about you come with us?โ€

On the other hand, the Crocodile Lizard Clan also came out to persuade them to surrender. โ€œOnce the Southern Universe is destroyed, the Northern Universe will be the overlord. The human race will still have a chance to rise!โ€

Zhang Hu called the Southern Universe Army behind him and laughed mockingly. โ€œEven if the human race is exterminated, there are still so many powerful ancient clans in the Southern Universe. How can it be your turn to be the boss?โ€

Everyone burst into laughter.

However, Zhang Huโ€™s expression suddenly changed. He yelled, โ€œKill them!โ€

Immediately, Taotie swept up a dark blue mist and the aura of his Beast God armor erupted. Countless barbaric auras from the void pounced over.

The people from the Ancient Douluo Clan vanished. What appeared in front of

Taotie was a ragged human body. As it turned out, after those Dark Divine

Runemasters were summoned back, they were sewn together by the Ancient Douluo Clanโ€™s tailors. Then, they were infused with divine rune power, turning them into puppets that were about ten stories tall.

โ€œHow disgusting! โ€

โ€œFuck, what kind of brain circuits are these bugs using!โ€

The Dark Divine Runemaster who was forced to become such a thing screamed crazily like a demon being punished in hell.

Qi Yuna flew in front of Taotie and blocked him. She said, โ€œCome on, give me this chance!โ€

After saying that, the Hundred Ghosts Parade armor covered her body. Cold ghostly energy gathered in a vortex, and countless shadows appeared in the void behind her.



Her face was ashen as she opened her palm. The light of the netherworld crackled in the empty space. The Xinghe Chains were like a strange python, winding and locking this space.

โ€œKill the rest!โ€ Zhang Hu immediately ordered.

As the two sides fought, divine runes erupted with powerful might almost at the same time. Space trembled as it split and overlapped.

Unfortunately, the Alpha Platform could no longer broadcast such a scene as the Southern Universe had already begun to shrink. fr eeweb novel


Roar! Roar! Roar!

A few figures in black and white had unknowingly joined the battlefield. The weak Divine Runemasters from the ancient clans were rescued by them and thrown into a safe space.


Meng Lanโ€™s roar shocked the other Divine Runemasters from the human race. ๐—ณ๐ซ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐ฐ๐—ฒ๐›๐ง๐จ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐ฅ.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

โ€œSeven!โ€ โ€œAh Bao!โ€ โ€œAh, my Huahua!โ€

โ€œPang Dahai!โ€

Zhang Hu and the others almost cried tears of joy.


Wu Rui shouted and did a low altitude somersault, landing on Feiyunโ€™s back.

โ€œHahaha!โ€ Zhang Hu suddenly became spirited and roared like a tiger.. โ€œBlue

Star will not be destroyed Brothers, kill them all and letโ€™s get rid of Diqin Naxi!โ€

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