Doom Lord-Chapter 165: Peeling

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Chapter 165: Peeling

After the end of the battle, Cheng Yang also had the opportunity to listen to Yu Kai's casualty report in the future, and he was told by the other party that the warriors hiding in the treetops outside the village had signs of running away.

How could Cheng Yang allow the other party to escape like this? Although Cheng Yang did not dare to be completely sure, he still felt that this magical beast riot was probably caused by man.

When Chengyang did not hesitate, he immediately took Yu Kai to the village. As a ghost hunter who communicates with the spirit of the spirit eagle, Yu Kai naturally knows the position of the other.

A few minutes later, Cheng Yang and the two saw the goal they were looking for. A 30-year-old man was hiding in the direction of the city, and his sneaky look was like doing something. People's things are average.

This person did not know that in the sky above his head, there was a spirit eagle with more than one meter of wings in the air, and the white feathers on his head showed its body. It was a bald eagle.

"Stand up!" Yu Kai screamed, and suddenly shocked the cautious people.

How can the other party listen to Yu Kai's instructions? Not only did not stop now, but instead plunged into a bush and accelerated forward.

But he just ran two steps, and then the body lost the ability to move. In the blink of an eye, Cheng Yang came to the incompetent warrior and pulled him out of the bushes.

Cheng Yang put his hands on his jaw, and after a while, the man was frightened and found that his mouth could not move.

"Lord, he... What is going on?" Yu Kai saw the man's horrified eyes and couldn't help but ask.

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "Nothing. Remove his lower jaw bones, lest he bite his tongue. You take him, we will go back to Dongshan Village and interrogate."

Although it is not a bite to break the tongue, it will definitely die, but if he keeps biting, the rule will default to this is an attack on himself. The amount of blood will continue to decrease, and in the end it will be a small life.

Yu Kai was also unambiguous. He took the guy from Cheng Yang and then squatted on his shoulder and returned to Dongshan Village.

After returning to the village, Liu Chengen has already counted the war damage of this war. When Cheng Yang heard the data from the other party's mouth, the expression on his face was cloudy, and the man on Yu Kai's shoulder was more a bit more killing.

Originally, Dongshan Village had nearly four or three thousand comrades, and this battle was actually one-third of the damage. This is a huge number. Although most of the dead in this war are the comrades of Dongshan Village. Their combat experience is less than the members of the main battle camp, but this still makes Cheng Yang feel a burst of pain.

Not to mention the losses caused by the deaths of these warriors, not to mention how much it cost to train these warriors. Only this nearly a thousand lives will make it difficult for Cheng Yang to suppress his inner anger. This is the anger of the end, and the anger of the gods.

Cheng Yang said to Liu Chengen: "Liu deputy commander, you let the war dead are buried, they are the hero of Dongshan Village. They are also the heroes of the land of Luofeng Village. As for the pension, you follow the standards we set. "

Liu Chengen nodded heavily and followed them to arrange these things.

Cheng Yang turned to Yu Kai and said: "Old Yu. Going to find a private house, we will ask questions.... Yes, remember to find a pastor to come over. If you kill this guy, you can't Go to the answer we want. Also, find someone with tailoring skills to come."

Yu Kai should have a voice. Then he took Cheng Yang to a private house. Throw the guy on the ground and get a rope. Tied him tightly on a pillar on the ground, and then turned and left the house.

"You better think about it now. How can I answer my question in a while." Cheng Yang pulled the guy's jawbone back to his position, watching the guy's eyes keep turning, it is estimated that it is not good. The idea, even if it warns.

"Why are you arresting me? You are illegally restricting personal freedom. It is illegal." This guy suddenly said righteously.

Cheng Yangyi looked at him with an idiot-like expression and said, "Dude, is it a good job to pretend to be stupid? At least a little professionalism. You are like this, I really have a way to kill you." Impulsive."

When I heard the word killing in Cheng Yang's words, the man's eyes flashed a trace of fear, but soon covered up the past and continued: "What makes me stupid? Although the earth is full of monsters everywhere, the country still exists. Because the army still exists. If you dare to detain others arbitrarily, Commander Yuan will not let you go."

Cheng Yang stared at him coldly and said: "Don't say anything about Commander Yuan. In this place, no one can control my decision. I don't talk nonsense with you. I will ask you any questions later. You should be honest. Answer, otherwise I don't mind letting you try the taste of ancient torture."

When the person heard the torture, he was very disapproved. He was a warrior and he was very deep in understanding the current world rules. He knew very well that even if the other party wanted to torture himself, it would be just a few. As long as your life value is exhausted, is it not a dead end? For the person in front of him, he also knows that if the other person personally gives himself a sentence, it is not a punishment, but a spike.

At this moment, Yu Kai walked in with a 40-year-old middle-aged man and said to Cheng Yang: "The lord, the pastor I have brought, you just let go, this guy does not give a In reply, I can't explain to the nearly thousands of brothers who have died."

Cheng Yang glanced at the door and said, "I am not asking you to find someone with tailoring skills? Why not?"

Yu Kai said with a smile: "Have you forgotten that I am a tailor? You know, in the current territory, my life professional level is absolutely the highest. Lord, you said that looking for a pastor, I can understand, but How do you need tailoring skills?"

Cheng Yangsen smiled coldly and said: "Old Yu, according to the current rules, we can not use him for punishment, because any harm to us will be considered an attack, and the pain caused by ordinary attacks is not Very strong, if we can't get the effect of torture, we all know that we have been fighting."

Yu Kai nodded and he understood the rules. Now the attack between people, as long as they hit the other's body, will bring harm, and this kind of attack is all an attack on the body surface, sometimes even the skin can not be pierced, the reason is because people The attack has no special effect.

In fact, Cheng Yang's / pet / object Xiaobai has a special effect, but its attack is too strong, and this guy has no life.

Cheng Yang went on to say: "The skills as a comrade is so, but there is one way to exception. That is the deputy skills. You should know that there is a skinning in your deputy skills. This skill is definitely a confession by torture. Best skills."

Yu Kaixian was a glimpse, and then he said: "Lord, you should not let me use the peeling skills for this guy? Isn't this a magical corpse?"

Cheng Yang shook his head firmly and said: "Nature is not, as long as it is a skinned animal, you can use this skill to peel. And, you think that this skill can only be used on the body, but it is inertia thinking. Because the demonized beast can't be lying there waiting for you to peel."

Yu Kai seems to understand a bit, but the expression on his face is still full of shock. He used to peel the magical beasts a lot, and these leathers were basically made into equipment, but now the skinned objects are replaced by people, and it is still a living person. It is really difficult for Yu Kai to Accepted things.

Not to mention that Yu Kai, who needs to be hands-on, is the pastor. His face is also pale. Cheng Yang's practice is indeed too cruel in his opinion. Even if he wants to extort a confession by torture, it is too much.

Cheng Yang was able to guess their thoughts, and he couldn't help but sigh. Those who have never experienced the cruelty of the real end, will know the future situation of mankind? If they can know, I am afraid I will hate this internal friction of human beings more than myself! In particular, those who point their swords to their compatriots for their own sake should indeed be in vain.

"Do you think that I am cruel?" Cheng Yang looked at the man who was sitting on the ground with a deep fear in his eyes.

Yu Kai smiled and said: "Lord, I don't think that this method is cruel, but I can't do it myself."

Although the pastor did not say anything, the expression on his face showed his inner thoughts at the Cheng Yang said: "If the disaster in Dongshan Village today is caused by this person, Do you still feel that my approach is cruel? If we don't clarify the situation inside, Dongshan Village may experience such a war every day, do you still feel that this way is cruel?"

The pastor's face showed deep hatred. As a pastor, although there was no charge on the front line today, and even did not stand on the fence, they clearly saw that today, one after another, they are very familiar with each other. The figure is always on the fence forever, and will never wake up again.

"Lord, I fully agree with you." The pastor said.

Yu Kai glanced at the pastor and said with a smile: "Ye Tao, you are standing and talking, no pain, or do you want to do it?"

This pastor Ye Tao smiled and said: "My deputy is an alchemy teacher. You can't let me throw this guy into a potion and remedy it?"

Yu Kai looked at the guy on the ground and suddenly took out a sharp knife and said: "If I am unlucky, I should take this guy to do the experiment." After that, Yu Kai will go down to the guy on the ground. Open the belly.