Doom Lord-Chapter 169: Career Branch

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Chapter 169: Career Branch

Cheng Yang said: "The possibility is relatively low. I guess this may have something to do with Ding Ming. As for whether it is still related to other people, it is not known. We don't need to guess this now, wait until Dong Sizhuo reveals the original shape, and everything is naturally clear."

Yu Kai nodded, then asked: "What are you going to do with that magic bead?"

Cheng Yang said: "I plan to bring it to Tongling Village or Heshan Village later. After all, it is too far away from Luofeng Village. The advantage of Qianzhuang's borrowing can't benefit there. If there is a magical bead, you can make the territory battle. Obtaining more psionic values ​​is conducive to the stability and improvement of the forces there."

Yu Kai said: "But the combat power there is too weak, and the area around the wasteland is very small. Once the magic beads are used, I am afraid that the first wave of the demonized beast is stronger than we encountered yesterday? Can you hold the village under that kind of offensive?"

Cheng Yang said: "This is really difficult, but I have no intention of bringing the magical beads of the village to the present. The fighting power there is really too weak, and at this moment I am not likely to bring all the masters of the territory. All of them are there to help defend. Secondly, I can't leave Luofeng Village now. There are important things that I need to deal with these two days."

Yu Kai didn't ask what was going on. After they talked for a while, they dispersed.

Then, Cheng Yang went to a copy of Xuanwu Island in Dongshan Village. After some hard battles, Cheng Yang finally killed the final. He saw that this guy only broke out a bronze equipment. Yang's heart suddenly cooled a half, and it seems that today is preparing to carry the bad luck to the end.

However, after an instant, Cheng Yang's heart that fell to the bottom of the valley instantly became hot. Because he found that there was something behind the wooden bed here.

This is definitely an extra bonus for the difficulty of customs clearance. This one-hundredth of a millionth or even one-millionth chance will let you meet. Perhaps God is watching himself bad luck today and give yourself some compensation. If this is the case, Cheng Yang hopes that his luck will be so bad every day. Compared with several silver-grade equipment. The extra rewards you get from the copy of the nightmare difficulty are undoubtedly much more powerful.

Even if Cheng Yang didn't pick up the thing, he knew that it was a statue of ascending stone. This is already the fifth statue lift stone that Cheng Yang got, but it is only the second statue lifting stone that enhances the character of the warrior statue.

Looking at the baby in the hand, an idea suddenly emerged from Cheng Yang's heart. Can the character of this professional statue continue to improve after an upgrade? If you can, it is very bullish. The number of people who have been transferred has been raised. It is estimated that a resident can transfer to a large army of warriors.

Cheng Yang is still not sure whether this thing can continue to be used to upgrade the transfer of warrior statues. In the last world, no one has ever obtained two lifting stones of the same professional statue, so it is impossible to verify whether the professional attributes can Get continued to improve. In this world, Cheng Yang has already obtained four statues of lifting stones. But all are different professions, so it is equally impossible to verify.

When Cheng Chengyang put the statue ascending stone into the storage ring, and then left the copy.

After Cheng Yang returned to Dongshan Village, he took a good devil with Yu Kai.

Although Cheng Yang also wants to take Yu Kai together to fall into Fengfeng Village, but considering that Dong Sizhuo is still being held here, Dongshan Village has also entered the sight of the main city forces. If Yu Ka is the master, he will also be transferred. Once Dongshan Village encountered a large-scale siege of the military. The consequences can be worrying.

Cheng Yang took the enchanted magic beads, although it would not immediately be sent to Heshan Village, but it was not impossible to use. The value of this treasure is that it can be used all the time. It can also bring the value of territorial psionic power to the territory.

The reason why Cheng Yang did not want to leave the magic beads in Dongshan Village is because Dongshan Village has been exposed. For the attributes of the magic beads, the people behind Dong Sizhuo must be very clear. Once Cheng Yang continues to use the magic beads in Dongshan Village, the other person is likely to know that Dong Sizhuo has been arrested and has already explained some things. This will make those people more vigilant and not conducive to the deployment behind Cheng Yang.

Now there are three stations in the urban area. The only thing that has not been exposed is the village of Luohe, which is located to the east of the city. And according to the original agreement. The people of the main city cannot walk into the eastern part of the city, including the two passages of the north and the south.

Those who dare to take the risk of squatting into the unmanned space enter the jungle outside the city from the north and south passages, because the two passages are next to the dividing line. The east side passage is different. If you want to go from here, you must cross the entire ruins of the eastern part of the city. This area is active in the battlefield of the Luofeng Village territory. It is hard to find it from here.

This is also why, so far, both Luofeng Village and Dongshan Village have entered the sight of the main city forces, but the main reason for the fact that Luohe Village has been peaceful.

Cheng Yang plans to take the magic beads to Dongshan Village to use, but before using, Cheng Yang must bring most of the warlords in Luofeng Village to Dongshan Village, so as to ensure that Dongshan Village is relatively safe. In the case of the first wave of the magical beast.

After returning to Luofeng Village, Cheng Yang took the statue of the ascending stone and came to the warrior's professional statue. After using the statue ascending stone to prepare for the transfer of the post, he got the number of statues. Tips.

Cheng Yang is both happy and depressed.

The joy is that the attributes of the professional statue can indeed be upgraded again. This will undoubtedly give the field station an advantage. If you can upgrade a certain attribute of a professional statue several times, how strong will this occupation be?

What can be depressed is the insufficient number of tips. That is to say, after upgrading the attribute once, if you want to improve the attribute again, you have to pay more statues to enhance the stone. Specifically, it is not clear how many Chengyang, anyway, It will be one.

Now that Cheng Yang has no choice, the statue lifting stone has already been used, and it is necessary to upgrade a certain attribute. Cheng Yang thought about it and put the upgrade attribute to the defense.

The defensive property gain of the Warrior's professional statue has doubled immediately, and the effect is very impressive. After all, this professional statue has been upgraded to level 5, and the attributes have changed a lot compared to level 4.

Building Name: Warrior Statue

Level: Level 5

Career Research: Life Strengthening (5th level, unresearched): Increases the life of all magicians who are transferred to the statue by 17%, upgrade conditions: 20000 psionics

Magic can strengthen (5th level, not studied): Increase the magic power of all magicians under the statue to transfer 17%, upgrade conditions: 20000 psionic value

Magical attack (5th level, not studied): Increases the attack power of all the magicians who are transferred to the statue by 17%. Upgrade condition: 20000 psionics

Physical Defense (Level 5, not studied): Increases the physical defense of all magicians who are transferred to the statue by 34%, upgrade conditions: 20000 psionics

Magic Defense (5th level, not studied): Increases the magical defense of all magicians under the statue by 17%, upgrade conditions: 20000 psionics

Learnable skills:

Charge: The shield will move forward and increase the speed by 200%. The target can be stunned for 1 second, and the effective release distance is 25 meters. It is invalid for those who attack twice as much as their own, and the skill cools down for 1 minute. The higher the skill level, the longer the stun time and the shorter the cooling time. Studying Conditions: High Warrior Apprentice, 200 psionics.

Reinforced iron: Passive skills, strengthen your body, increase your health by 10%, and increase your physical and magical defense by 5%. The higher the skill level, the higher the damage reduction. Skill levels increase as the class level increases. Studying Conditions: Apprenticeship of the Peak Warrior, 600 psionics.

Optional professional branch: shield warrior, thief, knight.

Number of transferable persons: 2180/2180 Ranger: 1/1

Statue upgrade conditions: 500 of the servants who were transferred under the statue reached the high-level apprenticeship level.

This is the property of the 5th-level professional statue. Of course, the physical defense and transferable number of the statue of the warrior are doubled. The original attribute should be 17% physical defense increase, and the number of transferable employees is 1000. .

Aside from the added attributes of the statue ascending stone, the biggest difference between the 5th professional statue and the 4th professional statue is the emergence of an optional occupational branch.

The professional branch is a privilege that will emerge after the strength of the warrior has been upgraded to the early stage of the squad. However, this is not the only condition. In order to successfully transfer to an advanced career, there must be a place to transfer. This place is also a professional statue, the condition is that the professional statue is upgraded to level 5.

Relatively speaking, the upgrade of the 5-level professional statue is very easy, except that it requires psionic value, it only takes time. Professional statues after level 5 require additional conditions, such as a certain level of comrades, which has something in common with the territory upgrade. The only difference is that the territorial upgrade requires a high-end career, while the professional statue upgrade requires a higher level.

On the other hand, the upgrade of the professional statue is also a precondition for the upgrade of the territory. The difficulty of upgrading the territory is undoubtedly greater than the upgrade of the statue.

The professional branch is a step that the strategists must take to improve their strength. The gods are naturally less restrictive in this respect.

After selecting the advanced occupation, the new attribute of growth coefficient will appear. Different occupation branches have different growth coefficients in different attributes, which will gradually reflect occupational differentiation.

Although not moving to advanced careers can continue to enhance the strength of the order, but its attributes will be as moderate as the apprentice level. The golden mean may be a good thing in some respects, but for combat effectiveness, the mediocre property page represents mediocrity.