Doom Lord-Chapter 204: One Pot End

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Chapter 204: One Pot End

"Hey, the plan to send people to the main city to develop their forces is still going too late. If you do it early, you may not be so passive now. " Cheng Yang's heart sighed.

However, at that time, Cheng Yang did not intend to remove Yuan Jianze, and he believed that Yuan Jianze did not dare to make any changes while maintaining sufficient deterrence. I did not expect that Yuan Jianze's heart was so big that he wanted to take the right to speak in the entire city.

Cheng Yang is not a person who doesn't know the decision. Now that things have reached this point, he doesn't plan to drag on any more. Now he still has enough advantages. He takes the initiative and still holds it in his own hands, saying no. First solve this trouble.

"Tan Chao, how many people have Yuan Jianze brought in? Do you know some of them?" Cheng Yang asked quickly.

Tan Chao said: "He brought no less than three hundred people, and he did not know the name, but some of them were the ones who accompanied Yuan Jianze with the lord the day before yesterday."

Cheng Yang's heart is moving. It seems that those people are probably Yuan Jianze's right arm. If you can get these people out, it's a good thing. Cheng Yang immediately said: "Well, you continue to follow each other, be careful not to follow too close."

After Tan Chao responded, he broke the communication.

Cheng Yang did not hesitate, and immediately called all the high-level apprentices who were practicing or practicing skills in the military camp, and also let other high-level apprentices in other parts of the territory. The people are also looking for it.

Together with Cheng Yang, there are a total of eleven people.

Looking at the ten people standing in front of him, Cheng Yang felt that the number was too small. It is natural to want to defeat Yuan Jianze's batch of people, but it is more difficult to get the other party out.

To this end, Cheng Yang has transferred nearly 500 middle-level apprentices from the main battle camp. These people, whether talented or equipped, are top-notch in the same ranks.

Cheng Yang is satisfied with the ǎn ǎn head. With one order, the team will drive in the direction of the main city.

When walking on the road, Liu Hao finally couldn't help but ask: "Lord, what is it going to do in the middle of the night?"

Cheng Yang's mouth was awkward and said: "Catch a big fish."

Liu Haoyi, did not figure out what Chengyang meant in the end. Yu Kaila, who was on the other side, pulled Liu Hao and said: "You are stupid, the whole city area. Who is the biggest big fish?"

Liu Hao looked at Cheng Yang very unprincipledly and said: "Who is this guy?"

Yu Kai, a very speechless expression, said: "I am talking about the main city of the city."

Even if Liu Hao is stupid, he also understands the meaning of Yu Kai. In fact, Cheng Yang and others know that this guy is not stupid, but lazy, and he does not want to go through the brain.

"I have long thought that I should kill this guy and occupy so many people's resources in the main city. Even the passage to the west of the city has not been opened. One day, I know that we are going to face the land of our Fengfeng Village. Prevent them." Liu Hao instantly opened the spit mode.

A large group of people quickly crossed the south side of the passage and officially entered the city area.

According to the news revealed by Tan Chao yesterday. The east side of the urban area should have ambushed a lot of Yuan Jianze's confidants. But it is still hard to say now, because from the morning of yesterday, the warriors in the territory of Luofeng Village have been withdrawn from the urban area, if Yuan Jianze does not want to waste manpower. I am afraid that these people have been removed.

However, at the entrance of the passage, Cheng Yang still found several people hidden here. In fact, this is not discovered by Cheng Yang, but his pet white. Don't look at this guy is a tiger. But the nose is definitely more sensitive than the dog. When passing by, it is easy to find the ambush from two extremely hidden places.

Cheng Yang did not bother them, just stunned them and put them in the ambush position before moving on.

On the way, Cheng Yang contacted Tan Chao again, and learned that Yuan Jianze was really at the entrance to the Death Valley, and he was divided into three teams to enter the copy. They are still cautious, leaving half of them waiting outside.

Cheng Yang did not worry much, with Liu Hao and others directly attacked the past.

After more than ten minutes, Cheng Yang came to a place more than two hundred meters away from the entrance to the Remnant Canyon. He and Tan Chaohui merged.

"How? Those people didn't find you?" Cheng Yang asked.

Tan Chao said: "No, I have been following very far away. If they find me, they will not be so reassured that they will plung into the copy."

Cheng Yang also understands this truth. Just now he just asked about it. He immediately said: "Lao Yu, Hao Zi, Zhao Chuan, you each have 120 soldiers who are going around the other three directions. We will keep those The person outside the copy is given a pot. Then slowly wait for Yuan Jianze and others to come out of the copy. Remember, don't let go of one, even if you are a squatter."

Yu Kai and others all understand the meaning of Cheng Yang's words. If you can catch these people, you will try to catch them. If you can't, then you will fight.

Yu Kai three now have more than a hundred comrades, and then circumvented far away. In less than a few minutes, there were a few wolves in the other directions, which was the secret code they had previously agreed upon.

"Kill!" Cheng Yang screamed, and more than 100 comrades behind him rushed straight out, dozens of stunned screams in the forefront, followed by more than 30 soldiers.

The other few directions followed the sound of shouting, and the quiet night sky was suddenly broken.

The more than one hundred main city comrades who stayed at the copy of the portal, who had been leisurely and leisurely, were shocked when they heard the shouting sound of the earthquake. This is not the main city. If it is maliciously attacked, it is definitely a situation in which you live and die. The most important thing is that this kind of embattled situation is obviously wrapped in dumplings.

"Flock! Defense!" There is a person in charge of the left-behind servant. He issued the order he thought was accurate in the first time.

Undoubtedly, these people who can come out together with Yuan Jianze are not weak. They are all middle-level apprentices. They are all battle-hardened people. They don't panic after knowing the attack, they get the person in charge. Immediately after the instruction, take action.

The wolf instantly slammed into a row of shields, and the first round of the two sides had no match. But next, Liu Hao, who was at the forefront, flew a warrior with a shield, and his attack power of more than 30 ǎn was indeed not able to resist the mid-level warriors.

Cheng Yang's action is not much slower than Liu Hao. After a hockey pucks a warrior, the main city comrades group suddenly blasted the pot.

"It's Cheng Yang!" It wasn't who shouted in horror.

"Only he will have ice hockey skills." Some people affirmed this.

The actions of the warriors in Luofeng Village did not stop because of these people's exclamations. Instead, they shattered their defenses at the moment when these people stopped working. In fact, even if these people are not distracted, their defenses will not last long. After all, the more than a dozen high-level apprentices who are brought by Cheng Yang are not furnishings. These people's attacks can easily destroy each other's defenses.

"Put it with them!" Someone in the main city warriors yelled, "Set fire attack, even if you die, you won't let them feel good."

Cheng Yangyi listened to this, and immediately became depressed. If these people really want to fight hard, and the people who attack the weaker strengths, I am afraid that they will actually cause casualties to these people.

In an instant, an ice slash attacked, and a large number of comrades were shrouded in it. The powerful attack power killed the three crispy archers and magicians in the skill coverage.

"The descendants do not kill! Resist the recalcitrant, kill innocent!" Cheng Yang's loud voice spread throughout the night sky, for a time let most people hesitate.

The arrows and magic missiles instantly shot at the main city comrades who are still working. Although the other side is also fighting back in madness, there are no wars in the priests of the phoenix village. The situation of death.

However, these guys are crazy enough. The most dangerous one is that seven or eight remote occupations suddenly attack one person. Fortunately, the other party's equipment is good, and the defensive power of ǎn offsets most of the damage, and the pace of the attack is not completely consistent. The unlucky and lucky guy escaped.

The battle ended very quickly. Except for twenty or thirty bodies on the ground, everyone else was holding their heads on the ground, and even the weapons were thrown aside. This is not to say that all the people inside are afraid of death, but they survived from the minions of the demonized beast and did not want to die in human hands.

"Tie them Cheng Yang looked at these people and immediately issued an order.

A group of people rushed up and tied the people with a rope. Although they are comrades, after being **** like this, they have no ability to resist.

Cheng Yang said at this time: "You don't have to worry, I am not a killer. I am looking for a door tonight, just for Yuan Jianze himself. When the matter between me and him is resolved, I will naturally let you go. Of course, if someone of you must be against me, I don't mind sending him to hell."

"Yuan Commander has a well-organized governance of the main city. There is basically no phenomenon of bullying the female tyrants and killing people in the entire main city. This is rare in the doomsday world. Why do you have to go with Yuan Shiling?" Popped out of the crowd.

Cheng Yang looked at the sound and found that the speaker was a female warrior, and his appearance was very feminine, and his age was about 20 years old. It is hard to imagine that a girl of such appearance would dare to question Cheng Yang in this situation.

Cheng Yang was not angry. He smiled and said: "I am right with Commander Yuan? Oh, you can really see him. In my eyes, he is just a personal thing. I want to focus on him and he is right. I really don't have that qualification."