Doom Lord-Chapter 227: Deputy Talent

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Chapter 227: Deputy Talent

The priority of borrowing money in the bank is determined by the position in the battle group. The person with a higher position can borrow the psionic value earlier. in the case of Luofeng Town, among the current martial arts professional, the highest identity is undoubtedly the Niu Bing, this guy is the first time after getting the news. I rushed to the bank to borrow money.

Then there are Liu Wei, Chu Lingling and others...

Cheng Yang entrusted the sale of Sanyuan Dan to Wang Lu, so Sanyuan Dan quickly sold out. 88 Sanyuan Dan, just 4.4 million ǎn psionic value, and returned to the account of Qianzhuang intact. They have to wait until the new Sanyuan Dan refining tomorrow to continue to play their role.

The remaining 24 ternary Dans, except for 4 of them, were left to be used by Cheng Yang. The other 20 were sent to the alchemy room in the town and passed to Zhao in the main city of the city. Billion.

Four ternary Dan, Cheng Yang one by one like eating jelly beans, if it is seen by other people, it must be extremely sorrowful.

The first ternary Dan increased the basic magic attack of Cheng Yangxun, and each of the latter halved in turn. When the fourth one was reached, it only increased the attack power.

In the end, Cheng Yang's magical attack power increased by a total of ǎn, reaching ǎn. Although it seems that the increase in the total amount is not large, but now Cheng Yang's strength is almost a bottleneck period, and I want to increase the strength again, I am afraid I have to wait for half a year, now I can improve the attack power at one time, absolutely It is very gratifying.


In the evening, Yu Kai and Liu Hao also returned to Luofeng Town. They were physically attacking the profession. It was not for Sanyuan Dan, but a regular meeting of the military academy. This meeting is tentatively scheduled for ten days, and today is the day of the meeting.

"Lord, I suggest that you can increase the amount of psionic lending by the military management." Yu Kai suggested at the beginning of the meeting.

Cheng Yang said: "Talk about your reasons."

Yu Kai said: "Several of us have the special care of the lord. There are 100,000 灵 psionic values. But the other members' limit loans are only 1000, including the deputy capitals of the various groups. They have been After a rule change, they can only use four times the speed of cultivation, which will make their previous accumulated advantages gradually disappear, which is not conducive to mobilizing enthusiasm. Moreover, the total psionic value of the bank has reached 1,800. Tens, even if the part of the psionic value used to purchase Sanyuan Dan is deducted, there are still more than 13 million. In the next few days, the amount of psionic energy will increase greatly. I feel satisfied. After the basic needs of all members of the main battle group ǎn psionic value, it is also necessary to increase the loan quota of senior management."

Cheng Yang thought about it and looked at other people and asked: "What is your opinion?"

Liu Hao and others also raised their hands to agree with Yu Kai's suggestion.

Cheng Yang said: "Well, since everyone agrees, then let's do this. Now we have more than 19,000 people in the entire territory. After tomorrow, we should be able to have a kinetic value of about two million ,n. It can meet the needs of all the deputy capitals of the five main force regiments, and temporarily calculate the psionic value of 100,000 ǎn. The rest is assigned to the commanders and deputy commanders of each battle camp. These people temporarily follow the 10,000 ǎ psionic value. The standard supply, including the level of the future captain, is also supplied at a value of 10,000 ǎ n. However, it is necessary to wait until there is enough psionic value to say."

Yu Kai and others naturally have no opinions on this. Yu Kai raised this issue, but he hoped that it could be resolved as soon as possible. Now Cheng Yang should do this. It is already very supportive to him.

The psionic value of lending to the main battle group now all adopts the method of directed lending. These psionic powers can only be used to improve the speed of training of the comrades. And can not be used as a consumption part. In this respect, this part of the loan is the safest. From the moment of borrowing, it is doomed that this part of the psionic value will not be consumed, and can not be lent to others, even if there are comrades fighting to die, these The psionic value will also return to the bank.

According to Cheng Yang's plan, the interest rate of this part of the loan will gradually decrease. Now it has been reduced from 1% to 0.5% per day. Even if you borrow ǎn psionic value, you only need to pay interest on psionic value, which is very low for all the main corps members. Of course, if it is borrowing 100,000 ǎn psionic value, the amount that needs to be returned every day is still quite large, and Cheng Yang has to let Wang Lu further reduce the interest on this part of the psionic value.

In the past, Cheng Yang set a 1% interest rate. He wanted to rely on Qianzhuang to open a road to increase the kinetic value of the territory for Luofeng Village. However, the psionic value of the land in Luofeng Town is already very full, and it is not necessary to rely on this method for a short time. The psionic power of the territory, so the function of the bank is more of a role in the overall regulation of the territory.

"Lord, or do our troops also develop some life careers themselves? This can also be used as a pastime in leisure time." Zhao Chuan suggested.

Cheng Yang shook his head and said: "This is not necessary for the time being. The army will fully improve its combat effectiveness. There is a special life team in the territory that belongs to the territory. Their production capacity is enough to meet your needs. However, Lao Yu, a few of you who were the first incumbent deputy can not be left behind, and the daily energy value must be used up. In the future, the good equipment in our territory will depend on you."

Every ordinary life career, the first incumbent has a very good talent, such as Cheng Yang's magical talent, the first Shennong talent owned by the peasant deputy.

Yu Kai, the tailor, has the talent of life, which is also a unique talent. The effect is that after his armor is cut, an additional one is added: the 5% attribute of the health is increased. Imagine that a piece of equipment can increase the health of 5%, and the 5 pieces of armor add up to 25%, which is absolutely against the sky. Of course, the tailor can only make cloth or leather, which is not good news for soldiers wearing steel armor.

Liu Hao is the first person to transfer a blacksmith. He has the talent of Xuanwu. The effect is to add an defensive power of 5% to the armor. It is similar to Yu Kai's talent.

Li Wanshan was the first person to transfer a carpenter. He has the talent of Luban, which is not only a unique talent, but also a talent skill. This skill can be launched every day, the effect is to improve the quality of a piece of equipment that you make. Now Li Wanshan's carpenter skills are less than 4, and at most he can produce bronze-quality apprenticeship equipment. The upgrade of the first-class quality has just arrived at the silver level. It is not very meaningful for the Luofeng Town territory. But in the future, this skill will definitely play a huge role.

The first person to transfer to the engraver was not among them, but Pang Shan. The girl did not know what to think about, but she was transferred to become a carver. I must know that a deputy skill possessed by the engraver is quarrying, so that such a delicate priest girl should be a stonemason? Cheng Yang felt that there was some violation.

Fortunately, after the world is gamified, the relationship between something and gender is weakened, such as power. Pang Shan also has the unique talent of the engraver, the name is awesome. The effect is that the jewelry she uses to engrave the same material must have a set of attributes. As for the attribute, it is related to the material used.

Undoubtedly, these talents are very good, and it is no wonder that Cheng Yang asked them not to leave their deputy. Liu Hao and others will naturally have no objections to this.

Cheng Yang went on to say: "What is the situation of your troops now?"

Yu Kai looked at a few other people and said: "Now we are almost the same as the main battle group. More than 10% of the people have advanced to the higher-level apprenticeship. These people are the ones who transferred to the professional statue before upgrading to level 4. People, and the first use of four times the speed of cultivation bonus. As for the middle-level comrades, the lowest number of transferees in Luofeng Village is already a middle-level apprenticeship, but some of the several sub-residents who are transferred to the post are now I haven't upgraded to mid-level yet, but I guess it's just a few days."

Huang Yinghua said: "The lord, the situation of our garrison is much worse. The members of the garrison are all transferred to the main city some time ago. It is only ten days away from now, plus there is no psionic value to get faster practice. Speed, now only the initial apprenticeship. Lord, can you increase the support for the garrison in the later period?"

Cheng Yang also knows Huang Yinghua's embarrassment. Although he has the heart to bring out a strong army of warriors, without the support of resources, the development of the garrison will be very difficult.

Yu Kai suddenly said: "Lord, I also agree with Minister Huang's opinion ~ ~ Wu Jianzhou also said: "Lord, I think that in the case that the main battle group already has enough psionic value to use, you can defensive The group leans. After all, the garrison is the reserve force of the main battle group. If this reserve force is too bad, it will be dragged into the main battle group in the future. "

Yu Kaiyi smiled, and there was no such thing as Wu Jianzhou's smashing.

Cheng Yang said: "Yes, but I can only provide the psionic value that enhances the practice multiple. As for the consumption, you have to work hard."

Huang Yinghua said: "This is already ok. Our escorts in various villages and towns have turned around the four or five-kilometer area into a battalion activity area. Although the psionic value earned every day cannot be compared with the main battle group, it opens two or three. There is no problem with four times the hour of cultivation."

Cheng Yang also believes that Huang Yinghua said that after all, the members of the garrison are only junior apprentices, and they start four or three hours of four times the speed of cultivation, but also seven or eighty ǎ psionic value. As long as the team is allocated reasonably, the psionic value earned every day can still reach this number.

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