Doom Lord-Chapter 238: Failed Temptation

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Chapter 238: Failed Temptation

Cheng Yang and Yu Kai stood together and quietly waited for the arrival of the city. He also made up his mind in mind, and the two sides can best not have conflicts. He also wants to compile some of the other side's strength so that he can take advantage of the game in Wucheng in the future.

A few minutes later, there was a rush of footsteps in front of them. From the rhythm of this voice, the other party is really in their direction.

"Come on! You will deal with it in a while." Cheng Yang whispered to Yu Kai, and then his body retreated backwards.

Yu Kaiyan n ǎn head, then shouted backwards: "Battle preparation."

All the fighters in the front row erected their shields for the first time, and the summoner summoned their own summoned beasts and placed them before the front row of fighters.

In less than half a minute, a team of about 300 people rushed from the direction of the main city and went straight to the north side of the exit passage. They wanted to be far away from Cheng Yang and others, and the distance between the two sides was less than 50 meters.

"Who are you? Why do you block this passage from the city?" The other party made a pre-emptive attack. The person who walked in the front directly put a certain hat on the warriors in Luofeng Town.

Yu Kai held a longbow and said with a grim face: "This passage is our territory. In order to prevent the younger generation from entering the territory, we naturally have to hold this passage. It is you, so rushing over, whether there is any misconduct. Attempt?"

Cheng Yang, standing behind Yu Kai, threw a reconnaissance and learned a transparent understanding of the person's attributes. In Cheng Yang's eyes, the other party is nothing more than a high-level apprentice-class shrimp.

Yes, the high-level apprenticeship is really just a small shrimp in Cheng Yang's eyes. Even the people who are headed are the only ones, and others don't have to worry about it.

The man did not answer Yu Kai's question, and said with a cold voice: "It seems that you are planning to be an enemy with us today? You have to think clearly, and being enemies with us is the enemy of the whole city, and then the whole time. There will be no place for you to live with the city."

Yu Kai smiled and it seems that this person has not figured out the situation! It seems that they do not know that these people are not in the urban area.

"It seems that you are just a small person. Some things are not something you can do. Let's go and let your boss come over." Yu Kai didn't want to waste too much time with this little person.

That person's face is not very good-looking, sneer: "I don't know the guy who lifted it! Brothers, give me a rush, stop the road! Kill innocent." After that, the man raised his sword and shield and instantly rushed out. .

It seems that this person has some points as a warrior's consciousness, and did not shrink behind because he is the commander of the team.

Yu Kai's face was cold and he said: "Kill!"

As he shouted this sentence, the bow in his hand was lifted up in an instant, and it was an arrow toward the soldier. The wolf that Zhao Chuan summoned also rushed out and went straight to the other side.

There was a sneer in the eyes of the man, but he was a warrior, and there was a certain restraint on the archers in his profession. His body did not stop at all, and the shield in his hand stopped the arrow that was shot.

The result was similar to what he had imagined, and the shield was blocked in front of the arrow, but the next change made him unexpected. The great power that the arrow carries is like a hammer hitting the shield and passing it on his arm.

A kind of fear emerged from his heart. But he still has to make any moves in the future, the whole body has already flew up and fell towards the rear.

One shot shoots people, which can be seen in many scenes. But it is rare to shoot people in one shot. Today's scene is undoubtedly an eye-opener.

But at the moment, no one appreciates this rare scene, after the man was shot. Directly squatting on a soldier rushing up from the rear, the two instantly rolled together.

Not only that, but the army of Luofeng Town also began to move forward quickly. The archers in the back row also fired the same round of arrows, aiming at the warrior headed.

This guy is really unlucky. He hasn't recovered from the initial blows. The three or four arrows have already fallen on him. His blood volume is only emptied instantly, and consciousness is away from him. .

At the same time, the wolf that Zhao Chuan summoned has already rushed to the other's camp. The soldier who had just been hit by his boss in the ground still has time to get up. The wolf's mouth is biting in his throat. on. Although the slotter did not bite his throat because of the restrictions of the rules, he took away more than half of his blood. Then, the two arrows fell and his life came to an end.

"The captain of the king is dead..."

"They killed the captain of the king..."

"Revenge for the captain of the king..."

The opponent's servants did not realize how strong the opponents were, and they were all overwhelmed by anger and rushed out.

The magician and the archer behind him immediately launched their own attack after entering the attack distance. The target was directed at the three Cheng Yang who stood in the front row. After all, the three men are not dressed like warriors. In their view, such people are the best to kill. Moreover, Cheng Yang three people also seem to be the person of the main event.

However, after their attack was shot on the three of Cheng Yang, although they took some blood, the priests in Luofeng Town did not move slowly. The healing light was sent out, and their blood volume was instantly filled. It is.

"How is this going?"

"What is that white light..."

These people are dumbfounded. They don't know that there is a pastor in this world, and they don't know that there are pastors in the land of Luofeng Town. They only know that these people have more than a dozen attacks on the other side, but the other party is still like nothing?

It must be that the attack strength is not enough. This is the idea of ​​these warriors along with the city.

Just as they were preparing to continue the attack, the army of Luofeng Town was not ready to sit still. At the moment, dozens of arrows were shot out, aiming at the soldiers who were rushing in front. This is not a big deal. The most frightening thing about the city's warriors is that the other's magician has fired a huge fireball, a skill they have never seen before.

The soldiers who followed the city tried to resist these arrows and fireballs with shields, and the final arrow was blocked, but the fireball burst open instantly, covering a few meters of the square, and the violent high temperature made them instantly hurt. Some warriors who have been attacked several times have even lost their lives.

It turned out to be a group attack skill, and all the magicians mastered this group attack skill, which made these rushing soldiers feel a desperate. It is true that their shield can withstand a frontal attack, but this sudden burst of flame is pervasive. Can't resist at all.


This is the idea of ​​the city's servants, because they found that the attack power of all the other servants is unusually high. The soldiers in front and the summoned beasts have begun to meet each other, and the huge damage caused by each attack of the other party makes them chill.

They are sure that most of the other teams have only high-level apprenticeship, but their attack power is close to or even breaks through ǎn, which can be calculated from the damage they receive.

What is most desperate for them is that even if the other side is attacked by themselves, they will continue to rush all the way. The white light that keeps rising in the rear always keeps their blood volume above 70%.

The team of warriors with the city has been completely chaotic. The warrior who served as a meat shield in the front has already been hit by the side of Luofeng Town. The death and injury are heavy, and the crispy occupation behind it is even more incapable of resisting.

However, when they retreated, they found that the speed of the other party was much faster than those of themselves. If they step back, the other party can follow the two steps, which is to stop the killing.

The bursting flame is constantly emitted, and it is also mixed with deadly arrows...

The summoned beast has already rushed into the opponent's formation, attacking the opponent at all costs...

The warrior became the most solid shield. Resist the enemy all the crazy counterattacks...

This is a completely asymmetrical battle, although there is no gap in the number of the two sides, although the two sides are not comparable in the strength level, but the results are surprising.

"Stop... We surrender..." One of them screamed. Throw away the weapon directly and lie on the ground. After all, the opponent is not a demonized beast, why bother to do so?

Yu Kai is also the person who rushes to the front. He sees that the surrenderer has no killer. He directly yells at the back: "Tied!" and then continues to move forward.

His archer is even more terrifying when fighting in close quarters. The arrow that was shot was hit by the other party without even seeing it.

Cheng Yang has never been hands-on. When he saw that the other party rushed to only a few hundred people, there was no plan to do it. Because this is n people. He can solve it completely by himself.

As a lord, naturally nothing can be done by yourself.

Just as the battle between the two sides came to an end, a large army reached the north side of the passage, and the first person was repaired.

Seeing this scene in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded. He had thought that these people who had sent out would fall behind, but he did not expect to be so simple. At this moment, he is more than two hundred meters away from the position of the warring parties, but the last servant has fallen to the ground obviously has been killed by the other side.

Xiu Xiu is a more rational person. He did not quickly rush to question the other party, or directly smashed his face with the other side. He was observing the situation of the other side cleaning the battlefield.

The observed results caused Yan Xiu's mood to sink to the bottom of the valley. The other party turned out to be zero casualties and killed all the people they sent out.

Is the other party all the peak apprentices? is it possible? If there are one or two masters who have been promoted through abnormal channels, Yan Xiu feels that the other party may reach the peak apprenticeship level, but if there are hundreds of peak apprentice masters, they will not believe it.

To reach the peak apprentice master, you must change your job in the first five days of the end of the day and start eight times the speed of cultivation. How many psionic values ​​do you need to practice eight times? A full 100,000, one hundred such masters need tens of millions of psionics. This is an impossible goal.