Doom Lord-Chapter 248: Red Face And White Face

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Chapter 248: Red Face And White Face

Although Cheng Yang did not care about the situation of other forces, how much can be guessed.

At this moment, he is concentrating on the direction of the filial city. Over there, a crowd of black people is swarming from the newly built Tianning Village to the official road of Xiaocheng. According to some estimates, the number of these people is no less than 200,000.

These people who came here belonged to two different forces, namely the army forces of the former military commander Song Yu, who was the first force of the filial piety, and the political power of the former filial city mayor Lin Xiang. This force is also filial piety. The second largest force in the city's main city, the group of people that Cheng Yang met on the north side of Xiaocheng City yesterday was exactly them.

According to the news obtained by Cheng Yang, the relationship between several forces in Xiaocheng is not so harmonious. Although it is not the same, it is definitely not in a pot of urine.

But now, the two teams have actually walked together in such a safe and sound manner. When they came outside Tianning Village, they surrounded Tianning Village with the fastest speed, if it was not the wall of light. Blocking, this group of wolves like a tiger may have rushed directly into the light curtain.

After everyone has stood still, the two teams have each walked out of a person. They stopped at a distance of more than 30 meters from the wall of light. One of the middle-aged people, who is nearly 50 years old, said loudly: "I don't know who is falling. Fengyang Lord Cheng Yang?"

Cheng Yang's mouth is awkward, and the pride in the other's words can't be heard. In the last world, there may be many people who can show their pride in front of him. But in this world, how many people have this qualification?

"I am." Cheng Yang went up and said, "Look at your posture. It seems not very friendly. I don't know who you are?"

The other party said: "My name is Lin Xiang, and I am the leader of one of the four major forces in Xiaocheng. As for whether our attitude is friendly, it depends entirely on the lord of the process."

Cheng Yang smiled very indifferently: "There are some problems with your words. In the past, Xiaocheng may have four major forces, but now, Xiaocheng has only three major forces. You said, I am right?"

Lin Xiang suddenly stagnation, Cheng Yang's implicit threatening words made him very unhappy, but he had to admit that now Xiaocheng really only has three major forces. Just last night. With the death of Wang Shunchang, the third power of Xiaocheng City collapsed and split into several independent forces, and there was no longer the ability to challenge these forces with Lin Xiang.

"The three major forces are also good, and the four major forces are worth mentioning. These are not important." Another 40-year-old, burly middle-aged man said, "We came here this time and wanted to talk to Cheng."

Cheng Yang deliberately pretended to be stupid: "Let me talk about it? Is this something that can't be said? We have never dealt with it. It can be said that Jingshui does not commit river water. What else can you say? Right, who are you? If a person can jump out and come to me to discuss the argument, I guess I don't have to do anything else."

The other person's face sank, and he himself remembered that no one had dared to degrade himself. Said gloomyly: "My name is Song Wei, and it is also the leader of the biggest power in Xiaocheng. Do you think I am qualified to ask you a statement?"

Cheng Yang's face is unchanged, he said: "You should know Yuan Jianze? At the beginning, he was also the first power leader in the main city of the city, and almost occupied two-thirds of the entire city's main city. But now. Already dead. I wonder if the power you belong to is stronger than him?"

Song Xin's heart was shocked. He naturally knew Yuan Jianze's, and he also heard the rumors of Yuan Jianze's death. Of course, these rumors are from the forum. It is precisely because he knows Yuan Jianze, so he will be so jealous of Cheng Yang, or he will not act with Lin Xiang.

However, Song Yu is not a timid person. Any timid person has already been transformed by this **** world. What's more, Song Hao can go to today, is definitely a sly character, he will naturally not be scared by Cheng Yang a few words.

"Cheng lord, here is filial city, not city. I admit that you can call the wind in the city, but when I am in this filial city, the dragon has to give me a plate, the tiger has to give me a sigh." Song There was a hint of twilight on his face.

Cheng Yang haha ​​smiled and said: "What do you do without doing this? How did you come to my Tianning Village? You think that if there is such a road from Luofeng Town to Tianning Village, my power is still only Can it be limited to the city?"

Song Yuzheng is going to say something more. Lin Xiang suddenly said: "When everyone has something to say, why bother to make a lot of things for the sake of something? Now that they have reached the point where humanity is alive and dead, we should cooperate, and should we not fight?"

Song Song snorted and stopped talking.

Cheng Yangsu is seeing it. The two guys are partners to play, one sings a red face and one sings a white face.

Sure enough, Lin Cheng continued to say that he had not waited for Cheng Yang's opening. "The lord of Cheng, in fact, this thing, you really do not know what to do. This Tianning Village is originally a place of my filial piety. You are a city. The forces are far from a few hundred miles. It's not too good to come across a bar.... Of course, if you are willing to return Tianning Village to us, we can do nothing, we still have nothing to do. I can recognize you as a friend, and everyone will help each other in the future. But if the lord of the lord continues to occupy the Tianning Village, don't say that it is me and Song Yu, that is, the entire filial piety of the city will not agree. "

Cheng Yang did not give Lin Xiang a face and said: "Lintou collar, I don't look down on you, you really can't represent Xiaocheng. As for Tianning Village, it is not a filial piety, nor a city." Before it was occupied, it was only a land of nowhere, and it was occupied by me. Then Tianning Village is part of my town. If anyone wants to take it away, it is an enemy of my town. ""

Lin Xiang's smile on his face could not keep going, and said: "Cheng lord, people are mixed in this world, have to give each other a few faces? If everyone tears their face, I am afraid that you/days are not good. ""

Cheng Yang said: "This world is not worth the life. Not to mention the face. As for the days after tearing my face, I have never thought about it, but I think my days should not change."

"You..." Lin Xiang was extremely angry with Cheng Yang's attitude of not getting into the oil and salt.

Song Yu said at this time: "Cheng Yang, do you really think this turtle shell can protect your safety?"

Cheng Yang smiled dissatisfiedly and said: "Don't try to know?"

"Okay! Very good!" Song angered and smirked and said, "Since you don't see the coffin without tears, then I will be rude."

After all, Song Yu and Lin Xiang glanced at each other and gently licked n. Then they whispered a few words to the people behind them.

The people who got the instructions immediately went down and ran around the encirclement, conveying the instructions of Song Yu and Lin Xiang.

Soon, a team of about 50 people directly rushed out and went straight to the wall of light. When they rushed to the front of the light curtain, they raised their weapons and cut them toward the light curtain.

Cheng Yang mouth sneered, these people were obviously sent out by Song Yu and others to test. None of their strengths reached a high level, and there were only one or two pieces of equipment, and the physical attack power had not broken through.

Such a person does not say that it is fifty people, that is, 500,000 people. Cheng Yang's eyes won't lick, because they can't do anything to damage the walls of light. Even if a small part of the skill level is higher, then it is at most one or two ,n, completely negligible.

"Liu village chief. You take a remote career to practice your hand, it is rare to have such an opportunity." Cheng Yang calmly told.

Liu light dance is very simple, ǎn ǎn head and then ǎn forty remote careers, directly rushed to the place where the soldiers attacked. In this way, they stood in the wall of the light more than 20 meters away, and then raised their own weapons, and each exhibition was able to attack the other people.

"Ah..." A series of screams, the guys who attacked the light curtains outside, originally thought that the light curtain could block the attacks of these people, and naturally they could not attack the outside, but know the facts are completely opposite, these people Not only can you attack the outside, but even weaken it.

Both Song Wei and Lin Xiang have changed their faces. This situation is too unfavorable for them.

"Remote attack, go up!" Song Yu gave a low voice, and immediately a team of archers with a magician walked out, and after standing in the place of 30 meters, they began to attack the light curtain.

Song Yu's idea is very simple. He feels that this light curtain may only prevent outsiders from entering. It is also normal for a short-range career to be unable to attack the target. It is a remote career and should not be restricted by this aspect.

However, the fact is exactly the opposite. After seeing that one of the arrows was shot on the light curtain, it was unable to fall, and a large number of magic missiles were shot on the light curtain, and then the mood was a little heavy.

Seeing this scene can be more than Song Yi and Lin Xiang, and nearly 200,000 warriors around him have seen it. They have a feeling of powerlessness on this light curtain that is similar to the invincible effect. This can only be passively beaten, and it fights the completely ineffective battle. No one is willing to participate.

In the time when everyone was thinking, the 50 soldiers who first rushed out were all killed. Nearly one-fifth of them died under the bow of Liu Liuwu. She is the day. The only high-ranking apprentice in the Ningcun area.

After Liu Guangwu and others annihilated the soldiers, they moved forward again, next to the wall of light, and then began to attack the archers in the distance.

The two archers were the first to die under the attack of Liu Qingwu. The rest of the people did not wait for Song Yu to command and quickly withdrew. These people are not fools, they are not willing to give their lives in vain.