Doomsday: with unlimited warehouse system-Chapter 100 Red Light Reappears

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Danny looked at the scene outside the window and voiced his confusion, "The red light just disappeared, and now it's back again."

The man and Monica exchanged glances upon hearing his words, then they both stood up and walked to the window. They lifted a corner of the curtain, and indeed, it was as Danny described.

Outside the window, the sun that used to hang high in the sky and illuminate the ground was now covered by red light. The entire ground was bathed in an eerie red glow, making them more vigilant.

Danny's eyes lit up as he looked outside the window. Downstairs, there was someone who seemed unfazed by the red light and walked out. As soon as the red light touched his body, it immediately burst into flames. It started with his shoulders, then spread to his entire upper body, lower body, until the blazing flames engulfed him entirely.

"Ah!" The person let out a scream before dying, ultimately turning into a zombie. Humans under the red light seemed to be cursed by some kind of evil. Even death became a luxury, as they could only transform into decaying corpses.

Danny let the curtain fall and glanced at the two who were still looking outside the window. He crossed his arms and walked over to the sofa, opening a bag of potato chips.

Upon hearing the sound, Monica turned to look at him and said, "What's the situation? Only you can still eat."

Danny put a chip in his mouth and chuckled, "The body is the capital for survival."

Before Monica could respond, the man patted her shoulder and shook his head. Then he whispered, "The matter of the firearms may have to be delayed for a while. We can't go out as long as the red light persists."

With those words, Danny chimed in, "Yeah, Abraham told us to stay put when the red light appears before he left."

The man nodded towards the red glow, and Monica turned to sit down. She sat on the bed, crossed her legs, her gaze distant and lost in thought.

Meanwhile, outside a building, before the red light illuminated the area, Abraham had already stepped into the building. Abraham turned around, looking at the crimson sky, furrowing his brow. Then, he leaned on his cane, took out a small card, and swiped it on the card reader by the door.

Drip! The card reader made a faint sound. With a click, the revolving door of the building started to operate. Abraham followed the revolving door and walked inside...

"David, this red light..." Arnold also noticed the red light outside the window.

"The red light?" David paused for a moment, then hurriedly walked over. He lifted the curtain and was shocked by the sight outside the window. Indeed, there was the red light. Why did it appear again?

In the previous era, the red light only appeared once, and its duration lasted less than a day. But now, it kept coming and going, and they didn't know when it would happen again. After pondering for a moment, David addressed everyone in the room:"For now, let's make do and stay here."

Everyone listened without complaints. David nodded and distributed several primary crystals to everyone for absorption. As soon as they received the crystals, their eyes brightened, and they immediately began absorbing them.

Inside the room, everyone except Sophie was an ability user. When Sophie didn't know what to do, David suggested, "Sophie, why don't you go check on Arnold?"

It was Arnold's first time absorbing primary crystals, so it was good to have someone watching over him. Sophie nodded, her face filled with excitement, and followed behind Arnold. As everyone started absorbing the crystals, David placed ten more primary crystals on the table.

After completing everything, David sat on the sofa with twenty primary crystals in front of him. As he looked at the twenty crystals, he felt a bit troubled. So far, the spatial crystals had not appeared. If he could obtain one, it would have an exponentially greater effect.

When David picked up the first crystal, the red light from outside the window seeped through the curtains, casting a faint red glow. Looking at the faint red light on the ground, David suddenly remembered the man's words: "The red light never ceases."

David carefully pondered this sentence. He wanted to know what it meant. Who was that person and what was their identity? Lost in thought, David felt fortunate that the faint red light didn't affect anyone inside the house.

Shortly after, David began absorbing the crystals one by one. He quickly absorbed all twenty crystals. Just as he finished absorbing them, David let out a sigh of relief, stood up, stretched, and then heard Duke's groaning. He paused and turned to look at Duke.

At that moment, Duke was clutching his stomach, curled up on the ground, beads of cold sweat constantly forming on his forehead. His lips had lost their normal color, replaced by It's pale lips. David glanced at him but didn't approach. He walked over to Little Black, stroked the Little black circling around him, and smiled. "Are you hungry?"

Little Black seemed to understand David's words and jumped towards him, saliva almost dripping onto the floor. David smiled and put a dozen crystals into the dog's bowl. Little Black was quite satisfied as it turned around and started eating. 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎

David shifted his gaze and focused on Cola. Looking at the sleeping Cola, he felt that there were many secrets hidden within it. He approached and placed some crystals in front of it. Then he sat on the sofa. After a few moments, when everyone was almost finished, Sally was the first to approach.

"I'm done." Sally said, her face slightly flushed, as she sat down next to David.

"How about you? Do you feel anything?" David asked.

Sally shook her head. "No upgrade, but I feel much stronger in terms of my overall physical condition. That's enough. Physical fitness is still crucial."

Before David could speak again, Arnold excitedly walked over. He stood in front of David, full of excitement. "I feel a surging energy inside me. Does that mean I've leveled up?"

With those words, Arnold couldn't wait to demonstrate it to David. Rip! As Arnold transformed, all his clothes burst open! Looking at Arnold in his werewolf state, David nodded in satisfaction. The werewolf's figure had grown even taller.

"David, I can now easily jump several stories high, and look at my muscles!" Arnold said, exerting all his strength, revealing one developed muscle after another.

As Sophie couldn't help but exclaim, "Amazing," David watched and echoed, "Impressive." Seeing that everyone was almost done, David stood up and tried to reach out and pat Arnold's shoulder, but he couldn't reach. Seeing this, Arnold silently crouched down.