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Dragon Poor-Chapter 22
Chapter 22
It was a silent whisper, a formless message. However, alarmingly enough, Sunhyuk was able to understand it's meaning.
Other than that, the meaning wasn't clear. All he could derive was the fact that there were enemies not far away, currently approaching them at an extremely fast pace.
"The enemies are coming!"
Sunhyuk did not delay. After shouting loudly, the cavalrymen looked up and alternated gazes between Sunhyuk and the Captain.
"The distance?"
"I don't know precisely! However, they are not far away!"
He answered with a stern face from Frederik's question, and the hot-tempered Captain quickly mounted on top of his horse.
"The harvest of spoils will end here! Everyone mount up!"
Concluding with such a sentence, the majority of the cavalrymen threw away what they were holding and quickly mounted their horses. Soon after entering a formation, they waited for the next command.
"What will you do?"
From Clarke's question, Captain Frederik did not hesitate before raising his hand.
"We will ride without stopping to Mengsk Fortress! In the worst-case scenario, we will abandon the wagons!"
It seems he had determined that there was too much risk with battling the Sastane Cavalry a second time. As if the other cavalrymen had thought so as well, there were none who objected to the command, as if they had no thoughts of trying to attain any more war achievements at this point.
"The leading group will be the 9th Squad! Quickly enter the non-combat formation and ride swiftly!"
Soon, the hooves began to sound as the 24th Regiment of Heavy Cavalry began to quickly leave the battlefield.
The reddened, soggy ground, such a scene caused Sunhyuk to look back several times with a heavy sigh, before following behind the cavalry and disappearing.
Fortunately, the road to Mengsk Fortress was smooth. Nevertheless, it didn't mean that there was no threats at all.
"Southeast! Southeast! I think they are trying to block the roads and overtake us!" "Vanguard turn! Towards the northeast direction!"
Sunhyuk had monitored the entire threat, and everytime the regiment turned directions, it created even more distance from their enemies. As a result, they had to take a roundabout route back to Mengsk Fortress, taking longer than expected, but no one complained.
"I don't feel them now! It seems that the enemies have given up on the chase!"
The presence of the enemies who increased their speed to catch up to them, had at some point completely disappeared. After confirming this fact several times, he reported to the squad saying that the enemy had given up on the chase.
"From here on out, there are long-distance patrols whom scout this area from Mengsk Fortress. Even the enemies feel that it is too greedy to proceed any further."
Immediately after the battle, they had traversed for one whole day. When the mounts became exhausted, they moved their supplies over to the enemy horses and rode those, and even if the wagons were broken, the horses did not stop galloping. It was a troublesome time for human and horse alike, but at last, they were able to stop the pursuit of the enemy.
"Vanguard, lower your speed. We will monitor the conditions of our horses and check our individual equipment as we move."
With Frederik's command, the rest of the cavalrymen let out a large sigh as they cried out from exhaustion. But, the veterans did not forget to check the conditions of the horses, while taking care of themselves.
"Wow. Is this possible? We actually did it?"
The cavalrymen began to gradually realize, that they had accomplished their mission, as they had puzzled, but marvelled looks.
"If we enter the Fortress, everyone won't believe us, right? That we annihilated the Sastein Cavalry and had ran for two days without sleep?" "If there are truly those who say it's a bluff in front of me, I'm gonna crush their mouths." "Hansen, you should not crush the mouth, but break some… never mind. Sorry."
While the cavalrymen were joking and chuckling, as they were finally able to afford some leisure time, Sunhyuk was the only one who was lying flat on top of the horse as he rested.
"Well, you did quite well for not falling behind." "Yeah. You achieved great results on your first dispatch, and stood on the battlefield like no one else could."
While the comrades were providing comfort that didn't sound like consolation, he frowned.
'Don't they know whose fault it is of why I'm so tired…?'
In his exhausted state, he swallowed that last sentence down and just shooed them away with his hand.
Although the cavalrymen were proud of their gruesome sprint, he could not sympathize with them. The reason for this success was due to his hard work behind the scenes.
Wind Body.
During the two days that they had fled, he had not deactivated the Wind Body once. He had endlessly applied the skill to the horses, and had encouraged the constantly exhausted horses and Riders to push forward. It was a bonus that his Wind Spirit allowed him to be constantly aware of which direction the enemy was approaching them from. Thanks to his effort, no one was sacrificed as they travelled to their destination.
To see the cavalrymen giggling and noisily talking beside him, he somewhat despised them, and he deactivated his Wind Body ability.
"Ahhhk! Why is my body suddenly…"
"Huh? What's wrong with my horse?"
Their sudden heavy bodies, and the collapse of their horses caused the cavalrymen to scream. From that scene, he chuckled and he decided to not activate the Wind Body skill again.
Ah. Now, I really don't want to move a finger.
Maybe due to his lowering of his guard, exhaustion overwhelmed him as it did not allowed him to use his abilities at all.
And while he laid his head on the horse's neck for some time, he felt a small squad approaching, so he raised his head to see welcoming Riders with familiar uniforms quickly approaching this way.
"It's a Mengsk Fortress patrol!"
"Forth! I have heard the news. With the delay of the arrival, the Commander was worried. It is so fortunate that you have arrived so safely."
Whether or not the message of the 27th Regiment had reached them or not, the patrol guard was relieved, seeing that the 24th Regiment in such fine shape.
"It seems I have worried the Commander. However, we had encountered a situation of our own as well." "We have heard of it. Thankfully, you have not suffered a big loss like the 28th Regiment…"
The scout had received Lieutenant Frederik's words with a knowing face before shutting up. During the conversation, the Captain Frederik had pointed towards the wagons full of supplies and provisions.
"We had an engagement along the way. And those are the spoils."
"So it seems that there are other enemies, who have crossed the border other than those Sastane bastards! I must let the Commander know…"
The nervous scout shut up once more. It was because he had discovered a red-feathered helmet atop of the provisions on the wagons.
"Is that, could it be… no way?!"
"Correct. They are of the Sastanes."
Frederik looked back to see Sunhyuk's reaction during the conversation. But, seeing an apathetic reaction, he turned back to the scout and proudly spoke.
"The Heavy Cavalry of the 24th Regiment were suddenly attacked by a company of the Sastane Cavalry, but we engaged against them and did not have many casualties. There are no survivors from the Sastanes."
The patrolman looked at Fredrik agape due to the unexpected victory, before recollecting himself and speaking in a steadfast voice.
"I will ask you! Do you have the right to receive our Mengsk triumphal celebration after encountering a strong enemy, and displaying courage with spirit to achieve victory!" "We do." "Then what are you doing?! Run to the soldiers and inform them of this grand victory!"
Frederik then hurled words at him like a storm, causing the scout to be surprised in shock, as he took a few of the soldiers and headed to the direction of Mengsk Fortress.
Indeed, the notoriety of the Sastanes were high. Those countless Riders who swallowed and destroyed so many of the villages, and towns near the borders of the Kingdom of Ardenburg, had caused many to hate and deem them as devils. Although it was a single company, that overwhelming annihilation of such demons had been a rare victory in recent years, all due to the accomplishment of the 24th Regiment.
"The greatest cavalry! Long live the Heavy Cavalry of the 24th Regiment!"
"All hail Frederik Silduff the Knight!"
There was an enthusiastic, and overwhelming cheer as soon as they entered the fortress. Sunhyuk would experience such a triumphant ceremonial welcome from the elite troops for the first time. Of course, the majority of the praise for this victory leaned towards the Captain, but many were looking at the cavalrymen with eager eyes.
Clarke, noticing him as they watched their acclaim, came up to him with a stern look.
"Most of the soldiers in the Mengsk Fortress, were taken and recruited from villages near the border, with none of them having not lost a brother, sister, or parent to those Sastanes."
Seeing those soldiers greet them with such astounding praise, Sunhyuk was now able to realize why they were cheering for them so admirably.
"You see. We are the heroes who have avenged the blood of their families."
At this moment, despite having spent two days straight awake, and having nearly no energy to use his attributes, he subconsciously straightened his shoulders and raised his spear up high.
"Wave your hand once. The reason why the Captain put you in the front was to courteously honor your accomplishments."
He lifted his hand after hearing that, and just like Clarke had remarked, the soldiers began cheering out even louder.
"You're the best! You guys are true men!" "If you come to our village next time, we will treat you to a proper meal, so come whenever! 24th Regiment!" "So handsome! I love you! I am willing to give myself to you this instant!"
He felt like there was some dangerous responses mixed in that crowd of voices, but he thought he was just imagining things.
They arrived at the fortress, unpacked, and finally rested. Because of the enemy having dispatched troops in front of the border, the military of Mengsk Fortress was bogged down by watching the Sastane Cavalry swirl and gallop around the border, causing them many heartaches.
But then the 24th Regiment, in which Sunhyuk belonged too, suddenly arrived and wiped out the Sastein Cavalry who had crossed the border, rapidly shifting the momentum of the battlefield.
"Even those Sastanes could not have considered that they would suffer defeat in this manner."
After losing an entire company, the Sastane Cavalry did not dare wander around any longer. Instead, opting to merge back with the original army, they did not dare to display any more signs of provocation.
"Although our allies in the light cavalry have been victimized, we were able to minimize casualties as much as possible while destroying one of theirs. Though we exchanged blows, I think that our side has gained much more this round."
Sunhyuk wasn't accustomed to hearing lives inattentively spoken with such a lax demeanor, but he silently nodded to Clarke's explanation. This world was like this anyways, so he had to adjust, even if he hated it.
"Let's go. Our great Commander has prepared a spot for our cavalry."
"Ugh. I just want to relax."
After that unbelievable campaign, they had not even finished unpacking and organizing, but they were already being called for as Clarke forcefully dragged him out.
As such, the fortress vibrated and was full of meat and alcohol that night. Even Sunhyuk, who was tired and exhausted, felt the vibrant fragrance of food overwhelming him.
"Ohoh! The warriors that slaughtered the Sastane demons have arrived!" "Let's hear their story!"
It was the Commander who had helped them escape the hoard of people rushing towards them in admiration, awe and curiosity.
They quickly rose and took a bowing posture, saluting before the Commander looked at them with a cheerful face.
"Rest and relax. I did not hold this for such a reason."
Though he had a mixture of gray hair, the Commander of the fortress seemed to be very strong. It was enough to make people cringe just by looking at the eyes of such a muscular body.
"Well, there's nothing I hate more than having a conversation with all this food lying around. So speak plainly."
Unlike the time he had seen him with Lee Eunse at the garrison, he looked quite plain.
"I am proud and joyful of the victory. Tonight, I will not hold against any hints of disgraceful behavior so eat to your fullest." "Wow! Long live the Commander!"
After that short hurrah, the place became a mess as the cavalrymen ate, sang and cheered.
A voice could be heard in the midst of the bustling celebration, as the Riders gobbled up the meat in bliss.
"The Commander wants to talk with you briefly." "Why does he want to meet an ordinary Rider like me…"
Had they not already negotiated with Captain Frederik for Captain Frederik to take all the glory? With that nonsensical call, he turned his head and saw Frederik beckon for him to come along.
"So you are that friend."
As he approached, the Commander laughed and pretended to be friendly with him. But that was too much, as he couldn't think of why the Commander would act like this.
"So, you are the protagonist of this victory?"
Stiffening on the spot, he fiercely glared at Captain Frederik, who returned a glance implying not to worry.
TL Afterword:
Calvis: I wish Sunhyuk would be recognized, but I do want him to also grow independently. Also, it was funny how he deactivated Wind Body and watch the cavalrymen start to freak out haha.
TL Notice: Translating with the flu ravaging me. If I do miss a day, I apologize in advance.
PR Afterword:
Sai101: LOL moment when MC carrying the whole squad only to be pegged as the weak link…
BM: The cavalry seem to rely on him often!
Translator: Calvis Proofreader: Sai101,Borderline Masochist