Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem-Chapter 68 : Half Orc Hunts Orcs!?

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Unlike the planned initially, Raven decided to visit the closest dungeon upon leaving the blacksmith; he needed to eliminate the extreme lust for the alluring goblin that almost caused him to become a sex offender and the desire to test his new axe.

'It's so heavy and sharp...' Raven thought, carrying it on his back because he didn't want it to leave his body. He felt like a kid with a fantastic new toy and rushed towards a random dungeon.

"What is this place called?" He asked the female guard standing outside, her lips sucking on a premium XL dragon stick that was effective for sleep deprivation and fatigue.

The brown-haired woman saw the giant orc and wryly smiled at the irony of him choosing the [Belvaast Fields] as an orc.

"Good hunting! Please let me see your identification; this dungeon is called Belvaast Fields with a danger rating of E; you need to be F rank at minimum to enter. I appreciate your cooperation!"

Her voice was a little dry and hoarse from the slight bags under her eyes; Raven realised this poor woman had likely been guarding the brown portal for many hours; he could see the dry skin on her face but remained quiet.

To help her recover, even if slightly, he "accidentally" tripped on his own feet and leaned against her body, letting his purple energy seep into her because it was not from the inside or extreme activity. It was a little weaker than expected, but the changes were apparent as her cheeks looked smoother.

"Ugh... Be careful; you're such a big boy. I was almost crushed under your thick body." She joked, wiping her modest chest down as Raven smiled.

"Sorry, I was just a little excited to try my new weapon, which was too powerful. Here is my identification."

"Umu... No problems, Raven, huh? I hope you can clear the dungeon successfully; the common enemies are wolves and.... orcs; if you cannot bring yourself to kill your kind, I suggest forming a party with others..."

Raven smiled. This woman's concern was lovely; he never expected any guards to be so helpful; the world would shit with the recent terrorism from the cultists and monsters rebelling against the dangerous class system.

"Ah, thank you very much; I had no idea! I should be okay, though, I've killed humanoid monsters before, but I will be extra careful."

"Hahaha, stop being so nice; act like adventurers and try to cup my tits and ass, or ask me to join you for a drink! The level of the monsters ranges from 13-17, although it's not much higher than you. Please be careful!"

The woman gave Raven a brilliant smile as she allowed him to pass; he wondered if it was because of his luck or handsome face that all the guards and people he met related to the dungeon apart from one party were so helpful.

His feet stepped into the brown portal; he suddenly heard the ping of someone adding him to their contact list and realised the cheeky guard had taken a peek at his number! She was pretty, and he didn't mind; sometimes, having friends who worked in different places was good.

'Not to mention, I will eventually need women to sleep with to boost my strength.'

Raven felt the world trembling, his body crushed into a tiny pulp the moment he entered the portal, blurry colours of green, brown and blue mixing in his vision as the excitement and desire to fight and kill grew inside him.

'Since that night meeting Eve and the former Alistair, my bloodlust and desire to kill keeps worsening... I need to make sure it doesn't affect my daily actions.'

When he reappeared in the dungeon, Raven was filled with awe as his first outside field-type dungeon that was not a dreary cave filled with goblins or kobolds!

"It's quite the pretty place... They even have a little village." 𝚋𝚎dnov𝚎𝚕.𝚌om

He looked around, the green grass in the vast clearing, with a small village around 4 miles ahead of him; even from here, he could see a larger group of monsters than he was used to dealing with.

On his left was the second half of the field and huge mountains in the distance, wither bodies covered by a snowy mist, but there was no village or town but several roaming wolves that seemed more like wargs as they were massive! Almost 4ft off the ground, causing Raven to feel a particular desire.


Raven suddenly began to act like a certain evil wizard from a film about some master of rings, as he spoke with a raspy voice.

"Send out your Warg riders!"

A few moments later, he stopped playing. Honestly, Raven felt so good these past few weeks; he began to learn a few things about himself when fighting in the dungeons, twisting his head back to the east, watching the dense forest and nodding.

To his right was a dense forest, and the thick scent of beasts and their lingering cries sounded, his pointed ears twitching as he decided not to rush and try this direction first; for some reason, his body felt less danger from this path.

Raven entered the dense forest, feeling the crisp autumn leaves crunching beneath his boots. The forest was thick with trees, their trunks stretching high into the sky, their branches interlocking overhead to create a canopy of green and brown leaves.

"Hmmm... it's fucking hot... I should have bought some cool outfits... Why am I so impulsive..."

'Well, who wouldn't want to test their cool new axe... I am not wrong!"

Rainy sunlight broke through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground below.

Raven walked deeper into the forest; he couldn't help but notice the sounds of the wildlife around him.

Birds chirped and sang, squirrels chattered, and the occasional deer bounded through the underbrush.

He could smell some of those vast wargs somewhere in this forest, along with the slight scent of orcs, it was different from his own, but Raven instinctively knew that they were the same race as him and felt a little rejection as they were not females.

'I wonder why orcs love women so much; sometimes a guy needs some brothers too..'

But there was also a sense of danger lurking beneath the surface. The occasional growl of a wolf could be heard in the distance, and Raven knew that he needed to stay vigilant.

Slowly he traversed the forest with his wits and senses paying attention to almost every movement and action around him, not wanting to be caught off guard, as the forest path began to ascend into the mountain path.

As he climbed higher into the mountains, the air grew more relaxed, and the trees became thinner. Jagged rocks protruded from the ground, and Raven had to navigate the treacherous terrain carefully. The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking. Raven could see for miles around the rolling hills and distant mountains, creating a majestic vista.

But his moment of awe was quickly shattered by the appearance of orcs.

Raven tensed as he spotted the grotesque creatures lurking in the shadows; they were a world apart despite being the same race.

He was handsome, with a tight firm body filled with muscle, whereas they were a bit uglier, their noses more like pigs and fat bellies protruding from their stomach.

However, he could feel their explosive power and muscles were deadly, thus didn't take for granted they were weaker than him.

The orcs were armed with crude weapons, their tattered clothes and rough skin a testament to their savage nature. Raven could hear their guttural language as they barked orders to each other, their presence filling him with a sense of intimacy as if they were distant relatives and making him feel a little embarrassed.

His foot accidentally snapped twigs as their beady eyes fixed on him. He knew he had to be careful if he wanted to survive, but he also wondered why they didn't rush towards him to attack but first stood looking at him, sniffing the air, tilting their heads, and speaking amongst each other.



"Hmmm? Do they think I am a friend?" He wondered as they didn't attack but stood quietly and continued trying to build some makeshift fire to cook the vast warg carcass beside them.

'Strange, they seem to prioritise cooking that Warg than killing me...'

As Raven looked around, he noticed the orcs dragged one of the dead wolves to their campfire. They attempted to cook it, but their lack of skill was apparent.

'Did they already fail with these wolves, and now they want to cook a warg? Why are they so stupid!?'

Raven didn't know what was worse, the fact they would ruin that massive lump of meat or that he felt his mind and heart sympathising with them, wanting to instruct them to slice the beef into fine chunks and then slowly cook it inside its juices.

'I'm not here to teach the dungeon monsters how to cook!' He scolded himself, taking a position as the flames began to crack from the fat inside the meat, and his axe caused his muscles to bulge, slowly approaching the unaware orcs.

His body began to swirl with the black energy of his [Shadow Strike] ability that always made him question its true purpose; it could be used on a weapon or his body, and he sometimes felt he could use it on other people.

'Let's not get distracted; if these guys survive, I am sure the encampments around will hear the ruckus.'