Eldritch Creature's Guide-Chapter 35 [Bonus Chapter] Movements In The Big Shadows

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From what Samiel knew and heard, Tower was created in the Null Era, with the purpose of the best environment one who earns for, thus surpassing even the Mana Density and conditions of countless Principal Worlds put together.

The reason for its creation was largely unknown, and despite all the propaganda or brainwashing bullshit that various Transcendental Faction were spouting, Samiel always thought that something nefarious was going on behind the shadows.

About the Mana Density...

For example, according to Yvraine's Words, Floors from 75th and higher had countless times better Mana Density than that of the Principal World outside of the Tower, and that was not talking about the Transcendental Worlds or Floors, which were above the 100th Floor, where the most powerful Transcendental Factions lived.

"Olympus once had their Principal World, as Transcendental Floor... but after the civil war started there, during one fight, they somehow managed to separate Olympus from the Tower, and thus the Olympus degraded strongly and fell only to the quality of the Principal World. If someone from the Marsias Family has entered, then it is probably for two reasons." 𝘧𝓇𝒆𝗲𝓌𝙚𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝒆𝘭.𝐜𝚘𝒎

She explained that every Transcendental Floor was precious and Transcendental factions often waged brutal wars against each other for even petty squabbles and insults... especially Pantheons, because Gods were rather an arrogant bunch.

Especially Gods were often like children with an enormous amount of power with them... sometimes too much power for their own good or for the good of everybody around them.

Samiel could guess why they separated the Olympus from the Tower. While at first glance, it sounded a stupid thing to do, but in the end, it may be the act, thanks to which the Olympus is still standing today.

Despite being locked in the civil war for countless millennia.

If they were connected to the Tower, other Transcendental Factions would have an easier time in attacking them during the weakened state, sweeping through them and basically annihilating the entire Pantheon.

Alliances and friendships will crumble not even in seconds in front of benefits and power. Such scenarios happened pretty often, from time to time. Be it Transcendental Factions or Mortal Factions; they were just preying on each other, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"One is that the Descendant is someone kicked out of the Family, or second, their God Ares or other Olympian Gods are in a dire situation and in need of gaining new people to ascend." freℯ𝓌e𝚋𝐧𝘰vℯl.𝐜𝚘𝗺

In Tower, ascending as Transcendent was easier than the outside of it; the entire 100th Floor was just for the sake of indirectly helping pinnacle Legendaries to transcend as Transcendent Level Beings.

Not to mention, Yvraine told him, that people who Transcendened in the Tower were stronger than those who did so on the outside.

Even she didn't know why that was, but it had something to do with the uniqueness of the 100th Floor of the Tower and some other things that neither of them really understood. And apparently, the Laws were far stronger and sturdier in the Tower compared to the outside of it.

If the man was just kicked out from the Family, then his arrival at the Tower didn't really mean anything. But if it was another option... then great changes would be coming, as Olympians were one of the strongest factions across the Cosmos.

Though that only applied if they were unified and not divided into three. When they were acting as one, in the ancient times of myths, Olympus easily qualified as one of the top Transcendental Faction out there. Just as they were under the rule of the Primordial God Ouranos in Eras far, far, long ago.

But then they started rebellions, civil wars, and other schisms, dividing their power each time until it crystalized itself into the current form, where "Olympus" was just an empty term for three factions that created this faction.

Be it that way or another, in the vastness and coldness of the Cosmos, many Transcednetal Factions were slumbering or ruling their Principal Worlds in absolute seclusion, not bothering what was going on with the wider world.

"Still... our strength is insignificant for this, so for now, we can just watch how it would unfold."

Stated Samiel as Yvraine partially agreed with him, but she also feared what would be in the future. She knew that once some Transcendent Faction was on the verge of collapse, other factions were like vultures, circling around them and waiting for the right moment to strike to reap benefits.

Elves Gods Pantheon, whom the Nesser Dynasty served, was no different, and it would mean complete mobilization of the Nesser Dystnasy if their Gods decided to attack a dying dog, so as their mortal servants, they would need to follow the orders.

This was because Olympus, too, had Mortal Factions serving under them so that it would be a battlefield, Mortal vs. Mortal, Legendary vs. Legendary, and God vs. God.

Suddenly, the Divine Blood Descendant from the Marsias Family ignited his blood, as he went completely insane due to the Necro-Madness Spell Formation, as it finally broke even his last defenses.

Mainly because he was very tired out, and most importantly, because Olympus wasn't connected to the Tower any longer, his connection with Ares was weak, and the Blessings applied to him by his God or Gods were not as effective as before entering the Tower.

They watched how his pressure increased; from the pinnacle of the Bronze-Tier, it jumped directly to later stages of the Silver-Tier, as right now he was probably using some kind of forbidden technique to burn his Divine Blood or Lifespan or whatever, to obtain a tremendous increase in combat prowess, as he shot through the battlefield, and became an unstoppable killing machine.

"He is experienced... and very powerful one... must be some prodigy from their family."

Stated Yvraine as they observed the fight.

Indeed, considering how old the Divine Blood Descendant from the Marsias Family was and how experienced he was, coupled with his power, signified that he was some kind of prodigy or possibly even Heir to the entire Marsias Family.

"It doesn't matter... for Chaos and Void takes it all because nobody can turn around its will."

Stated Samiel indifferently because no matter how strong the Divine Blood Descendant was, and no matter how many participants he killed, in the end, he would succumb to the Necro-Madness Spell Formation, and if not, then in his weakened state, it would take little work for Samiel to kill him.