Eldritch Creature's Guide-Chapter 46 Training With The Silvermoon Knights

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Zephystrand City, Citadel, Silvermoon Knight Training Ground.

Citadel of the Zephystrand City had rather extensive training grounds, capable of holding hundreds of knights who were training daily here. Not only was it huge, but it was also equipped with advanced Magetech gadgets made for training, such as automatic puppets for sparring, various monitoring devices, and other things.

Of course, entire training grounds were protected by powerful wards and protective runes, so the people could fight there to their fullest without worrying about causing collateral damage.

Samiel stood on the balcony of the Zephystrand Citadel, together with Yvraine, as they were watching the Silvermoon Knights practicing. All of these Elven Knights were only the new recruits because, as Samiel found out, the standard strength of the full-fledged Silvermoon Knights was Gold-Tier, while Senior Knights were Legendaries.

Because of that, Silvermoon Knights were the best and strongest Knight Order in the Tower and could be rivaled or surpassed by Holy Knights of Churches, especially the Templars of the Hall of Kadath or Arcane Knights of the Magisterium.

Yvraine told him this was a tremendous feat because Holy Knights from Churches were the strongest card of any religious organization; additionally, Churches had an easier time training them because they were training a smaller number of people, contrary to the Nesser Dynasty.

Not to mention for organizations like the Hall of Kadath, which cultivated the Templars or Magisterium that created Arcane Knights. Both Templars and Arcane Knights were all strong Legendary Level Knights, with a special set of Class, Abilities and undergone various forbidden rites and other unspeakable things to be the best of the best.

"On the 3rd Floor, we train Knights to handle hordes of enemies, and also, we carry out the initiation process. Additionally, here the squires and new recruits gather experiences fighting Magical Beasts, bandits and carry out menial tasks like gearing the city, and similar things."

Explained Sarun Daragan, who arrived at the balcony flanked by two Knights.

Each full-fledged Knight achieved mastery over some weapon, meaning in skill terms, they won't have Swordsmanship Skill but Sword Mastery Skill instead. Additionally, they all learned compulsory, specifically designed Martial Arts for the close quarter combat in case they were disarmed, and all Knights were required to learn enchanting body spells, through which they could temporarily boost up their explosive power.

"Now... am I feeling fired up."

Muttered Samiel as he looked at the sparring knights, while he followed after Sarun to the training arena, as he wanted to fight against some of them.

In truth, Samiel enjoyed fighting, especially two things. Fighting strong opponents and life and death battles. For him, fighting strong opponents, bringing them down and killing them, and overcoming his own limitations was something that he greatly enjoyed.

For long, he remembered, only the fights to death where he danced on the imaginary line between two worlds gave him the feeling he really lived, that he existed; it often gave his life proper meaning, aside from just repeating the routine of everything and nothing.

As they descended to the Arena, Samiel took down sleeping Hathor from his shoulders and passed his Familiar to Yvraine because it was found out that she was the only person in an entire Citadel whom Hathor allowed to touch her.

Because Yvraine ordered Sarun to take care of Samiel, he didn't really have any choice in this and was forced to allow him to participate in the training of the Silvermoon Knight Order.

Yvraine was Crown Princess of the Nesser Dynasty; if any other person gave similar "order" aside from those of the Imperial Family or some mighty Legendaries, it would be considered treason to allow an outsider to learn secret techniques of the Silvermoon Knight Order.

"We will start with basic combat... no Undead or Curses. Just a pure skill."

Said Sarun Daragan as his aim was to see what he was dealing with, as Crown Princess asked him to help train Samiel in a close combat department where he was severely lacking. He never learned some and preferred to use his magic mostly.

Unfortunately, contrary to Yvraine's wishes, Sarun couldn't teach him martial arts or other similar things because training methods were adjusted specifically for Elves, not Old Deus races.

Old Deus Species was very peculiar because each person who could be subsumed under the category of the Old Deus was unique.

For example, if Samiel even were to master some elven martial arts, he wouldn't be able to exhibit its power to 100% because the said martial art was created to be perfectly performed by Elf, not an Eldritch.

Both Samiel and Sarun held a sword, of course of an elven design, as they looked at each other before Samiel savagely smiled as he appeared before Sarun, and without any warning, he attacked, slashing at Sarun's neck.

'He is fast!'

Sarun shook as he knew that his opponent was barely a Steel-Tier, but his speed and physical ability could already match a Level 50 Bronze-Tier High Elf, which was astounding but befitting the reputation of the Old Deus.

Sarun blocked Samiel's blade, though it was clear he was pushed backward several centimeters from the impact of the blade.

'His attacks are inexperienced, it looks like he has some image about the swordsmanship, but he cannot properly execute it and... it is like he is having trouble controlling his own strength.'

Thought Sarun, as he quickly dodged attacks that Samiel was throwing at him. As an experienced fighter, he quickly identified the most severe flaws in his opponent's combat style.

It was relatively easy... Samiel had brute and raw power, but he absolutely couldn't control his strength. When he was executing his sword katas, they were unbalanced; some were absolutely overpowered, and some were weak.

That was because all swordsmanship information Samiel had was from the human Knight, whose soul he devoured, and the swordsmanship the Knight learned was tailored for the humans, not for the Old Deus.

For that reason, his combat style was clumsy, and even though he could overpower enemies like Orks, Gnolls, or something similar, as they lacked comprehensive training and had low cunning, contrary to enemies who could easily find weaknesses in their opponents, this was nothing.

"You have the power behind your strikes, but you lack finesse and control, but that can be taught after some time. Unfortunately, for you, due to specific reasons, you would need a combat style specifically tailored for you, and that is something that you can either obtain from someone or from yourself."

Said Sarun Daragan amidst their spar, as Samiel dodged his opponent's attack, now that Sarun started attacking back.

As now Sarun started counterattacking, Samiel had a tough time defending against his attacks because this was entirely different from what he was used to.

When he lived on Earth, things were simple, as the only things he would need to dodge were bullets from soldiers or policemen chasing him. For that, he would always have some Undead to make a living or rather unloving cover, but what he was experiencing now was vastly different, very much.

It was clear to him that Sarun Daragan had decades of experience in swordsmanship and footwork, as he was dancing around Samiel like a most agile theatre dancer, dodging his ferocious attacks with ease and counterattacking when needed.

"He is talented... adapting so fast to someone so experienced and prodigious like Sarun."

Sounded voice behind Yvraine on the balcony as she observed how Samiel was sparring with Sarun, as she subconsciously agreed with the statement said by Lanlaris Daragan.

Not that Lanlaris was praising his son, but it was indeed the truth.

Sarun Daragan was not only one of the fastest High Elves to reach the Bronze-Tier and soon would be reaching Silver-Tier, but he was a prodigy in the path of the sword. He was considered as the best young swordsman in the Nesser Dynasty for the past several thousands of years.

From the young generation among the Nesser Dynasty, there were not many who could compete against the Sarun Daragan in terms of potential or might or anything. Of course, with the exception of Crown Princess Yvraine.

"Indeed, but if they fought with their all, Sarun would have lost a long time ago."

Said Yvraine indifferently and a bit defensively, as the older man just chuckled but didn't refute her in that statement. He knew that the young Old Deus was a Necromancer who could control a large amount of Undead despite his relatively low level; additionally, his Undead was strong, and he controlled various taboo magic in his disposition.

Even Lanlaris could see that this spar would have ended sooner if Samiel had started casting his spells. But Samiel's Magic was to kill, not to have a friendly spar, as even the most basic spell that he could cast had the potential to tear through someone's mind like paper and put him down into eternal torment of madness.

That was the reason why he didn't really use Void Magic during his spar because it could severely injure his opponents.

"Then it is perhaps for best they are not fighting life and death duel, but rather just sparring."

Stated Lanlaris as he observed the duel between his son and Yvraine's "friend."

Lanlaris, despite his relatively young age, as he was only 2,000 years old, which was for Elf, just like initial adulthood, met with several members of the Old Deus race.

All of them were absolute freaks of nature, each member of the Old Deus was someone descended from two Transcendental Species, bearing the abilities and racial predispositions of their parents.

Especially the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath.

The God Slayer, the only person in the entire Cosmos who was able to kill Transcendental as Legendary Level powerhouse in several past Epochs, an untouchable "mortal". 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

"If he reaches that level... it would be truly fascinating."

Muttered Lanlaris Daragan, as his political side was thinking about how to establish closer ties with the young man that Crown Princess brought here.

Every Old Deus would sooner or later Transcend, and if that happened, Daragan Family could profit from close ties to the newly ascended Transcendent.

Contrary to the Silvermoon Elven Race and, most importantly, the Nesser Silvermoon Family, which created several Transcendents since the establishment of the Empire, others were... not so successful with their endeavors because approximately 80% of all people who transcendent in the Nesser Dynasty, be it through Godhood or other methods, originated from the Nesser Silvermoon Family.

Having transcendental backing in such a huge faction as a Nesser Dynasty would greatly increase the standing of the Daragan Family, not really aware if the person they are betting on would probably tell them to fuck off.

If Samiel saw the face of Lanlaris Daragan, he would immediately be able to tell what the Legendary Elf was thinking about.

Read Dafeng’s Night Squad