Eldritch Creature's Guide-Chapter 91 Midnight Saga: Waaagghh!

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Several days later, the location: Sharrena Subcontinent, Midnight World, Dimensional Pathway connecting the Midnight World to the Tower.

As always, the entire area of the Dimensional Pathway, which was connecting the Tower with the Midnight World, was swarming with immeasurable numbers of the greenskins, running from the goblins that were used mainly as cannon fodder and slave labor to the Trolls and several Ogres.

Mainly Orks, as the Boss Gurnish had arrived at the Midnight World together with other Orkish Legendaries. This was the time when the big hitters arrived at the Midnight World, as till this moment, the real fun for the Orks would be starting. ƒ𝓇e𝙚𝔀𝐞𝚋𝓃𝐨𝘷e𝙡.𝒄𝗼m

Currently, there were only a few Orkish Legendaries on the Midnight World, but right now, after breaching the initial defenses of the Midnights's Defense Initiative, the rest of the Orkoid Forces have arrived to complete the conquest and Waaagghh.

"Report da situation ya!"

Shouted the Ork Boss Gurnish, who just came from the Dimensional Pathway, as he was surrounded by the Legendary Level Orks of the Bloodtooth Tribe, mainly the Clan Chiefs and a few shamans who were participating in this Waaaggghhh!

The Shamans were usually the smartest of the bunch and they were the only ones who could use the complex max when most of the Orks preferred to use brute strength to solve their fights. That made them stand out and their input was often valuable, not only because but also their experiences, as they were commonly the oldest Orks in the Tribe or Clan.

"4 Days earlier, we saw a humongous Red Dragon exiting the dimensional pathway, and on the Tower's side of the pathway, he destroyed a large part of the supply lines and killed countless Orks. The Dragon was later on identified as the Cardinal Zaldidraax of the Hall of Kadath."

Reported one of the Shamans of the Bloodtooth Tribe who was assigned to the vanguard forces of the Bloodtooth Tribe from the start. Usually, Shamans were the smartest of the Orks in every Clan, Tribe, or Horde, so they served as military advisors or strategists.

"Where is he now?"

Questioned Ork Boss Gurnish.

When he heard that somebody of the stature of Cardinal of the Hall of Kadath appeared, he knew that this was a pretty much fucked up situation for the Bloodtooth Tribe. He was only an Advanced Stage Legendary of Level 45, so while he wasn't weak, he wasn't exactly strong either.

Somewhere in between, he was neither someone weak because as an Advanced Stage Legendary, he was undoubtedly relatively powerful among the Legendary Level, but it couldn't be said that he was some kind of high-end expert either.

But compared to the Cardinal Zaldidraax, who was already nearing the Limit of the Legendary Level and would soon become Holy, he was no different from an ant, especially since Zaldidraax could handle several people of his level at the same time due to his racial superiority.

'If one of them came, then other big shots from these factions would soon come too... but why...'

Thought the Ork Boss Gurnish, and only then did the realization come to him; they were here for the souls of people who the Orks would kill. They didn't really care about the Orks wreaking havoc here and there or for the people and the world itself; they only cared about the resources of the world.

Mainly the souls, negative energy and possibly some precious things that may be located in this world; probably some slaves for some of them would come in handy, but that was all. For them, the Orks were the perfect tool, as they essentially carried out the dirty job for them, and they would just harvest their precious resources handed to them on the golden platter.

"We don't know, he flew around for a bit, and then he went off somewhere; we tracked him landing somewhere in the territory of the Sarid Republic on the nearest continent to the Sharrena Subcontinent."

Reported the Shaman, while the Ork Boss Gurnish nodded in agreement, while they started their strategic meeting about the next steps they would be taking against the Midnight Defense Initiative.

"How are we progressing with the Waaaggghhh?"

Questioned the Ork Boss Gurnish as they started discussing the strategy, though this was an overestimation of their intelligence and degradation of the term strategy. Ork "strategy" usually consisted only of two steps, where step 1 was pointing at the target, and step 2 was rushing at the target until the target was defeated or killed.

Ironically enough, however primitive it sounded, it worked in many cases, which was shocking, but considering the terrifying numbers of the greenskins, to the point of being called Green Tide, it was not that surprising.

"We should have control over the entire Sharrena Subcontinent, and afterward, we can start attacking the other main continents."

Said one of the Orkish Legendaries.

"What about the natives? Are they still problem?"

There were about fifteen Orkish Legendaries in the tens, discussing their next moves and advancing over the war and the conquest of the Midnight World, not aware of the fact that the greater powers of the Tower were already approaching and this small conquest would soon turn into something huge.

"No, after we breached their initial defensive lines, the resistance on the rest of the subcontinent is abysmal."

Replied the first Shaman.

"But their gadgets are strong and could kill even Bronze-Tier Orks."

Said another Orkish Legendary.

"Fuck them, gits! We fight like da we are Orks!"

Shouted the Ork Boss Gurnish as other Orks started hitting their chest as they cheered for another war. For Orks, any retreat is considered the biggest shame of being a coward, and such behavior was completely unacceptable for the proper Orks, as they lived and died in war.

The losses were nothing more and nothing less than just empty numbers, as the only thing that mattered for their whole species was participation in the war, not victory nor defeat matter. Because as long as they fought hard and brutally and unleashed the waaaggghhh, their purpose was fulfilled.


Secret Location at the island in between the Sarid Continent and Nofrena Continent.

It was an unnamed island that did not have anything special about it, and if there was something unique about it, then it would have to be its size, since it was extremely small and unassuming, apart from several military facilities strategically placed throughout the island.

It is on this island that the Sarid Republic and Nofrena Empire conducted their secret research into the Anti-Matter Bombs. Adjacent to the island, several missile silos were containing the ballistic missiles that carried the Anti-Matter Bombs across the entire island.

Among the big five hegemons before the arrival of the Orks, there were two main factions, one could say. Not even the nations of the Midnight World were united, and if not for the Orks, then they would be fighting against each other even now.

One of them was created by the United Nations of Prayn Terish, Cadias Federation, and Aufin Commonwealth, who shared the same ideals of democracy and freedom. These three were not even that strong because while the remaining two nations focused on the Military and so, they invested their resources into other aspects. Unfortunately for them, right now, due to the lack of a strong presence of armed forces, they were prime targets for the Orks.

The second one was an alliance between the Sarid Republic and Nofrena Empire, which were both similarly militaristic and had very strong expansionist tendencies. While the Sarid Republic was a "republic" it was, in fact dictatorship led by the President, who was chosen from the committee of several most prominent scientists, as the republic was built on the principles of meritocracy.

"When can we launch the missiles?"

Questioned the Emperor of the Nofrena Empire, Alexander IV. Nofreanis probably the most powerful man in the Midnight World.

"All twenty of them should be ready; we can launch them on your order, Your Majesty, Mr. President."

Answered one of the scientists of the facility; as Emperor of the Nofrena Empire and President of the Sadir Republic were sitting down at the commanding center of the secret facility, which was the main one, with the only purpose of launching the weaponry.

"Then fire."

Ordered Emperor Alexander IV. Nofreanis, while the President of the Sarid Republic was mixing his coffee, they watched the entire scene of launching the rockets on the giant screen that was before them.

Aside from them, there were countless Generals, Military Officers, Scientists, and Air Marshalls who were attentively watching the situation as they started the launch of all twenty Anti-Matter Bombs that were carried out by intercontinental ballistic missiles.












"Commencing the Launch!"

Shouted the artificial intelligence while all twenty Anti-Matter Bombs were fired out from the missile silos, directly aimed at the Dimensional Pathway. And with people who fired them praying to whatever Gods they believed, so they were successful in this endeavor.


Saharrena Subcontinent

After the next course of action was decided by the Ork Boss Gurnish and his council, all Orks and other greenskins started disorganized marching towards their targets in the Saharrena Subcontinent.

Greenskins, as a whole, had a straightforward mindset. As long as they had someone weaker to beat, somebody stronger to be told what to do, they were happy. Just like now, they were happily marching towards their next target, as they were told to go there and kill everybody.

Easy as it can get.

"Head Shaman, what is that?"

Asked the Ork Boss Gurnish as he looked at something in the distance; some objects were approaching their location with tremendous speed.

"Hmm... yer those tek bombs... we need to protect ourselves."

Stated the Head Shaman.

The Head Shaman Uduzak was a very old Ork, and he was also very smart and powerful not to mention during his centuries-long life, he saw many things, and he knew what those things that were approaching them were.

"Shamans, come here!"

The old Head Shaman Uduzak shouted as other Legendary Level Shamas shouted as they gathered around him.

"Summon the barrier!"

He then commanded, hitting the ground with his staff, as other Shamans mirrored his actions and did exactly the same thing the Head Shaman did.

Not even several seconds later, a translucent green dome of energy was being erected around the entire Dimensional Pathway, as the Ork Shamans were summoning the power of the Orkish Gods to the material plane, borrowing their might to create protection against the weaponry of the humans.

As the rockets were approaching the place, the translucent dome of green energy was done, and after several seconds the rockets were already near the dome, as the first one of the missiles carrying the Anti-Matter Bombs came into contact with the dome.


Just an enormous explosion was heard, one explosion followed another, and everything was turned to dust and ashes, which created tremendous mushrooms in the sky, as the entire sky was covered in ash and dust.

The protective dome erected by the Ork Shamans stood strongly, without a single crack or scratch, but that was to be expected. The barrier the Shamans created was conjured by the Transcendental Might of the power of Ork Gods, which would be able to withstand even the might of a weak Transcendental for a short amount of time.

While these Anti-Matter Bombs were powerful for sure, their destructive prowess was maximally comparable to the 9th Level Spell, meaning the Continental of destruction, and in this number, as they exploded, they could be comparable to a 10th Level Spell on the World Level.

While that was impressive by mortal standards, it was insignificant in front of something created by the Divine Power of Gods. Evebn though the 10th Level Spells could be normally cast only by peak Legendaries and had the power to destroy large astral objects and Mana-Less Worlds and even in some cases Lower Worlds, they didn't even scratch the shield that Orkish Shamans conjured.

"It has ended?"

Ork Boss Gurnish of the Bloodtooth Tribe asked with a bored voice as he looked at the explosions, and in truth, he was a bit terrified of them because technically, if such weapons were mass-produced, they could absolutely decimate everything under the Legendary Level, and even pose a grave threat to countless Legendaries if they were correctly used.

Even across the Cosmos, Magetech Weapons capable of having firepower comparable to that of 8th Level Spell and higher were very rare, and only a few civilizations that mastered their way of the Magical Technology could produce such weaponry.

"Yes, da everything outside is turned to ash."

Answered the Head Shaman, Uduzak.

While everything inside the dome was okey, the enviroment outside of it was not so okey; it was absolutely destroyed. The collective explosion of the twenty Anti-Matter Bombs created destruction on the level of the strongest 9th Level Spell, which basically destroyed the entirety of the Sharrena Subcontinent and got turned into one enormous wasteland in a split of several seconds.

Fortunately, the shield absorbed approximately 99% of the damage; if not, this explosion would largely damage even the entire Midnight World. Still, every person, animal, building, tree, plant, flora and fauna, everything... got turned to scorched blackness of pure destruction.

Nothing has remained.

One good thing or rather advantage of the Anti-Matter Bombs was that they were created the pure destruction, not leaving any radiation or similar mess that would be then very much more destructive and leave the land unusable for generations to come.

Outside of the Sharrena Subcontinent, the wave of uncontained destruction reached even the other islands and landmasses that were in the vicinity of the Sharrena Subcontinent, as they, too, were turned into the post-apocalyptic wasteland in a matter of minutes.

Only after several tens of kilometers into the enormous oceans the wave of destruction created by the Anti-Matter Bombs stopped, and everything calmed down considerably.

"How many of the boys we ha'e lost?"

Questioned Ork Boss Gurnish.

"Only around 80,000 goblins and more than 35,000 Orks."

Reported one of the Orkish Legendaries, as the Ork Boss just nodded, it was understandable that the dome won't be able to cover everything, and some of their boys remained outside of it, but what were a few tens of thousands of greenskins?

This was the biggest advantage of the greenskins; they bred faster than rats, they were numerous, and they could quickly repopulate themselves, even if they were on the verge of extinction. Especially the weaker greenskins species, like goblins, were reproducing tremendously quickly, so while the loss of 80,000 may seem a lot, this loss would be mended within four months at max.

"Then wait until the dust has settled and march!" 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Shouted the Boss, and everything soon returned to normal; the only thing launching the missiles achieved was a few days' worth of time, nothing more and nothing less.

Read An Extra's POV