Eldritch Creature's Guide-Chapter 99 Meeting On The Fifth Floor

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The floating island Samiel was on the 5th Floor of the Tower.

After Samiel found himself some nice place to spend his time in, during his stay on the 5th Floor, he decided to get something to eat because he was already getting hungry and he was in the mood for some meat.

When he thought about it, it was a very long time since he had some good burgers, but those would be impossible to make here, as he lacked any other cooking kit, and with the current tools he had in his possession, he could maximally roast meat above the fire.

Not to mention he was lazy to do anything else, so he decided on the roasted meat above the fire in the end, as that was the easiest and fastest solution with little to no effort.

But even that sounded very good.

A nice piece of beef seared slowly over the fire to medium rare, nicely roasted form the outside, while pink and juicy in the inside; such was the perfection of cooking meat over the fire.

Nefertari remained sleeping at their dwelling, not really bothering with her hooman now that he had gone out and searched for the food as she was enjoying her nap. Samiel wondered how she could basically sleep over the majority of her life and... just nothing.

Cats were creatures that slept for most of the time and often were very lazy; aside from grooming themselves and eating or occasionally hunting, they spent their time napping or sleeping. Of course, Nefertari was no exception to this general almighty rule. Fortunately, Samiel didn't really spend a long time hunting because it took him just a few minutes to find the nearest eatable magical beast.

It was Steel-Tier Great Boar; he killed it with one swift hit and then dragged the huge corpse of the Great Boar, back to his dwelling, which was a dead-end tunnel in some huge rock. The entrance was filled with wood, and Samiel created there a provisionary wooden wall from the trees he chopped down.

He dropped the corpse of the Steel-Tier Great Boar onto the ground before getting it directed. The first thing he did was to get rid of its fur, while normally, it would serve as a good blanket or something soft to lay on, but it was only a Steel-Tier.

The one Samiel was using was from some Gold-Tier wolf-type magical beast whose pellets and furs were far better than the one from some Steel-Tier Great Boar. After skinning the animal's corpse, he proceeded with the dissection by cleaving the meat altogether and portioning it into portions, depending on which part they were.

As soon as Samiel finished the messy work, he lit a fire which served not only as a means of cooking the meat but also as a means of warming up the entire place where he was staying because even though it didn't actually look like it even a bit, the whole island was pretty cold. And Nefertari liked to be in warm, and while Samiel was technically immune to cold, he took, wouldn't say no to some nice warm fire.

Samiel, due to his Lord Class Knight of Niflheim, wasn't bothered a bit by the coldness of this place, but he already saw that Nefertari didn't like it very much, as she liked the comfort of being in some nice and warm place, which was something that Samiel also appreciated.

For this time, he decided to go with roast venison, as he took a huge part of the venison meat, one of the best cuts, and hunger it above the pyre so that it could be slowly roasted. He added nothing to the mean, as he was going for the more simplistic approach, for the taste of the venison to be strongest.

'Hooman, when would the food be ready?'

Nefertari was already getting impatient because, for the past ten minutes, she had been sitting nicely before the pyre and looking at the roasting piece of venison without blinking even once, awaiting the food already. Not to mention, she was constantly bugging him, and it was already becoming very annoying, especially repeating the same sentence for the 10th time in the past five minutes.

'Be a patient, yes?'

Samiel already said that sentence more than ten times today. She was like a small child constantly asking for something, repeating the question constantly until the thing was already done, and could be incredibly annoying.

Suddenly as Samiel was about to start eating, he sensed someone near the place where he was resting. His ears perked up when he heard the footsteps; they were heavy and radiated power itself; he immediately became very wary of the situation because clearly, according to the preliminary scouting of the area done by the scout cat, it was evident that this place was devoid of anyone aside from him.

And traversing from one floating island to another floating island would require at least Supreme Stage Legendary Level because of the things that lived in the depths of the ocean, as Nefertari senses some extremely powerful magical beasts circling in underneath the Floating Islands. Probably waiting for some unfortunate specimens that would get careless and make a mistake during the crossing so that they could eat him.

'Knock, knock, knock.'

Three times, someone had knocked on the door, and Samiel was unsure what to do and how to act in this situation. In the end, he opened the door, as the doors were not even a bit secured, so if the person who was knocking on the door wanted, he could easily get in, so he decided to open it and let the person inside.

When Samiel went there and opened the wooden doors, he saw a man standing before the entrance. He was old, looking in his seventies, wearing a very nice aristocratic-looking outfit with a sword strapped to his side.

His clothes were decorated were several medals and symbols, and his black boots shined in the moon's light, while his long cape fluttered in the strong winds, which were lifting up for this time; from his entire being, Samiel got a very intimidating feeling of majesty and power.

"Dou you need something good, sir?"

Samiel questioned, imitating the British accent from Earth. The man just looked at him curiously before he gave him a soft nod. The elderly man had some sort of charm around it, which Samile would swear was some kind of Racial Ability or Magic that other people would subconsciously lower their guard around the elderly gentleman.

"Good evening, young man. May I enter?"

The man asked while Samiel was right now unsure what to say as he motioned the man to enter. He followed Samiel and then sat down around the fire as Samiel started portioning the roasted venison meat. It was already cooked up to the perfection state, exactly like Samiel liked it and preferred his roasted meat to be.

"Here you go, Hall Master."

He said, passing the pieces of the roasted venison from the Great Boar to the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber. In truth, Samiel knew who the man was because he clearly saw the photos and portraits of him. Not to mention that he suspected that he

"So you do indeed recognize me."

The elderly man, taking from Samiel the roasted venison from the Great Boar.

"Of course, I would... your photo is in the booklet that Cardinal Karliana gave me, together with all of the Cardinals and some other High-Ranking public figures of the Hall of Kadath."

Samiel stated as he took a bite from the roasted Great Boar while Nefertari was already eating her full. She was eating with the speed of thunder, like a gluttonous cat she was, already having her second portion of food.

"Good, then you could probably guess why I have come to meet you."

Said the Menuhyutt as he kept eating while Samiel eyed him from time to time. He had some hunch about why he came here, but even then, it was a big thing for someone so illustrious across the entire Tower and even the whole Cosmos to come here just to teach him.

"Partially, at least."

The fire cracked; that was the sight of wood being very dry and burning nicely, as Samiel was enjoying the meat he cooked for dinner, Nefertari right now looked like a small ball already, and even the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath seemed to be enjoying the food.

"I have come to teach you, not from the title of your position as the Holy Son of the Hall of Kadath, but because of your own abilities and potential. You would become inheritors completely and obtain everything that I know."

The old man said after a while, to which, Samiel almost dropped everything he held, as this was something big. In a certain sense, this was even better than getting into the position of Holy Son of the Hall of Kadath.

Being accepted as inheritor of such a powerhouse as Menuhyutt Faulhaber, who was hailed the strongest expert under the Transcendent Level, and was rumored to have combat prowess in breaking the Dimensional Boundary of Mortals and Transcendents, was something that was exceedingly valuable.

Certainly, that was not officially confirmed by anyone credible enough for it to be deemed as truth, but even having such rumors around him was enough for most to shit their pants.

"I am very close to achieving the Transcendence, but due to some reasons, I have been pushing it back for millennia already, and not even once has there been a suitable person who could inherit my legacy and then face the greatest obstacle... finding a successor for the position of Hall Master."

Menuhyutt noted as Samiel's eyes sharpened, looking at the old man who returned back to eating.

"Don't look at me like a gawking fish... the rules for the succession for the position of the Hall Master are too strict, and rarely someone with the bearings of the Holy Son appears. The previous Hall Master waited for the entire Epoch before I joined the Hall and became the Hall Master."

He stated, and at the same time, the wheels in Samiel's head started working at the maximum speed before he came to the next question he wanted to ask.

"What happened to him?"

The Hall of Kadath was one of the oldest factions of all factions in the Cosmos; only a very few factions had such a long history as the Hall itself, while most of the factions typically perished with time or crumbled with their Transcendent backer was killed.

"He ascended to Transcendence a few deceased after I took over. Right now, he should be somewhere in the Void or probably in some Higher Dimensional World or in the Immortal Realm; he always wished to return back home."

Samiel could sense some sort of melancholy when he heard Menuhyutt talking about the previous Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath, especially when he was mentioning the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm, while not the strongest of the Higher Dimensional Worlds, was one of the largest, as the Immortal Path to the Transcendence was one of the easiest to achieve from what Samiel knew.

"Now for the important things, and the reason why I came here... as the bearer of the blood of the Primordial Demiurge and Dual Class Bearer, I came here to teach you how to control your strength from the first properly... Karliana told me that you have a very hard time controlling your own power appropriately; that is something that needed to be fixed in order to achieve perfection."

Samiel just nodded because this was indeed the truth. While he subsumed it after training for a few years, he still had problems some time adjusting his own power, or rather his control over his power wasn't the best one.

Because of the overwhelmingly powerful Mana he had, as part of his racial heritage, Samiel also needed to put a lot of effort into casting spells not to overload them with too much Mana.

Using the number, for example, if for a normal caster the cost of 1st Level Spell is 1 Unit, then if Samiel used the same, he would overload the spell matrix ten times over. He needed to use just around 1/25th of the Unit to cast the 1st Level Spell due to the purity and density of his Mana for the same 1st Level Spell.

"When I was young, I had exactly the same problem you are right now facing."

The Hall Master said shortly after, as Samuel looked at him, surprised.

"I, too, am an Old Deus with a very powerful lineage, so in my younger years, I was very terrible at the aspect of controlling my own power, and when it came to Magic, I needed to put ten times more effort than others to cast the spells and not overload them correctly. And my combat efficiency was crap; I was wasting too much power during my fights." ƒ𝒓e𝐞we𝚋𝙣o𝚟𝚎𝘭.co𝙢

The Hall Master Menuhyutt explained as Samiel listened attentively to every word he spoke.ƒ𝗿e𝘦𝚠𝗲𝚋n𝚘ν𝙚𝗹.𝑐o𝙢