Elemental Cats-Chapter 46 Guild Reinforcements

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Toz headed to the guild early in the morning. 𝒇𝓻𝒆𝒆𝔀𝒆𝓫𝙣𝓸𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝓬𝓸𝓶

A few minutes after Toz entered the building, the portal in the central plaza trembled. Signs of someone passing through.

The first person to leave the portal was a man with short brown hair and a fuzzy horseshoe mustache. He seemed to be slightly shorter than average, but that could have been because of the two tall women following directly behind him. Based on how similar they looked they were at least sisters, but it was more likely for them twins. Their dark blue hair was gathered in several braids that stretched over their head down to the back.

After those three, more and more people poured out of the portal. The first two dozen all had the same green jacket, with the first three having slightly more decorated ones, especially the man in the lead.

After the man with the mustache stepped out of the portal, he had taken a deep breath, standing on the spot with his subordinates streaming past him and lining up in front of him, and not until every one of his subordinates was through, did he breathe out.

After the Forest Janitors gathered in the central square of Yellow Sparks, other explorers, either alone or in smaller groups, started trickling through the portal.

All the explorers that had passed through the portal headed toward the guild with the Forest Janitors in the lead. Considering they were headed by a fifth level mage, it was natural for them to go first. There was also the fact that the other explorers had been requested by the guild to provide help, not act up.

After Amber sent the message to her direct superior, both she and him had started messaging other nearby low level branches, asking them to send help. Although it was a voluntary mission at the other branches, the guild was famous for its generous rewards, there was also the added benefit of building a closer relationship with the guild by following their requests.

Although, having a good relationship with the guild was basically a rumor about how it gave them more benefits like better trade deals and more information. There wasn't anything about it from the guild officially, but the ones who did a lot of guild requests seemed to be treated better by the guild employees. Of course, it could be the other way as well, because they are treated well by the guild they take on their requests more often.

Either way, Amber had made sure there would be enough explorers to help deal with the rats. Based on what Toz had said and what her investigations had told her, the wasteland was enormous and spread out far. Even if they had someone at the fifth level, just strength at that level won't be enough to compensate for the large area that needed to be covered.

The large numbers of explorers passing through town caused quite a ruckus and many inhabitants popped their heads out of windows, or left the buildings they were in entirely to admire the spectacle. Whatever had had the resident guild branch in a knot the last few days would be solved it seemed.

Although no one was strong enough to accurately read the mustache man in the lead's strength, he wasn't hiding his mana fluctuations and they knew he was stronger than the third level at least.

The Forest Janitors didn't seem to be in a rush and leisurely walked to the guild building while displaying their strength. One fifth level, two fourth level, and at least a dozen third level mages. It was an impressive sight for those who realized the green-clad group's real strength.

When they reached the building, everyone except the mustache man and the two women following behind him, stayed outside the building. The Janitors had their boss to tell them what to do, and the other explorers had the Janitors who would lead them later on.

The receptionists inside had been told that reinforcements would arrive, and when they heard the ruckus outside, they realized it was those reinforcements and prepared to welcome them.

Nander received the trio from the Janitors and brought them to Amber's office, where she was currently finishing her talk with Toz. After congratulating him, she told Toz about the situation. Although she didn't have to, Toz was the reason they found out about the rats in time, and about the seriousness of the situation, so they could make ample preparations.

Right when they were about to stand up and say goodbye, for now, someone opened the door without knocking and strode right in.

The Janitor boss hadn't bothered withdrawing his mana even after he entered the guild building so the two had long since felt him approaching. And, considering his status, it wasn't weird for him to open the door without knocking, but it also showed how much he cared for and respected their opinion.

Amber shot him a glare before waiting for him to speak. Toz didn't particularly react, but he was curious about what this guy with a tail on his face would do.

"I read the report, but I'm gonna take a look at the situation. Prepare a supply line to the wasteland and begin gathering forces. After investigating, I will spare no time waiting for the grunts to gather before we exterminate those rats."

The mustached man didn't even bother introducing himself after dealing out his orders as he left for the wasteland immediately.

He left a few of his janitors behind to coordinate the supplies with the guild and merchants but the main force left, along with many of the recruited explorers.

Amber had read Hugh's name in the letter, but it seemed he was either really inept at social interactions or very rude. If he was rude just because he was temporarily the strongest around it would be incredibly ridiculous and Amber even wondered how the cooperation would go.

With a sigh, she left the office with Toz still inside. Hugh's attitude had him thinking if it would be worth even trying to contribute and take on an important role, or if he should just stay back and enjoy the spectacle.

After conferring with the cats they all agreed that if they could personally kill the rats it would be nice, but as long as they die it's all good.

Since they had made that decision it would be better to get a good view. They moved to catch up with the Janitors and the group of explorers that had started crossing the plains to get to the wasteland.

During the days, Toz and Amanda, Din, and Charlie had spent walking back to the down the rats had continued extending the wasteland, and they didn't stop while the guild called for reinforcements. Now the wasteland was within sighting distance of the mountains, and steadily creeping closer.

Most people when walking at a relaxed pace would take a couple of days to reach the wasteland, but when the explorers led by the Janitors wanted to, it wouldn't be difficult for most of them to cross that distance in a day.

They set up a large camp in between the two landmarks, the wasteland and the mountains. It would be easy to scout and prepare for a fight against the rats, without the risk of being ambushed during the night.

There were large mess tents, individual sleeping tents, and torches here and there for light.

In a large ostentatious tent in the middle of the camp, Hugh had gathered his closest subordinates.

"This might seem like an ordinary beast subjugation in a weak low level plane, but the manager seemed pretty serious about it, so don't slack off. If you mess this up I take the blame, remember that. The manager said he would contact that local chick if he finds out more about the rats so keep an eye on her."

'"Yes, sir"'

After everyone except the twins left the tent, one of them politely cleared her throat.

"What about that dark-haired kid who was in the room with the manager?"

"What kid?"

The other twin answered,

"The one who was in the branch manager's office when you stormed in."

"What about him?"

"If he was having a one-on-one conversation with the branch manager wouldn't he possibly be important?"

"How important could a low level mage be when we are here? Just ignore him unless he tries to interfere.

"Right, have you found out anything else about the rumors of some exotic treasure appearing in the mountains back there?"

"No, sir."

"Okay, take a rest then, we will start doing our job tomorrow, and I don't want any sleeping beauties harming my reputation."

"Yes, sir."

After the twins left, Hugh started going through some papers and reports. Most of them related to the investigations the guild had performed after a couple of the mountains collapsed. One of the papers even had a drawing of an orange orb on it.

There seemed to be more about the Forest Janitors accepting the request than simply wanting to exterminate some rats.

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