Eternal Melody-Chapter 907 My Beautiful Monster Part 8

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Chapter 907 My Beautiful Monster Part 8


Miya frowned. She wanted nothing more than to refute those words, but she couldn't. Before she could say anything else, someone snatched her phone off her.

The one who had snatched her phone was Tachibana, Miya was about to glare, get angry and demand he give her phone back. However, seeing the serious look on his face she paused.

"It's just me. Yes, yes. Why do you think I came to Tokyo? The lady asked me for a favour so I came. It seems Shin-chan has been rather occupied so the babysitting duty had to fall on someone else."

It takes her a moment to understand what his words mean.

Wait, what? Sumire asked him to- Alright, so she may have confine in Sumire that she is struggling to control her barriers recently. But, it never occurred to her that Sumire would go behind her back and set up measures to keep her safe. Sumire means well. It's not like she is implying that she is weak. But, it doesn't stop her from having those thoughts.

"If you heard that, then you need to start liaising your schedule with mine. I can't keep dropping important work for you."

"I never asked for a babysitter." Miya said coldly.

"The lady didn't ask me to babysit you, though frankly she might as well have said that."

"Then, what did she tell you?"

Masaru sighed. "She told me quote that the black alice organisation members are attacking her close friends individually. In the event that you do end up attacked, she wants me to help you."

So Sumire didn't tell Tachibana about her lack of control of her barrier powers. Of course she wouldn't. Sumire isn't the type of person to blab. But, for a moment she felt betrayed.

"So, you following me around is supposed to be you helping me?"

Masaru chuckled. "I was actually thinking I could help you train. Your barrier power is useful, but you need to hone your physical fighting skills."

Indeed, he makes a point there. If she is going to get involved in this underworld business. She will need other means to defend herself.

Miya looked at Masaru warily but nodded and Masaru's lips curve to a smirk. "Excellent. The first lesson will be after this job."

That fast? It's almost like he already knew she would agree. She exhaled deeply. How is she going to survive this? No doubt, he will be making fun of her the entire time.



Those three days he asked Mamoru for passed by quicker than he thought. But, Mamoru sent him a message earlier saying something came up in the Holy knights organisation. So he will drop by later. Instead, he was met face to face with Nagawa Akane when he opened the door. He led her into the living room, and offered to make her a drink.

She shakes her head. "Let's get this over with."

Toh looked at her with expectedly. Before Narasaki disappeared, he told him that Nagawa Akane was on their side. He even confirmed it with Nagawa Evans, the estranged son from the Nagawa family who is one of Sumire's biggest supporters. Nagawa Evans explained to him 'Akane is smarter than most people her age. She is very diligent, once she receives a task or gets told to do anything. She will investigate it seriously, for example her roles as an actress. From the characters mannerisms, speech patterns and their thought process. The only way you will be able to find Sumire is with Akane's help.'

Even with all of that, it took him time before he decided to recruit the girl. Even without her saying anything, Toh understood that Nagawa Akane already found Sumire.


"Lucifer's main residence in F region.

'I've never been there myself. Of course he would take her there. It's one of the few places that is limited only to the leaders from the other organisations we are allied with. If so, it won't be long before Jian Hiriji learns the truth since?he is actively searching after Shizune mentioned it.'

With this many people on the case, it shouldn't be long before Sumire returns. But, in what condition? She has spent so many weeks with Lucifer. In that time, Lucifer could have done anything to her. Toh felt sick just thinking about it, knowing just how twisted Lucifer could be with women.

No, no. Sumire isn't the type of woman who would allow just anyone to touch her. No doubt she is putting up a fight against Lucifers advances.

"I wouldn't go there without a plan. It's too dangerous and the security around her is tight." Akane paused. "I think her memories have gone."

At those words he froze and his face colour turned pale. It felt like all the blood in his body had vanished.

Akane continued. "She calls Lucifer 'my husband.'"

He has had a bad feeling ever since Sumire disappeared but, he didn't think it would be like this. His other bad scenarios would have been far better than this one. If Sumire doesn't have any memories, that means if Lucifer has made a move on her. She won't be able to resist. In fact, it wouldn't surprise him if Lucifer claims they are together. With her memory loss, Sumire will be easier to deceive.

Narasaki Hino was captured. So this shouldn't surprise him.

'I am one of the few that the contract members sign with their blood, is a way of transferring some of their abilities to Lucifer. Lucifer must have erasedSumire's memory with Narasaki's ability.'

"Can you try and get closer to her?" Toh asked.

From the sounds of it, Nagawa Akane has access to the manor.

Akane nodded. "That's why I am in a hurry. I sent an application in."

"An application?"

"Lucifer is searching for new workers. Based on the description , he is searching for attendants for Ibuki-san. Of course he won't admit that directly, knowing the situation with her haters."

"So you applied?"

"I did. When I saw the post, I did some more digging, indeed to confirm it was from Lucifer's people. I went to the manor earlier and personally gave the application in."
