Eternal Melody-Chapter 914 My Beautiful Monster Part 15

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Chapter 914 My Beautiful Monster Part 15


A disturbance in the dungeons. It was only for a brief few minutes, but he felt the essence of a power user down there. But, by the time he came down, nobody was there. The shackles on Narasaki's arms should have concealed his essence as an evolved human. Unfortunately for him Narasaki was fast asleep. He could have easily woken the man to demand answers. But Lucifer already knew he was going to be stubborn about it. He could have tortured him easily. However, thinking of the girl with the fever in his chambers. He decided against it.

Once he left the dungeons, he immediately sensed Sumire's presence outside and not in their chambers. After asking the servants, he finds out she went out to bathe in the creak. Lucifer easily found her. After all, nobody would bathe outside like this in this lifetime. With the invention of fancy bathing chambers, there is no need.

Lucifer watched her for a few minutes. Watched the water splash on her soft and delicate looking skin. He has never seen a more gorgeous looking woman. Even though he has been with many women in this life. He has never found true satisfaction with any of them. But with Sumire? He is simply satisfied even with just staring at her.

"Lucifer?" Sumire called out.

"It's me." Lucifer emerged from his hiding spot behind the trees.

"Oh good." Sumire sighed in relief. "I hope you don't mind me bathing here."

"This place is yours."

"That's true." Sumire paused.

"What's wrong?" Lucifer said sensing something was off about her.

"I just want to long have we been together?"

"For a few years." Lucifer replied.

"I see." Sumire placed her hand on her head. "Did you used to have shorter hair, and brown eyes?"

"Yes, before the darkness became worse."

Smooth and immediate answers, so she has no room to doubt him. However, that description just now. Are her memories of Terashima returning? Will he have to use Narasaki's power again- Lucifer paused. No erasing her memories again is too risky. For this case, he ought to use Toh's ability and manipulate the memories she is seeing.

When she has fallen asleep tonight, he can do that.

"Oh. Right of course." Sumire trailed off. "Sorry for asking strange questions. My memories are still a bit blurry."

"Does your head hurt a lot?" Lucifer wondered.

"Just a little, I get a few dizzy spells."

'I'll have to experiment with the power I took from Narasaki. I can't have her being in pain.'

"May I join you?" Lucifer asked. He should keep her distracted for now.

To his surprise the girl nodded. Seeing her agree he didn't hesitate to discard his clothes and stepped inside. The moment he got close to her and kissed her. Sumire suddenly backed away.

"L-Lucifer-" Sumire said nervously.

"Do you still fear me?"

Sumire shakes her head. "That's not it. I just, I'm not used to being touched like this. At least from what I recall."

'That's odd. She's already been with many men before. With Toh's experience, it's strange that she is saying such things.'

How much of her memory did he erase? Perhaps he should have tested the power before he used it on her. But, he didn't want to take any risks of her waking up, discovering that he had taken her and sending out a signal to her allies. Had she woken up with her memories in tact. No doubt she would have accused him for unleashing those beasts and act stubborn. She would have aggravated her wounds and made her situation worse.

It seemed he erased more than he ought to have. But, there are still traces of who she used to be in there. He has caught her singing on more than one occasion, seen how fiercely she reprimands her men who harass the servants. If she was completely docile, she would have backed away.

She still has the same sense of justice she did in their other lives together.

"Let me help you bathe." Lucifer offered.

She seemed to hesitate for a few minutes but nodded. He reached over for the bottles she perched on a rock, and pours some on her hair.

"I know I still have a fever. But, I wanted to refresh myself."

"I understand."

After all, she used to say the same things in the past. It seems no matter how much time changes she remains the same.

'Instead of standing there and lecturing me. Just join me Lex.'

'Isn't this relaxing? I do like my bathtubs, but there is something magical about bathing like this.'

"Hmm, I don't know how I got these scars. do they look ugly to you?" Sumire pointed to the scars on her body.

Lucifer shakes his head. "It makes you look like a warrior, a Queen."

Besides the scars she is pointing to are nothing to the one on her abdomen. Thinking about that random man who attacked her upset him. When he looked into the situation, he discovered that the one who attacked her was a sorry excuse for an evolved human. She ought to have been able to defend herself.

Sumire followed her gaze and paused. "Do you not like this one?"

"I remembered how you got it, and it upsets me."

It upsets him how he wasn't able to go to her side. Had she slept with him at least once in this life. He could have prevented that situation and materialised by her side before she got attacked.

Sumire looked at him expectedly for answers and he exhaled deeply.

"You were stabbed by someone you trusted."

Her fans- the ones she sings for. Sumire has always liked music. It was the same in their other lives too. So, it doesn't surprise him that she became a singer in this life too. Initially he didn't want to interfere in her career in this life. However his beast had other plans and before he understood what was happening, he was leading an entertainment company. A company made up of people who disliked Sumire.

It was far too late for him to remedy the mistake. So, he tried not to involve himself in the company affairs as much as possible and delegated tasks to his close aides instead. It seemed that was the wrong choice on his part since they are easily bribed.

After that stabbing incident, Lucifer pushed for Toh to take charge of the company whenever he was away. Toh is probably the only other person in the company he can trust with Sumire's issue. The only other one who can keep her safe.

The thought disturbed him. Despite what others say, he had to hold back his jealousy when Toh and Sumire were dating. Had to turn a blind eye whenever he saw Toh covered in marks made by Sumire. Turned a blind eye whenever he scented their mixed scents.

His thoughts break off when Sumire suddenly wraps her arms around his neck. Pressing their naked bodies together. "You don't have to worry. I am alive. I won't leave your side."

For Sumire's hair flashed purple and overlapped with the current her. Lucifer blinked twice to confirm that her hair colour was still brown. 'Is it possible?'
