Eternal Melody-Chapter 919 My Beautiful Monster Part 20

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Chapter 919 My Beautiful Monster Part 20


Is she truly okay with him, with someone who can rip her throat out at any moment if his monster side decides to take over? Lucifer recalled the beasts warning and shuddered. What sorts of plans does that man have with Sumire? He has seen with his own eyes the aftermath of his actions towards his enemies. Towards people he becomes attached too.

Sumire nodded. "Yes, I am."

"I would like to say, it makes me happy to hear that. However, I am not a good man." Lucifer chose his words carefully. He doesn't want to scare her away. But, if she drops her guard down too much then she will end up severely hurt.

Sumire shakes her head and ran her fingers through his hair. "Whether or not you're a good man? That depends on me. It depends on the people you form attachments to. You cannot decide for others what they think. Lucifer, I may not have my memories but from your treatment of me so far? I can tell that you truly love and treasure me."

'I wonder if she will still be saying that when she has regained her memories.'

The one who saved her, the one who rampaged seeing her in that condition wasn't the beast it was him. He is capable of such dark deeds monster or not. Lucifer opened his mouth to speak and yet he couldn't get the words out. How can he say anything when she is looking at him with eyes like that? Eyes with so much devotion and trust.

So he swallows his word back and enjoys the feeling of the girl's hands in his hair. He never would have thought of himself capable of having a gentle moment like this with a woman, in this life.

For the next few minutes neither of them said anything, they just stayed like that. Her hands in his hair, and one of his hands on her thighs.

"Even when you cry, you're so beautiful." Sumire suddenly said, breaking the silence.

Cry? Indeed, as she said those words. Lucifer reached over to touch something damp across his cheeks. He wonders when was the last time he cried. When did he last let his guard down with someone like this.

"I know, the past few weeks have been slightly crazy."

Lucifer chuckled at that thought. She has no idea. He wasn't prepared at all to take her away that night. Although he has had her quarters set up for awhile now. He didn't think he would take her the way he did. He believed he had more time to ease her in, to make her comfortable with him. At the very least he wanted her to stop seeing him as an enemy. He wanted to prepare the people living here and warn the ones who would try to take advantage of her. But he didn't get a chance, and it seems like she has had the unfortunate experience of hearing slander from many.

Unfortunately, since she does not give him many details. It is hard to determine where those rumours came from. He can guess, but he cannot simply dismiss people on that guess alone.

To his surprise Sumire suddenly leaned forward and kissed the tears away.

"But, I do want to make this work. It would be nice if I had my memories. However, I also think that it's okay that I don't have them."

"You do?"

Sumire nodded. "Sometimes living in the present is better, even if there is a chance of it being a lie. Lies can be love, and I feel your love very strongly even with the half hearted truths." Sumire brushed her lips against his. "So, even if this is a lie. I want to see this through. Will you allow me to be selfish like that?"

"Of course."

'Just now, it was only for a brief moment. But, I caught a glimpse of her. Of the Sumire with memories.' It seems I will have to pay a visit to Narasaki in the dungeons.


The sound of bones being crushed, the agonized voices that accompany those sounds. Lucifer has lost count of how many times he has heard it. Lost count of how many times he has stained his hands with blood.

Red. Red. Red.

Red is the only other colour that registers in his head other than the black from his darkness. He does not have a colour illness like Eli or Tsueno. But, his mind focuses on the colours that are necessary to him.

The colours he wishes to see. Recently, there has been another colour that stands out to him. Her amethyst coloured eyes.

How many times has he beaten up this man in front of him? The metallic colour of the chains have been stained with blood over and over again.

"Will you talk?" Lucifer said as he continued to step on Narasaki's leg.

"Y-you actually want me to tell you how to manipulate her further? Over my dead body."

Lucifer's gaze dimmed. "Narasaki, I don't have the time to play games with you."

Narasaki Hino chuckles at those words. "But, hasn't this been one entire game to you?"

"Contrary to what you think. That girl is mine, she always has been. Even if this incident didn't happen, she would have eventually returned to my side."

'Although, I have to admit that it would have taken a lot of persuasion. The reason I haven't approached her on my own so far is, she has far too many people watching over her. It would do no good for others to hear about our pasts.'

Hino laughed again. "Sumire is nobody's possession."

Lucifer frowned. "I am aware."

Hino shakes his head. "I don't think you do. It seems you have been treating her well, so for that I am thankful. Before this entire kidnap thing. She argued with Tsueno about you."

"About me?"

"They were discussing what your motive was. Sumire's argument was despite everything that has happened. You have never actually harmed her. Everything has been done by your subordinates and the few times you were alone with her. You made bargains, taunted her but never actually harmed her."

Lucifer didn't know what to say to that. He was under the impression that any willingness Sumire has shown is because she has lost her memories. However, it seems even before this- perhaps the memories of her past life and their bond is compelling her to do this?
