Eternal Melody-Chapter 933 My Beautiful Monster Part 34

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Chapter 933 My Beautiful Monster Part 34


Never did she think she would meet a person that would test her limits as much as Mashima Toh does. It was very difficult for her to concentrate with Mashima giving her those predatory looks. There were times where she thought that Mashima would stroll over and take her in front of everyone else. Akane stepped away from the meeting room in a daze. There was no way she could focus on that meeting with Mashima sitting right next to her! What was with those seating arrangements?

She shakes her head and enters the bathroom to splash some water on her face. But, the moment she was inside, a hand shot out and pulled her into one of the stalls.

Before she could even react, she felt a pair of heavy and hungry lips on hers. The owner of those lips had her backed against the wall, one hand on her thigh trailing towards her core. It was Mashima. They kissed for a good few minutes before Mashima drew back.

"Your sister is a real piece of work." Toh mumbled.

Akane laughed at those words. "She tried flirting with you?"

"That was just plain seduction."

Of course she noticed. But while Kanade was desperately trying to 'flirt' with Mashima during the meeting. Mashima was focusing on flirting with her.

"And you don't like that?" Akane guessed.

Despite the rumors about him, not once had Akane seen him flirt with girls. Rather, he seems straightforward when rejecting people.

"Not at all." Toh continued to caress her thighs and she shuddered.

It's so strange, she has had many relationships before. She has engaged in physical actions with all of them. But, none of those guys have made her feel like this. Yesterday, she just brushed it off as being caught up in the moment.

But now she is clear headed and can think for herself. There is something about Mashima Toh's touches that make her feel like an entirely different person. She never knew she craved another person's touch like this till now.

"Mashima, did you do this to Ibuki too?

Toh paused. "I was less aggressive with her."

Of course he was. Even the most passionate guys are gentle with the women they love.

"Does that bother you?" Toh asked. "I must confess it's been awhile since I have been with anyone else. I don't really know how to act. If you don't want to talk about Sumire, I won't say anything. "

Akane's gaze softened. "You're not like the rumors say."

She didn't know he had a clumsy side to himself. After all, whenever she saw him before. He always radiate an aura of confidence.

Toh sighed. "Those rumors are very old."

"Why me? You're not just doing this to annoy my brother, though I suspect that's part of it." Akane mumbled.

"Yet you're going along with this? How cruel."

"Less talking, unless that's all your tongue is good for?" Akane challenged. She doesn't want to talk about why she agreed to his plan. She doesn't want to remember that this is all a lie. A beautifully crafted lie to upset her brother.

"I beg to differ my lady, you've had the pleasure to experience what else my tongue can do."

"Indeed." Akane agreed.

"Your sister is a pain." Toh mumbled as he kissed her neckline. "With an attitude like that, she won't make it far in the industry."

"She thinks she is good at everything." Akane runs her fingers through his hair. "Mashima, don't you have work to do here?"

"I'm taking my break, and then I saw you."


"Akane." Toh mumbled. "Can I call you that? Or is it too soon?"

He already called her several times last night. But, perhaps he forgot? He did seem like he was slightly drunk.

"You may."

She is definitely asking for more trouble. But, she can't stop this anymore. Ever since she became a official member of the entertainment industry. She has observed those around her carefully and made notes. She has a grasp on nearly every? person in this company's behaviour. However, there is one person she hasn't been able to figure out even with observing him from afar.

Toh's lips trailed on her neck. "What are you thinking?"

"Now that I have this chance. I can observe you better."

Toh laughed. "I did think you were watching me. But, I couldn't figure out your intentions."

"And you're the psychologist."

"Oh? So you know that much."

"I know bits and pieces. But not enough to completely figure out your behaviour." Akane admitted.

"Does not knowing make you uneasy?"

Akane nodded. "Perhaps it was due to my upbringing but I like knowing what is going on around me. If I don't know what a person is like, I do extensive research to make sure I know. So I know how to act around them."

"I see, but you don't have to be so wary around me. You don't need to put on an act in front of me. You can act like yourself and I wouldn't judge you for it."

Akane paused. He seems so sincere, so honest. While she has seen snippets of his kindness. The reality is they still don't know each other well enough. This relationship between them is still fresh. She shouldn't rush to come to conclude what kind of person he is.

She threaded her fingers into his hair.

"You do realize that this is the girls restroom right?" Akane mumbled.

Toh chuckled. "I am aware."

"What if-" Akane didn't get a chance to finish that sentence when they heard the sound of? the doors opening. Hearing chattering. Akane froze.

Toh brought his lips to her. "Just relax, they'll leave eventually."

That isn't the point! If they get caught in this situation, she wouldn't know how to explain it. Akane proceeded to move away from him but Mashima suddenly loosened his pants, his belt fell to the ground.

"Mashima don't you think-"

Toh moved closer towards her as he nibbled on her ear. "Do you really want to stop this Akane?"

Being asked like that, how can she refuse?
