Eternal Melody-Chapter 944 My Beautiful Monster Part 45

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Chapter 944 My Beautiful Monster Part 45


'I bit her because I wanted to trigger her blood abilities, had I not done that. It would have remained dormant and potentially caused her harm. I didn't bite her to make her mine again.' Although, he knew his beast would disagree.

Feeling Sumire's intense gaze on him Lucifer speaks up. "Why does anyone cling to anything? Why do they cling to things, to people they cannot have? It's because for them, the feelings of love are far stronger than anything else. They keep returning because there is something they love here, even if that something no longer remembers. They keep returning, hoping that-" His sentence fell short when he felt a soft pair of lips on his,

He would continue returning to her side even if his soul burns out, even if she no longer remembers him. Even if everything about him vanishes.

"I'm sorry." Sumire mumbled. "I know you want me to remember. Even if you do not say it, I understand."

Lucifer doesn't say anything.

"But, I truly want you to understand Lucifer. I don't have to have memories to be by your side. Your actions have more than proven what I need to know."

"What if I'm acting? What if this is a lie?"

Sumire's gaze softened. "Even if you were the best liar in the world. I would still choose to remain by your side. You need me, and as I have recently learned. I need you, only you."

"Just recently?"

Sumire laughed. "Mm, just recently. I'm a bit slow on most things and it took me a lot of debating why I feel comfortable just seeing you."

Lucifer blinked surprised at her words and she laughed again. Her laughter truly does sound like music in his ears.? Does she feel comfortable just seeing him? He didn't know this. But, now that she has mentioned it. When she was running away from Suigetsu's people not too long ago, she was pale and looked like death. But when she reached his arms, her shoulders relaxed.

"But, even if it's not me, Lucifer. There are plenty of others who care for you."

"Are you speaking about Jacks and the elite guard? I do consider them my friends. However, I know the monster frightens them. I know if they were given a chance, they'd leave and never look back."

Sumire shakes her head. "I don't believe they would. They'd be happy if you let them shoulder the burden. They may fear your monster, but the respect in their eyes, the admiration? Those emotions will override anything."

"Then, what about you? If there is something troubling you, would you shoulder the burden with others?" Lucifer paused, catching a whiff of the girl's perfume. He hadn't realized how close they were standing, how close her face was.

Sumire reached over and brushed her fingers across his cheek. She didn't answer his question, but her actions seemed to convey that she would rely on him. 'I'm here, and I know you.' Her words from earlier danced in his mind.

Being with her like this makes him remember what he used to be like. Before he let the darkness take over him. Makes him remember how nice it was, being wanted, being loved and not feared and how much he has craved to be touched by someone who truly cares for him.

How every single time he slept with another woman, he felt a part of himself break. How their touches meant nothing, and only left him feeling even more empty.

Even with the people he grew close to in this life, something was always missing and now that he is with her again. He finally realizes what it was. It was her, the reason why he felt so fulfilled, why he felt whole was because she was there. Picking up his broken pieces each time.

After accepting the darkness, he thought there was no hope for him anymore. But here Sumire comes, giving it back to him and promising him everything he buried away. Telling a monster like him, that he is fine the way he is.

Sumire suddenly shrieked and he realizes one of the stars had fallen on her face, causing him to laugh.

"W-what on earth?"

Lucifer chuckled. "The reason they are glowing brightly is because their are souls alongside the stars. What fell on you just now was a soul."

Sumire curses. "You could have told me that sooner! You did on purpose." She shouted shoving him roughly. But this only led to him laughing more.

She frantically wipes the sparks from her face but he grabbed hold of her wrist. "Don't, you look beautiful."

Sumire sighed. "I knew something was off about my makeup, if star dust is making me look better."

Lucifer laughed again. When was the last time he laughed like this? When was the last time he felt so much joy, when did he last feel carefree and relaxed like this? Every single moment since he accepted the darkness, accepted the monster. He has worked hard to keep it under control. If he ever let his guard down, the monster would take over and cause masacres. Maybe it's because of the deal they made. However, his monster isn't around now. He can spend this moment with Sumire without having to worry about losing control of himself.

"I want to paint you."

Lucifer looked at her surprised. "What brought this on?"

"Since I realized I could paint, I have only been painting scenery. Things I have seen in the memories I do retain. But, I want to paint you. Paint this." Sumire pointed to their surroundings. She leans forward and brushes her forehead against his. "Your so beautiful, my beautiful monster."

She is stunning, everything about her-

"I shall agree to that, but in exchange. Will you sing for me?"

Sumire's gaze softened. "Mm, alright." She pulls away and positions herself in the center of the bridge.

"The sound of raindrops.

Like the clattering percussion.

Ding Dong. Ding dong."

"So beautifully.

The mottled path with sunlight and shadows.

Like a forest of dreams

Lead me into a rainbow mystery.

A sky full of stars, hiding all of my secrets."

"Cicadas chirping on a summer day.

Singing my hopes for the future.

Dream Dream Dream

Everyone has a dream, has a dream, always felt.

How sweet with a dream."

"A sky full of stars hiding all of my secrets." Sumire sang.

As he watched her sing, images of similar moments happening in their five life times together flashed through his head. No matter how many times her soul is reborn. Her voice doesn't change. This voice that has been blessed by the heavens.

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