Eternal Melody-Chapter 946 My Beautiful Monster Part 47

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Chapter 946 My Beautiful Monster Part 47


'I need to wash the blood off, and then return to cuddling with her on our bed.' The moment Lucifer entered the room, he sees the empty bed sheets. She must have woken up. Lucifer closed his eyes. He reached for the bond, and found himself opening the door to the attached bathroom.

Sumire was sitting in the tub, gorgeously naked with a dazed expression. Lucifer simply stared at her for a few minutes, stared at that beautiful body of hers. 'No matter how many times I hold her, I find myself awed every time I see her bare skin.' He wonders if it has always been like this between them. The darkness has blurred his own memories. While he still remembers their five lifetimes, he finds that the stronger his emotions are. The high chances of him remembering each detail.

'I love her.' His feelings for her were the only things that remained important to him. As long as he could remember that, it didn't matter what he forgot. But, watching her like this now. Lucifer wishes he could remember if he was this obsessed with her. Even back then, he found himself falling in love with everything she did and everything she said.

His thoughts break off realizing that Sumire was looking at him, and then at the bottle in his hands.

It was a bottle that contained the blood of four of the now dead women. He sent Lacy back to Elisa, as a warning.

"Pour it in?" Sumire pointed at the bottle.

His lips curved to a smile as he approached the edge of the tub and tipped the contents. The water turned red in seconds and he quickly discarded his clothes and joined her.

Bathing in the blood of his enemies has never felt as good as now.

"You didn't have to kill them." Sumire said.

"But they hurt you."

"I know. But, violence shouldn't be the answer to everything."

"They've also been slipping poison in your meals." Lucifer frowned.

It's a good thing Kusabe Renna noticed, and has been making Sumire drink an antidote. Moreover with Sumire constantly drinking his blood, no poison should kill her. But, just because the poison doesn't kill her, it doesn't mean she won't suffer.

Sumire sighed deeply. "Did Renna tell you that?"

"You knew?" Lucifer tried to keep his fury to himself. But, he was gripping the edge of the bathtub tightly.

She knew, and she was still eating those meals?

"Of course I knew. But, I wanted to keep up the act and wait until they slipped up."

"-and if they didn't?"

"I would have exposed them myself." Sumire said, determined.

He hates how he can't argue against her. She seems so confident now. She is definitely getting better. By accepting that her memories may never return. She is adapting to this life, and her current self. Discovering new things each day.

Sumire caresses his cheek. "I know, it was silly of me to put myself in danger. But can't you see my husband? This was something I had to do for myself. I don't want others thinking you married a weak woman. You're always telling me that I'm strong, but I don't have many opportunities to prove that."

Lucifer detected the hint of bitterness in her tone. He will give her everything she asks for. But, he will continue to limit the exposure she has to his men and the rest of the organisation.

Unfortunately even if he disguises her, her face is too well known.

Lucifer continued to kiss her neckline as Sumire smudged the blood on his face. "So handsome."

He chuckled. "You're an odd one."

"Lucifer, stop kissing me. I want to look at you properly." Sumire demanded.

"As you wish my Queen." Lucifer raised his face and Sumire wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I want to say those words to you." Sumire mumbled softly.

"Those words?" Lucifer repeated.

"The ones that tell you how I feel. The words that any normal couple should be able to say to each other." Sumire sighed frustrated. "I don't know why, I thought it would be easier to say since we have

'I know.' deep down she is still thinking of Terashima. Even if she doesn't say it out loud, even with no memories. He can't erase Terashima from her heart.

"Do you understand? If I show you this way."

"I do." Sumire blinked and pushed his hands away.? "I'm sorry, I'm really tired."

Lucifer shakes his head. "I can relieve myself later."

'Though I've never really had to. Ever since Toh created the harem for me, and recruited women to help contain his beast. I have never lacked women.'

Her gaze dimmed. "With the women in the harem?"

"With my very skillful hands, wife." Lucifer answered swiftly.

Lucifer watches as the girl's cheeks coloured. If he comments on the colour of her cheeks. Would she blush more? If he tells her how much that colour suits her lovely face, how would she react?

"Well, I can't deny that you're skilled." Sumire mumbled.

His grin grew larger and she stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Careful wife. That tongue of yours can do so much more." Lucifer warned. The things she can do to him, with just that tongue alone. Just thinking about it, makes him want to-

"You're teasing me. You know we can't today."

"How come?" Lucifer questioned.

"It's that time of the month for me, and I know hanyou females are especially sensitive during this time frame."

Right, sometimes he forgets how long she has been here. Of course it's that time already.

"You don't want a child?" Lucifer hesitated as he asked.

He doesn't want to pressure her, moreover- 'I don't even know if it's possible for her to have my child. Her curse has weakened since she became bonded to Terashima. But, since I accepted the darkness-' Is it possible for them to have children? Since she is a hanyou, it is easy for her to get pregnant. So, if he keeps this up. Perhaps there is a chance.

"No. That's not it. I do want your child." Sumire traced his chest with her fingers. "It's just, probably not the right time for one."

So even she can sense the tense atmosphere in the manor lately. Lucifer pressed a kiss to her temple.

"I shall take care of it soon."

Sumire sighed deeply. "It would be nice to have some peaceful days."

"We shall have them soon." He kisses her again. "I apologize for my associate causing so many problems."

"The wedding has to be pushed back." Sumire mumbled.

"Just for a while. Remember we are married already. The ceremony is just a formality."