Eternal Melody-Chapter 951 My Beautiful Monster Part 52

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Chapter 951 My Beautiful Monster Part 52


It is very risky, since everywhere on the news everyone is speaking about Sumire's situation. There are mixed reactions still, but it seems the more time that passes by, the more good news there is. Truthfully he is surprised, he thought there would be more negative news. With Aki out of commission, and Narasaki locked away in his dungeon. Who could be taking charge of the media?

It can't be Nagawa. That man acts without thinking. That only leaves- Ahoji Yumi. Sumire's mentor. That woman hasn't shown herself in a while. He also received a message that she wouldn't interfere, 'It's no longer my generation, and I trust Sumire will protect everyone.' With Sumire's 'disappearance' she must have realized that she wouldn't be able to step back.

"Very well. But, I'll have Jacks watch over you when you use it."

Jacks will be able to stop her from seeing anything that would trigger her memories.


Any normal person would fuss about this, but not her. Never her.

"Husband." Sumire said softly. "Can I call you?"

"Of course."

"Can-" Sunire leaned forward and brushed her fingers through his forearm. "-I touch you, like you do me. When you speak into my mind?"

The act was very simple and yet, seemed very seductive to him. Lucifer cupped her face. "You may, however. I wonder what brought on this change."

"I told you, I want to try. Memories or not, I care for you."

His gaze softened at her words and he pulled her onto his lap. "I shall miss you, my wife."

"Will you be gone for long?"

"A few days, perhaps a week. If I am gone any longer." Lucifer trailed off. "Ask Jacks to unblock everything on your phone, and visit your friend in the dungeons."

At those words Sumire bit her lip. "You knew?"


"Is he someone important to me?"

Lucifer paused but nodded. "Yes."


"That's all? No questions." Lucifer said surprised.

"I trust you husband."

She trusts him? Lucifer's eyes widened. How can she trust him, when she doesn't have her memories back?

Sumire laughed weakly. "Well, mmm. You've more than proven that you love and care for me."

"I do."

"For me, at least the present me. This is fine. I don't need anything else."


Tokyo, XX base.

Sumire's words lingered in his head even after he made the trip to the outskirts of Tokyo. The message from Toh included details of one of their main strongholds being destroyed. They have many bases abroad, and scattered around Japan. But they have a few main ones in Tokyo.

Even without looking properly. Lucifer already knew who the culprit was.


That man is getting closer to finding out where Sumire is.

'I could ignore him when he was simply attacking the side bases. But, if he is going to destroy their main strongholds.' This will cause problems. This base was filled with the toxins from the experiments he has been conducting to create evolved humans and hanyous.

Shadow fire? No, only Terashima has that. But, what is this dark flame? According to his sources, Aki has been away from the Holy Knights for quite some time now.

Could this be the reason why? Has he been corrupted by darkness? His lips curve to a smile. If that's the case, then perhaps he can take advantage of it. There is no dark being in this lifetime that he is unable to control.

Toh speaks up. "I've seen Aki's powers before, it wasn't like this."

"Something must have changed. He has been missing for a while. I'll need you to chase up on-"

Toh shakes his head. "Give that job to Mirako. I can't be away from Tokyo now."

Lucifer blinked surprised at those words. He can't? Searching for Aki would take him closer to where Sumire is. While he has given Toh the freedom to come over anytime to see her. Lucifer knew Toh was being very careful.

"Is there a reason?" Lucifer has never asked Toh this question because Toh has never refused his orders before.

"It's not-"

"He has a woman." Mirako said walking over.

He raised his eyebrow at those words. No matter how much Mirako dislikes the Toh who is in love with Sumire. For him to come up with-

"Something like that." Toh mumbled.

Oh? This is the first time he is hearing Toh express an interest in women who aren't Sumire. As far as he knew ever since Toj

Toh didn't say anymore and continued to bark orders at the other men as they inspected the rest of the structure.

Mirako however was more than happy to provide him with the details.

"Nagawa Akane?" Lucifer said surprised.

Mirako nodded. "I confirmed it myself. I trailed her once when she was returning from here, and I saw her enter my brother's apartment and not come back till morning."

Interesting, and yet the other women being Nagawa Akane? It isn't too hard to see what Toh is trying to do. Toh has probably discovered that Nagawa Sano isn't as innocent as he had made himself out to be. No doubt this is Toh's way of taking revenge.

However, what about Nagawa Akane? She is a smart woman. Surely she knows what Toh is doing. Perhaps Toh has finally met a woman who matches him. It would be good if that was the case.

"The other Nagawa daughter returned too."

Lucifer frowns hearing those words. "That woman. I took great lengths to push her away, and push her sister in her place,"

"Indeed, but you did say it wouldn't last long. Nagawa Mira isn't stupid. She must have figured out what you were doing.!