Eternal Melody-Chapter 960 My Beautiful Monster Part 61

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Chapter 960 My Beautiful Monster Part 61


Just because they are getting along better now. It doesn't erase what he did to her earlier. What he did to her, Neira felt her entire face burning at the memory. She still doesn't understand what happened there! She has been courted several times since she came of age and while she entertained her suitors to keep her family pleased. Whenever they'd try to kiss her, she would immediately react with disgust and it would push them away. While she ended up pushing Yi away

Yi chuckled. "You are not the first one who told me that." He trails off. "You're from the Fujisaki family aren't you?"

Nene blinks surprised. "You know who I am?"

"I knew from the moment I saw you on the bridge, I was wondering why the sheltered young miss of the Fujisaki's was wandering around the district next to the pleasure district. I assumed you were meeting a secret lover."

Nene sighs deeply. "It's true I'm sheltered, but that's because of my spiritual powers."

"If your powers are as strong as the rumors, it's normal why they would keep you away. There are plenty of people who would take advantage of you."

"Like you?" Nene said bravely.

Yi chuckled. "Like me, but also not. I have no interest in bedding a woman simply for her spiritual powers."

Nene exhales deeply. "It's hard to believe you after the stunt you pulled earlier."

Yi smirks. "I don't think you're completely indifferent to me."

"I-if you keep talking like that, I'll ask your partner to help me."

It was a silly threat, and a lie too. Yi is definitely the stronger out of the two. It would be better for her to seek his assistance.

Yi chuckles. "You're a pretty liar, little bird."

Nene sighs frustrated at the new nickname. "You said just now, that I'm not the only one who compared you to this flower. Was there anybody else?" She said shifting the conversation back to the original topic.

"It was your grandfather, who was well versed in the studies of the western world due to his research into herbal and man made remedies. He explained to me that in western culture, roses have hidden meanings, secrets."

"Then it suits you even more." Nene trails off. "You appear to be a man with many secrets Yi."

Yi pauses but nods. "We shall be spending a lot of time together Little bird, so perhaps you will learn a secret or two."

"Were going to spend a lot of time together? Can't I just give you a description?"

Yi sighs deeply. "That's not how my magic works I'm afraid. But it's more to do with the fact that your bond is fading. That's not normal. Soul bounds don't fade." He trails off. "It's better if we stick together. I can use your connection to at least get an idea where he is."

"So, the great witch doctor needs assistance?" Neira said with a teasing smile.

Yi sighs deeply. "Well, I admit I am curious about your spiritual powers. If you can't find him when you're this strong, then there's probably not much I can do either."

Is he indirectly admitting that she is stronger than him?

"But, if we join forces we maybe able to find a solution."

"So, this is a partnership?"

"Temporary, I don't like working with people. Me and Asu are partners in name only, we have never actually worked together."

He really does keep himself isolated. But, when she first heard the story from the apprentice. Neira wondered if the reason Yi isolates himself is because of his strong spiritual ability. The more power one has, the more of a burden it becomes. She has heard many cases like Yi, where the parents abandon the child due to their high spiritual powers. She is lucky to have been born into one of the seven spirit households.

"Come, there is a place I'd like to show you."

"But, it's late." Neira pointed to the orange skies. "It'll get darker if we I don't-" She stops in mid sentence realizing something.

She has seen Yi before all of this. But she didn't remember where. She saw him from afar escorting a girl to the shinsen at the time, he was walking in front of her guiding her away from the crowds who almost trampled the young girl.


They took a left turn, and soon, they came to a slightly forested area. The roots of the trees there grew close to one another, resulting in tangles, making it harder to walk on the path. Upon noticing that she was having troubles walking though unfamiliar terrain, he took her by the hand and said, "Follow my footsteps." She did exactly that, and he could feel her hand gradually getting warmer, although she tried to maintain her determined expression.

"Go on," Yi told her. He must have sensed her hesitation since he continued, "I would not have wasted all this time and effort if I wished you harm..."

Sensing his faltering words, she chuckles softly. He really is a man of many secrets. When she gets home, she will see if Grandfather is awake and ask him about Yi.

Neira takes a deep breath as she parts the large vines and came into a small clearing. In the center of the clearing was a small hot spring surrounded by bamboo and blue coloured roses. Oh.

"If you ever need a quiet place for yourself. You can come here, and the gardens from earlier. Nobody goes this way anymore."

She did think the path they were using was quiet.

"I-I don't think you should be this kind to me. We just met."

He silences her by pressing his thumb on her lips and embracing her.

"Even if you didn't seek me out. I would have come to you eventually."


Yi smirks. "It's not the first time I have seen you, Little bird. But as for how long I have known about you. I suppose you can either ask your grandfather or learn on your own."

W-wait, does that mean he has known her for a long time? If he knows grandfather, perhaps he has visited the manor a few times? Did she ever meet him?

"You seem bothered."

"It's because I'm afraid." Neira muttered.

There is a connection between Yi and her. Something, something similar to a soul bond. She knew the moment he caught her on the bridge and when he kissed her. The way she reacted like she wanted him too. Regardless of her words, Yi kissed her again. Unlike before she could relax.

From that kiss alone, Neira knew they were doomed. From the start. He broke the kiss so he could kiss her tears away.

"You really are foolish little bird."