Eternal Melody-Chapter 964 My Beautiful Monster Part 65

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Chapter 964 My Beautiful Monster Part 65


Lucifer scoops her up and carries her over to the makeshift bed, dropping the curtains around them to give them privacy. Although the only other ones who could come here are his close subordinates. He doesn't want to take any chances. More importantly, ever since Sumire came to the manor. It felt like even the places he considered safe were no longer safe.

The security around the manor has definitely been tampered with. However, he also knew the culprit. Kusabe Renna, truly lives up to her reputation. She has blended and befriended the elite guard easily. She slips in and out of every corner of the manor like she owns the place.

Seeing the girl lean into his hold with a happy expression. Lucifer had to break the news to her.

"I don't have much time sadly." Lucifer mumbled.

"Are you that busy?"

Lucifer couldn't miss the disappointment in her tone and her expression.

"Unfortunately." Lucifer sighs, as he places light kisses on her face.

Sumire caressed his cheek. "You should go to sleep."

Lucifer tucked her closer. "Seeing you has always given me strength."

After leaving that meeting, he felt drained of strength. But, just being in her presence for a short amount of time has led to him regaining his strength. He has felt this way about her, since he first laid eyes on her in their first life. Since then, his feelings for her have only continued to grow stronger. In fact, the only reason he cheated on her during the start of their courting was because he was falling madly in love with her.

It didn't take him long to realize that not only was he growing attached, he knew he wouldn't be able to live without her. It was before he knew they were bonded, so such strong emotions puzzled him. Up until then he had never been attached to anyone, not even his own family.

So suddenly feeling so strongly about another person felt wrong to him. It felt wrong, and he didn't know what to do. Some random woman in his workplace had been making such obvious passes at him. That day his emotions were out of control, he dragged the woman to his office and had sex with her. It just happened to be on the day he knew Norah would visit and have lunch with him.

He did it deliberately knowing she would be there. He could have stopped it before she came, but no. He deliberately prolonged it, and waited until she arrived to make her see him in his worse state. It was a stupid move, a very stupid one.


1st Lifetime.

It didn't take him long to regret cheating on her. Since they were still at the start of their courtship, they weren't even in an official relationship. Plenty of nobles court one another, to test the waters and see if it works out. His courtship with Norah was one of those.

However, he fell in love with her quickly. It didn't make sense, it's true the girl is the most beautiful one in the realm. But she is naive, inexperienced and a sheltered woman. He didn't expect much to come from their meetings. How wrong was he?

"I can't believe your doing this! Let me out Elza!"

Elza scoffed. Even with the door and barrier blocking them, Lex could see the expression on her face.

"As if! There is no way I am letting you two out and don't even think of calling anyone for help. This barrier has been reinforced with all our magic, the others won't help you!"

"Damn it, why are you even doing this? You told me yourself that he was a jerk and that I was better of without him."

"That was only to appease you since you were crying so much." Elza answered.

Lex cringed hearing those words. She cried? Of course she did. Even now the image of her running away after catching him pounding inside another woman in his office remains firm in his mind. She ran away but not right away, she watched him for a few minutes. Watched his expression, his every movement before deciding for himself that he is a scumbag.

"You're definitely not my bestfriend!" Norah exclaimed.

Elza sighs. "Don't be so childish Norah. Even you thought something was wrong about the situation."

"It's true I said that, but I was hurt and trying to convince myself. But it's been a good few weeks, month and my mind is clear. There is no way in hell, I will get back together with this cheating bastard."

Each word Norah spoke hurt deeper than any knife. It felt like his soul was being ripped apart into pieces. Not to mention she has had her back turned to him since she realized her was here. He deserves this, deserves every jab and pain from her words. Even the bond between them is humming in agreement.

The bond, the fucking soul bond. He saw it for the first time when she was running away from him, when he was still inside another woman. A woman who wasn't her. Realizing at that very moment was cruel. How could the gods be so cruel?

Everything made sense, all the confusing emotions made sense. She was his. His to claim, his to possess, his to touch, his to make her smile. She was his, from the very start and the sad thing is. Even without realizing the bond, he knew. But he still chose to fuck it up.

'I have already made enough mistakes, and I certainly don't deserve a second chance. But, if what Elza said is true. Then they definitely won't be getting out of here until they speak.'

Lex takes a deep breath before reaching out and covering Norah's mouth.


"I will take it from here Elza, you can go. Come back for us in the morning."

Elza paused but spoke. "You better sort this shit out Alex, otherwise I will tear you apart myself. I will give you twenty four hours, no more or no less. If things are still bad in the morning, I will join Norah in tearing you apart."

Lex nodded. "Very well."

The girl kept squirming in his arms to protest but with his hand on her mouth. There was no chance of her words reaching anyone. Lex waits a few minutes until he is sure Elza had left, before letting Norah go. The moment he did, she turned around and raised her hand to slap him hard.