Eternal Melody-Chapter 968 My Beautiful Monster Part 69

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Chapter 968 My Beautiful Monster Part 69


In her seventh life with a status that resembles the one in her first life. She wasn't just a noble but royalty. She thought she would be able to find Lex faster this time. But, their connection was far weaker than it ever was. She wasn't even sure if it was still there, or if she wasn't just making it up.

"You know, this must be the most complicated job I've ever taken. It's been a century, and we still can't find the guy. Are you sure he exists?"

"Oh hush. I am paying you."

This person following behind her is Sora. In their last life he was called Yi. In this life, she didn't have to find him. He appeared before her as her magic teacher.

'We found each other right away, is that just a coincidence?' At first she thought it was. But recently she can feel there is something between them. A bond that resembles the one she had with Lex. However, she refuses to believe it. Because if she does, there is a chance that what she has with Lex will disappear forever.

"Yes yes." Sora said following after her. "Are you sure your cursed? Being born in a wealthy family for two lifetimes isn't normal."

Actually the common theme in her reincarnations is, she ends up belonging to a wealthy family every single time. Nanaka assumed because of the curse, she would live in unfavourable circumstances. But, each time she remained a noble. It was different with Lex though, in each life his situation became worse.

Approaching some abandoned looking buildings. Nanaka stepped into the compound. It looks abandoned but her gaze fell towards the deck where there was a single set of cutlery. It could have been anyone and yet the way those plates were arranged. The lingering scent of fresh cigarettes, and the smell of something familiar.

Lex- Nanaka shuts her eyes trying to feel anything. Trying to pull on that string that should be there. But the more she focused on the string, the more she knew it was pulling her towards something, towards someone else. Someone who isn't her Lex.

Nanaka felt tears well up in her eyes. Each time she reached a clue, each time she wishes to confirm it. She realizes there is no way for her to know for sure that he was here. She could walk past him and not even realize he is around.

Is it truly over? Will she never see him again?

Her thoughts break off when she is pulled into a familiar pair of arms.


"Don't you think, it's time you stop searching?"

"I cant." Nanaka refused. If she stops searching, then it would be the same as admitting that a life by his side wasn't possible anymore.

"But you must have felt it. You know don't you? Your soul has been bonded to mine for a while now."

"I--I cant leave him."

Sora sighed deeply. "I get that you have to find him. But before you do, you can give me a chance can't you?"

"A chance?" Nanaka repeated.

His lips curve to a smirk. "I don't think you're completely indifferent to me."

"I suppose not."

"Give me a chance, okay?"

Before she could respond, they were attacked. This attack changed everything for her. For Sora, and for Lex too. Had she known about this in advance, perhaps she wouldn't have suggested going out to search.



Nanaka finds herself fretting as she waited for Sora to finish bathing. So, she followed him to his room without really thinking. This isn't the first time she has been in his room. Since Sora is her magic teacher, she has frequently visited to use his potions and read his books. But, this is different. Previously he only showed her the visiting chamber, she has never been into his actual bedroom before. How did she even get here?

More importantly, Nanaka looks around. There truly doesn't seem to be any signs of other women in here. Earlier when she briefly laid down due to exhaustion, she got a whiff of his sheets. They smell like him, and only him.

'I truly can't deny it anymore.' The desire she has towards him. She acknowledged the attraction from the first day he met, from the moment he kissed her. But, anybody can be attracted to someone without feelings being involved.

She convinced herself for the longest time, even though there were occasions where she almost slipped and let Sora think he meant more to her.

Hearing approaching footsteps, Nanaka realized that Sora was standing at the edge of the bed. He was looking at her, he had been looking at her for god knows how long.

"Can I sit down?" Sora pointed to the edge.

"It is your bed."

Sora chuckles and takes a seat not at the edge but right beside her. He was so close that their knees were touching. If he moved to do anything now, she wouldn't be able to escape.

"Err." Nanaka stammered,

"You know, we kissed already." Sora pointed out.

"T-that was on the spur of the moment. I thought you died!!" Nanaka exclaimed.

Sora laughed. "You got quite into it though."

Nanaka didn't know what to say to that. Indeed, when she reunited with Sora and he kissed her. It didn't take her too long to get into the kiss.

"Come here Neira. You're too far."

Hearing him use her name from their last lives, made her feel emotional. Whenever he has something important to tell her, he tends to use that name. If she takes a step forward now, then - she would truly be 'giving him a chance.' They got attacked before she could respond. Now that everything is over, he will surely want answers.

She can't escape this situation anymore. Moreover, when she thought she almost lost Sora. It felt like her entire world had come crashing down. If Sora had died, she wouldn't want to live either. The relief, and the other emotions she felt when she realized he was alive. It's not something she can describe. Sora's position in her heart was so strong. If she continued to deny it, something would break and she may lose the chance to tell him.

Life is fragile, a single bad situation is all it takes to tear you apart from your loved ones. A situation that will lead to a pain worse than death.