Eternal Melody-Chapter 971 My Beautiful Monster Part 72

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Chapter 971 My Beautiful Monster Part 72


A relieved sigh escaped her lips.

Is it odd for me to be so uneasy when I trust you?

No, you have had a bad experience. It makes sense.

Sumire blinked at those words. A bad experience? What is he talking about? The only other person she has been in a relationship with in this lifetime is Toh, and Toh didn't cheat on her. Before she could say another word, a man with ginger coloured hair entered her line of sight.

"Sumire? You have a guest." Jacks trailed off and sniffed the air. His lips curve to a grin. "I see you've been very occupied.

Sumire flushed. "It's not like that!! It's him! Every time I try to talk to him, he ends up--"

"Aroused? Of course. You're his blood bond partner." Jacks said nodding.

Sumire sighs deeply. "I still don't have a good understanding of the bond."

"I think it would be strange if you did understand it."

"I know I'm acting strange. But, I really do want to learn as much as possible." Sumire picks up the books she dropped. "There is a lot of information in these books. But, no matter how much I read. I find myself with more answers."

"I think the reason you're still confused isn't because you don't understand what is written in those texts."

"Then what is it?"

"You're a hanyou Sumire-chan. Gaining knowledge from books is fine. But, if you don't put what you learn into practice then the knowledge will never sink in." Jacks points to one of the books in her hands. "I have read that too, there are some interesting positions for hanyous to feed. You should try it with Lucifer."

At Jack's words her entire face burned red. "How can you be so casual about-"

Jacks laughed. "You're just too modest."

Sumire sighed. "Let's stop talking about this. Did you need me for something?"

Jacks nodded. "You have a guest."

A guest? Jacks leads her out of the library and she follows him down the hallway until they reach one of the side entrances. She tilted her head puzzled. Is it a private guest? She has never had to greet anyone from the side- her thoughts break off catching a glimpse of silver coloured hair.

Seeing her guest, she sighs in relief. She didn't know when. But she realized that whenever she sees Toh, she would immediately feel relieved. He makes her feel safe. Ever since she woke up with no memories, she felt frightened. But that fear goes away with Toh.

"Toh!" Sumire said brightly as she rushed over.

"Hi beautiful. I heard the Lord is away, so I figured I'd stay here till his return."

Seeing bags at his feet, she paused.

Sumire blinked. "I'll be okay, you know?"

He doesn't have to stay, what if he is leaving some important work behind? Or maybe there is someone waiting for him? Now that she thinks about it. They haven't actually spoken about his current life. It seems like he has a high position in the organisation Lucifer runs. But, is he still a psychologist? Doesn't he have patients to attend too?

"It's alright, I've missed you.This would be a good chance to catch up." Toh reaches over and pulls her into his arms.

Despite her confusion, she hugs him back. "Toh? What's wrong?"


"You can talk to me, you know. Even if we have broken up, we are still friends."

A pained look flashes through his face and Sumire pauses. Does Toh still like her? He always seems so bitter whenever he sees her with Lucifer. But, that can't be right. They parted on good terms. They parted ways, and mutually broke up and even continued being friends.

If he still has feelings for her, that would be a problem. It would be a problem, and a normal person would pull Toh aside to discuss it with him. But, for some reason she can't do that.

Her gaze fell on the sky. It's getting late, Lucifer's warning remained firm in her mind. Amongst his other instructions, Sumire knew that one was the one Lucifer cared about. Sumire pulls away from his embrace but tugs on his arm.

"Can we sit and talk inside?"

Toh nodded. "Sure beautiful."


Since entering the room, Toh has remained cautiously by the door way. Sumire's gaze fell on the window, it was approaching night quickly. She rushed over to close the blinds and pulls Toh into the room.

"Beautiful what-" Toh trailed off as they hear the sound of a large chime. Even with the doors barricaded, Sumire felt the growing darkness and the blood lust in the air.

A knowing ah escaped Toh's lips. "Right, I forgot this happens when his men are around. He actually has normal servants here so I forgot about it."

Sumire tilted her head. "I don't actually know what happens. But, I get the feeling that it's better to stay inside."

Toh nods. "Do you want me to show you?"

Oh, that's right. He has a mind ability. Sumire slowly nodded. Toh places his hand on the top of her head and at first she sees nothing but darkness. It was when she caught a glimpse of the edge of a painting did she realize. That violent darkness has consumed the entire corridor.

"W-wait, is it always like-" Sumire paused when the ground rumbled and vines sprouted from the ground blocking the door and the windows. Sumire blinked, the room

"Seems like the security measures were triggered. It's that bad huh?"

"What is it?"

"It's miasma. To be exact the collective darkness and despair of all the hangouts in residence."

"But, this normally doesn't happen right?" Sumire asked.

Toh nodded. "Normally, Lucifer would keep you indoors because he doesn't want you to witness the carnage of everyone feeding from each other."

"Carnage?" Sumire repeated.

Toh smirked. "You'd find everyone taking their pleasures regardless of the location."

O-oh right.

"But this is different. I'm guessing the darkness in this region acts up."

Lucifer did talk to her about the limited areas in the region that are safe. But, he never mentioned it occasionally slipping into the manor. This is probably not the first time this has happened since she arrived. There have been plenty of occasions where Lucifer has insisted that she didn't leave his sight, even to go to the attached bathroom.