Eternal Melody-Chapter 985 My Beautiful Monster Part 86

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Chapter 985 My Beautiful Monster Part 86


While both of them fell asleep, Sumire was the first one to wake up.

Sumire watched him sleep. This must be the first time she has gotten this opportunity to watch him like this. He is normally awake before her, and she tends to fall asleep before him. Actually, she's never seen him sleep before.

Lucifer told her that he doesn't need to eat, and simply consuming blood sustains him. Does that mean he has no need for sleep either?

'I want to understand more about this person. I need to learn more.'

But, in order to do that. She needs to eventually confront him on all the lies he has been telling her since she woke up as his 'wife.' How is she supposed to approach the topic, it's not going to be easy at all.

Moreover, they just had a serious discussion about having children, about having a proper family together. He will definitely take it the wrong away if she tells him that she knows. Sumire sighs deeply as she snuggles back into his arms. Due to Lucifer's darkness, his body is always cold. However, she didn't mind. She enjoys being pressed against him like this. It's enjoyable, but it isn't enough to make her fall back asleep.

It's hard to fall asleep without listening to Sora's voice in the music player. She didn't realize how much she had been relying on it to fall asleep. Lucifer looks exhausted, he probably won't be waking up anytime soon. But it's still too risky. There is something she can do that should go unnoticed.

Sumire slipped away from Lucifer's embrace and walked over to the balcony. It's not exactly night yet, and she would be keeping a careful eye out on the time. Especially now that she knows what happens when night falls. Even with the protective barrier, it didn't block out the screams and heavy blood scent.

'Being in this line of work isn't about destroying someone, but rather using our powers to protect someone.'

'Once you finally realize your self worth. The world will seem worthless to you.'

Sora- no, 'Yuhi.' The name he chose in this life time resembles the one he had when they first met. When she first heard Toh say it she laughed. Because her name in this life uses the first initial from his name from their last life. The two of them are truly connected.

Recently she has been able to retain more of the memories with him from this life. It seems they were close, but as for whether they were in a relationship. She isn't sure. However, those songs on the music player. Those songs were all about her. Even if they weren't in a relationship, his feelings for her are clear.

How did Lucifer take her away if she was with Sor-with Yuhi? There are so many things that still do not make sense. Until she truly remembers everything, she ought to stay here.

Sumire takes out her phone and calls Toh, who picked up on the first ring.

"Yes beautiful?"

She felt her heart beat speed up hearing his drowsy voice. "Uh, I'm sorry for disturbing you while you're sleeping."

"It's fine, it was just a short nap." Toh trailed off. "Are you calling because the lord lost control? Do you want me to come over?"

Sumire shakes her head. "No, he's been okay."

Toh clearly didn't believe her since he requested a video chat. Sumire accepted and she confirmed that he just woke up. But, the issue was Toh was naked.

She almost dropped the phone and Toh laughed. "What is it beautiful?"

"S-shouldn't you put some clothes on?" Sumire exclaimed.

Toh rolled his eyes. "Does the Lord sleep with clothes on?"

"Yes!" Sumire stammered.

"Now that's unusual." Toh trailed off and picked up a bathrobe from the corner as he slipped it on.

Sumire sighed in relief. She wouldn't be able to continue this conversation with him naked.

She finds Toh looking her up and down. "Other than the bite marks on your neck, you seem to be fine."

Sumire placed her on her neck suddenly self-conscious but Toh shifted his attention.

"Have you talked to him yet?"

"Not yet." Sumire mumbled.

"I hope you don't back down on this. You two definitely need to have this conversation." Toh trails off and his gaze fell on her stomach. "-especially now."

"Lucifer told me that because of his curse he might be infertile."

"I suppose that makes sense. He didn't hesitate to sleep with all those women. He probably realized there wouldn't be any consequences."

Another jab- Sumire shakes her head. It makes sense for Toh to be jealous since he still has feelings for her. She can't blame him.

"But, your still sure?" Sumire mumbled.

Toh nodded. "Positive. You definitely show the signs of a woman who is pregnant."

"It would be nice if that was the case." Sumire muttered.

Toh paused. "I know we discussed this, but are you really sure Sumire? You have to think about this properly. Because once you have the child, you can't take it back. If your not sure about having a child with Lucifer, you can still back away."

Sumire hated the words Toh was telling her, because he was implying that she ought to get an abortion to get rid of the child. A life is a life, no matter what. Even if it is a child born from a false marriage. She will keep this child. She is sure even when she regains her memories, she won't change her mind on this.

"Toh, if I get my memories back. I want you to tell the me who has memories something important okay?"

Toh seemed reluctant but he sighs deeply and nodded. "I will do whatever you want beautiful, and you know that."

It really is cruel of her to ask Toh to do this for her, especially after learning that he still has feelings for her. But, she can feel the day where she gets her memories back fastly approach. Just in case, that version of herself hates Lucifer for what happened. She wants to remind her of the love he has shown her.

A love that has crossed time repeatedly.