Extra And MC-Chapter 15 - 14 - Contract I

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Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - Contract I

(Aiden's POV)


A gust of wind blew past me, ruffling my hair as we drove past a few more small buildings. The car came to a stop as I alighted from the passenger's side. I waited for Flynn till he got down from the driver's seat, after which we both proceeded to enter the familiar store.

I could hear some muffled voices from the other side of the door, indicating that two people were conversing with each other. Not minding whatever it was they were talking about, I pushed open the door to the store, the voices of the individuals becoming more prominent as I stepped in.

"….-his rate, we'll be able to do what we planned to. Even your dreams don't seem so far out of reach sis".

"You seem to be having a rather important discussion" Flynn who was behind me said immediately we entered the store.

"Flynn! Aiden!" Ivelia exclaimed as she noticed both I and Flynn enter the store.

"Oh it's you guys" Ivar turned around and said to us while flashing a smile at us. He then continued with a question.

"Are you here for the usual?"

"Of course. Any progress on increasing its efficacy?" I replied.

"Nope. We've reached what I'd like to call an annoying roadblock. More than that though, I'm surprised you've been buying the previous ones every week for the past five months without fail" Ivar responded as he watched Aiden pick up another vial containing the experimental blue liquid on the rack.

"It's business as usual with both you and Aiden" Ivelia interjected.

"I think what's more surprising in this past five months is the fact that no one has bought a single love potion from this rack. I'd expected these things to sell like hotcakes" Flynn spoke up, his expression having a slight frown while examining the pink liquid present in the many vials of the rack.

"They're called love potions, but it's more like charm potions. They'll only work if the other party is interested too" Ivelia replied to Flynn's comment before continuing.

"Also, it wears off quickly. Two hours' tops".

"You consider two hours short? That's enough time to cause some major irreversible damages" Flynn replied as he moved away while pointing a finger at the vials of liquid.

"Yep, this shit's dangerous. You can't change my mind" He said as he moved towards Ivelia.

"I actually agree. A person might be interested in someone else romantically but not want to take the relationship any further" I said, further supporting Flynn's claim.

"Love potions aside though…" I said while alternating my gaze between Ivar and Ivelia before continuing.

"How long do you think it'll take you to make a breakthrough past 95%".

"Honestly. We're not too sure…" Ivelia responded with a slight frown on her face before continuing.

"At this point, it's actually because we don't have enough resources to effectively make it better. Our resources are very limited"

"How about we sponsor you?" I said.

"Huh?" Ivar and Ivelia said in unison.

"You heard him right. We, would like to sponsor you in your research" Flynn chimed in while moving towards me and placing a hand on my shoulders.

They both had a mixture of shock and surprise on their faces as they seemed to process what they both just heard. Ivelia was the first to speak up.

"No no no. You've already done so much by purchasing those other potions. I'd hate to disappoint you by not meeting your expectations" she responded while flailing her hands.

"Ivelia's right. You both have already done so much for us. Even if you decided to stop buying from us after today, we would still welcome you with open arms" Ivar followed up on Ivelia's response.

"We won't be leaving until you give us a positive answer" Flynn immediately replied to the twins with a smile on his face.

"Flynn's right you know. You guys have known us for the past few months now and if at all, I think you both know how relentless we can be" I said.

"Besides, I don't think we would be disappointed your lack of progress. Getting 95% efficacy is already an amazing achievement" I immediately followed up.

"You guys… You've given me more headaches than I can count in the last few months than I have ever had in my entire life." Ivelia said while rubbing her temples with a tired expression on her face.

She then continued after a short pause.

"Sigh… I'll gladly take you up on your offer. I'll also do my absolute best not to disappoint you"

"We're looking forward to it partner. Also, don't push yourself too hard Ivelia. That goes the same for you too Ivar" Flynn replied.

"Aye aye sir!" Ivar responded with a smile as he made a salute.

"Yeah. The last thing we want is the world losing two bright geniuses due to over working. Take as much time as you need and the results will speak for themselves" I said while giving them a small advice.

"You know, I at times forget that you're actually older than me. I wonder if this is what it feels like to have an older brother" Ivelia said, a slight smile present on her lips as she did.

"I understand how you feel Ivelia. I really do. Although this guy's more of a devil in a human's skin" Flynn replied while nodding.

A vein popped up on my head.

"Oh is that so!" I said while giving Flynn a glare, my eyes twitching as I did so. I immediately grabbed his head and began to ruffle his hair while arm-locking his neck.

"Let me go man!" Flynn said while struggling to wrestle out of my arm-lock.

"Not until you take your words back".

"I give up! I apologize. You're not a devil. In fact, you're an angel! A very handsome angel! Please let me go now".

"Eh. Fair enough" I said while releasing my grip on his head and neck.

'Definitely a devil' Flynn muttered under his breath while rubbing his neck.

"Wanna go for round two?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"No thank you. I'd pass out before I get the chance to beg for mercy this time".

Ivelia and Ivar just watched the brothers as they bickered with a familiar but amused smile on their faces.

They were both used to both of them and their back and forth bickering over the course of the past few months but their interaction today was very entertaining.

If anything at all Aiden and Flynn were more like friends to them now than customers.

Somehow they both assumed most siblings in a noble family would be having squabbles every now and then due to inheritances and what not but after getting to know Flynn and Aiden, they felt like they were thoroughly proven wrong.

Little did they know, Aiden and Flynn's rapport was one of the few rare cases and their initial thoughts weren't too far off the mark.

"Well then guys, we'll be bringing the contract and some other documents for you to sign when next we come" I said as I turned to take my leave.

"See you soon. And also Ivelia, you should really put that rack out of commission" Flynn also said his goodbyes while pointing to the love potion rack.

"Yeah yeah… See you guys soon too" Ivelia responded while giving a slight wave.

"We'll be expecting you soon" Ivar chimed while also waving his hands.

As soon as the two brothers left the store, Ivelia and Ivar just looked at each other for a moment before chuckling.

"Never a dull moment with those two…" she said to which Ivar responded.

"Yeah, I'm always looking forward to their visits" Ivar said before continuing after a short pause.

"With their support, we'll finally be able to create a better potion and maybe even pay for Briar's medical expenses"

"Yeah. That would be very nice" Ivelia responded with a slight smile on her face.

"I just hope that bastard doesn't come over again till we are able to gather enough funds" Ivar said, his face suddenly contorting into that of anger and annoyance.

"I hope so too. I really do". Ivelia responded with a solemn look on her face.

The twins had been doing quite well for the past five months, most especially due to Flynn and Aiden's support.

Being able to have not just financial support but actual friends their age to talk to had been tremendously helpful to them, although both brothers were completely unaware of that fact.

Although the brothers also considered Ivelia and Ivar as friends more than just shop owners or traders or alchemists who made a potion and were still going to make an even more revolutionary one, they had no idea just how immensely helpful they'd been to both of them both mentally and financially.

Ivelia and Ivar hoped that their days would continue on like this for a long time but at the same time, they knew that all good things eventually came to an end and that their relationship with the two brothers was something that would be temporary. Something that would only last for a relatively sweet but short while.

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