Extra's Magic-Chapter 106 Invitation

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As Robbin concluded his explanation of the upcoming combat assessment, the lecture hall buzzed with a mix of anticipation and concern. The room was filled with whispers and hushed conversations as students exchanged their thoughts on the challenge ahead.

I sat there, absorbing the information, but my mind was already plotting the best strategy to excel in the Ice Attribute Dungeon.

As the lecture drew to a close, Robbin dismissed the class, and students began to gather their belongings and file out of the lecture hall. I remained seated for a moment, waiting for the crowd to thin out before making my move.

When the time was right, I discreetly tapped into my mana reserves and sent a subtle but distinct signal to Rose. The signal carried a gentle vibration, meant to catch her attention without drawing the notice of others. I had practiced this technique before, using mana manipulation to send targeted signals to specific individuals.


Rose, who was engrossed in a conversation with Tess, suddenly turned her head, her eyes scanning the room. I maintained a composed expression, allowing my eyes to meet hers briefly before breaking the gaze. It was a signal, a silent invitation for her to join me outside the lecture hall.

As the last stragglers left, Rose excused herself from Tess and gracefully made her way toward the exit. I quickly followed suit, matching her pace as we stepped into the corridor outside. The halls were relatively empty now, providing us with a semblance of privacy.

"Hey, Rose."

I greeted her, my voice casual and stoic.

"Mind if we chat for a moment?"

Rose looked at me, her eyes shimmering with curiosity.

"Of course not. What's on your mind?"

I took a moment to gather my thoughts and strengthen my cringe barrier, ensuring I conveyed a sense of genuine interest.

"Well, I've been doing some reading lately, and I came across this fascinating book about the healing effects of nature. It got me thinking about how we spend so much time cooped up indoors, and I thought, wouldn't it be nice to experience the wonders of the outdoors?"

Rose's eyebrows raised slightly, a hint of intrigue coloring her expression.

"Go on..."

She encouraged.

A small smile played on my lips as I continued.

"I was wondering if you'd be interested in going on a picnic with me. Just a casual outing to a nearby scenic spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It could be a chance for us to relax, enjoy some fresh air, and perhaps talk about our experiences here at the Academy."

I could see the gears turning in Rose's mind as she considered my invitation. The picnic idea seemed to resonate with her, connecting with a side of her that appreciated tranquility and beauty.

However, Rose's eyes narrowed as she studied me, a mischievous glimmer in her gaze.

"A picnic, huh?"

She replied, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"That's quite a surprising invitation coming from you. I must admit, I'm intrigued. But what's the real motive behind this sudden change of heart?"

I could feel my heart sink slightly as her skepticism seeped into the conversation. I had hoped to appear genuine, but deep down, I knew this charade was far from my comfort zone. However, I maintained a composed expression and replied.

"No hidden agenda, I assure you. I've been reflecting on the fact that you are my compatible person and having a strong bond would benefit us both. All I want is to gain strength."

Rose crossed her arms, her playful smile only growing wider.

"You've certainly caught my attention, but forgive me if I find it hard to believe. Although we've met or rather started talking just a few days ago you don't strike me as a person who'd want to spend time with others... What is your real goal?"


She was right, of course. This sudden action was completely out of character for me, and I knew I was treading on thin ice with my fabricated intentions. But I couldn't let my discomfort show; I had to keep up the facade. I maintained my casual tone and replied.

"I understand your doubts, Rose. Indeed, I haven't shown much interest before. But people can change, right?"

Rose raised an eyebrow, her mischievous gaze never wavering.

"Well, I suppose stranger things have happened."

She mused, making me avert my eyes. For some reason, I think she was onto my bluff, but she decided to play along.

"Alright, I'll give your picnic idea a chance. But just so you know, I don't like secrets. If this turns out to be some sort of prank or a hidden agenda, you'll regret it."

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of my deception pressing on me.

"I promise, Rose, no pranks or hidden agendas. Just a relaxing afternoon in nature, getting to know each other better. How about this weekend? We can head to the ruins in the city outskirts."

Rose's lips curled into a sly smile, her suspicion lingering.

"Alright, let's see if you can deliver on your promises. I'm holding you to it. Meet me at the academy's entrance on Saturday, and we'll go from there."

We nodded in agreement, our unspoken conversation coming to a temporary conclusion. It was clear that Rose had her reservations, but she was willing to give me a chance to prove myself. I knew I had to tread carefully, ensuring that my actions aligned with my words during our upcoming picnic.

As we prepared to part ways, the tension between us lingered in the air, a subtle reminder of the unspoken truths and hidden motives that danced beneath the surface. It was a delicate balance, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

"Great, I'll be there..."

I replied, my voice steady but tinged with an undercurrent of unease.

Rose's eyes bore into mine for a moment longer, as if trying to read beyond the facade I had constructed. Then, with a nod, she turned and started walking down the corridor, her confident stride echoing with a hint of danger. I watched her figure recede into the distance, anxiety swirling within me.


I, too, began to make my way toward the exit, my mind racing with thoughts of the imminent encounter.


I could feel the sweat beads forming on my brow as I walked through the academy's corridors.

It wasn't because I was too nervous about the outing, it was rather because Rose, a woman, was so close to this body.

"I'm cursed..."

Walking with my head down and trying to keep a low profile, I slowly moved toward one of the training arenas.

I needed to distract myself from the thoughts swirling in my mind. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝙣𝒆𝙩


Rose, still wearing a smile, continued down the corridor after parting ways with her Aiden. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his sudden interest in spending time together than met the eye. As she walked, she replayed their conversation in her mind, analyzing every word and gesture, searching for hidden meanings.

"I must admit, he's an enigma..."

Rose muttered to herself, her thoughts intertwining with the rhythm of her footsteps.

"He's always been aloof, keeping to himself, and showing little interest in socializing. But now, he's proposing a picnic and claiming it's for the sake of building a stronger bond? It doesn't quite add up."

Rose prided herself on her intuition and ability to see through facades, but this time, she found herself intrigued by the mystery before her. There was something about his vulnerability and the earnestness in his eyes that struck a chord within her. She couldn't shake the feeling that beneath the cool exterior lay a hidden depth, waiting to be explored.

"Is it possible that he's genuinely trying to change?"

Rose pondered, her steps slowing as her thoughts deepened.

"Perhaps he's discovered a newfound desire for connection and growth. Or maybe it's all an act, an elaborate ruse to achieve some ulterior motive."

Her mind wandered through the labyrinth of possibilities, questioning his intentions, and contemplating the potential consequences of accepting his invitation. Rose was not one to be easily fooled or manipulated, and she had always been cautious with her trust. But there was an undeniable curiosity brewing within her, a spark ignited by the unexpected nature of their encounter.

"He promises no pranks or hidden agendas..."

Rose murmured under her breath, her voice barely audible.

"If he's genuine, this could be an opportunity for both of us. And if he's not... Well, I won't let my guard down."

She had resolved to approach the upcoming picnic with a healthy dose of skepticism, prepared to see through any facade he might present. Rose was no stranger to deception and manipulation; her experiences had taught her to be vigilant.

"I'll give him a chance."

Rose decided firmly, her expression hardening with determination.

"But I won't be easily swayed. Actions will speak louder than words, and I'll be watching closely."

With her decision made, Rose continued her walk, her steps now imbued with a sense of purpose. The encounter with her Aiden had added an intriguing twist to her days at the academy, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead.

"At least it'll be interesting..."