Extra's Magic-Chapter 79 Breaking Through

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I furrowed my brows, observing the monster, lunging toward me. The monkey's eyes were filled with hostility and its long and sharp claws glistened dangerously in the sunlight.

My golden eyes followed its every move as I stepped back, trying to create some distance between us.


The monster's claws missed me by inches, however, this gave me time to swing my Katana in a zigzag pattern and envelop its blade with shadows.

My weapon dug deep into its fur, causing the monster to let out a blood curdling screech.


It swung its massive arms toward me and I was forced to dodge quickly, rolling to the side. The monkey, however, didn't allow me to recover and charged again, its jaws snapping hungrily.

I didn't even have time to stand up before it was already upon me, its stinking breath hot on my face.


Luckily, the monkey was forced to retreat due to a Golden Dagger that materialized in my palm. If the creature wouldn't have backed off, my Aura Blade would have pierced through its skull.

For a moment our eyes met, and I could sense the monkey's intelligence and cunning. It was clear that this was not like the mindless monsters, I already got used to fighting.


This time I dashed toward the monster, feeling the Mana pumping through my veins. I closed down the distance between us and leaped into the air, flipping over the monkey's head.

Swish... Swish...

The monster tried to follow my movements, but it was too slow. It swept its claws, but missed me entirely, giving me an opening to strike.


Landing on the ground, I kicked its knee, forcing it to fall to the ground. Before it could even recover and turn around, I plunged my Katana into its chest, ending its life and putting an end to our fight.


As I pulled my Katana out of the monkey monster's chest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

The fight had been intense, and I was lucky to have come out unscathed.

Using my Katana to open the monkey's chest, I quickly grabbed a White Core shining within before cleaning my weapon and climbing up a high tree, where I wouldn't be disturbed.


With my back against the trunk, I pushed the core into my mouth, feeling the cool energy coursing through my body.

Within minutes there was a surge of power, and I felt my muscles rippling with strength.


It seems that I slightly miscalculated, it seems that the monkey's core was enough to push me through the breakthrough.


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Looking at the Status screen, I nodded my head. My progress was slow, but it was steady. Well, compared to normal my talent would seem monstrous, but for me, it was just average.

There were way more powerful beings out there in the world of Leclentia, and I needed to work hard if I wanted to become strong enough to survive in this world. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝘭.𝘯𝑒𝑡

If my guess was right the protagonists should already be around E+ Rank, which meant that I was still quite far behind.

For me to be able to impact the events in the future and become a shadow that would be able to make a difference, I would have to become much stronger than I am now.

I like to imagine the protagonists as the light that will illuminate the path to the future, however, the shadows that follow in their wake can sometimes be just as important.

The brighter the light, the darker the shadow, and it was my goal to become that dark, elusive presence in order to survive.

"I feel like a main character~"

Scratching my neck I smirked, but after a few seconds of contemplating, I pushed these thoughts aside. If I was the protagonist, where was my Plot Armor? Why am I not rewarded with infinite talents, like those good-for-nothing fools in mangas?

All I got upon reincarnating in this world was pain and constant struggle.


As I basked in the moment of self-reflection, a sudden rustling in the nearby bushes snapped me back to reality. Instinctively, my hand tightened around the hilt of my Katana as my eyes scanned the area, searching for the source of the disturbance.

I could feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, preparing me for whatever lay ahead.

And then, without warning, a wolf-like creature lunged out from the bushes, its fangs bared and saliva dripping from its jaws. Its piercing red eyes bore into mine, filled with hunger and aggression.

This was no ordinary predator; it was an E- Rank monster, and I could sense the raw power emanating from its muscular frame.

Swiftly, I leaped backward, narrowly evading the creature's snapping jaws. Its movements were swift and calculated, making it clear that this was no mindless beast. This wolf possessed intelligence, and it was hunting me with deadly precision.

"What the hell is happening..."

At first I fought a cunning monkey and now a strategizing wolf, why is my luck so shit?


With a growl, the wolf circled me, its eyes locked onto mine. I could sense its intent, its desire to rip me apart and claim me as its prey. But I wouldn't allow that to happen. I had faced countless challenges before, and I would not falter now.

As the creature lunged once again, I sidestepped with grace, narrowly dodging its razor-sharp teeth. I could feel the rush of wind as its jaws passed by me, and I seized the opportunity. With a swift motion, I swung my Katana in a wide arc, aiming for its exposed flank.


The blade clashed against the creature's thick fur, but to my surprise, it barely left a scratch. This adversary was no ordinary beast—it was resilient and strong.

Gritting my teeth, I focused my Mana, channeling it into my blade. Shadows swirled around the Katana, enveloping it in an aura of darkness.

This time, however, the blade managed to penetrate the tough fur of the monster.


The creature howled in pain as my blade found its mark, but it was far from defeated. With lightning speed, it retaliated, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision.

I danced away, my body moving with the agility of a seasoned warrior. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my reflexes.

The battle waged on, each clash of steel against fur accompanied by a symphony of snarls and grunts. We circled each other, each waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. But I could sense the fatigue starting to creep into my muscles, my movements growing sluggish.

"I have to end this..."

In a desperate gamble, I feigned a stumble, purposely leaving an opening for the wolf-like creature to exploit. As it lunged towards me, jaws wide open, I seized the moment. With a burst of energy, I leaped into the air, flipping over the creature's back and landing behind it.

Without hesitation, I plunged my Katana deep into its side, the blade slicing through flesh and bone.


As the wolf let out a pained growl, it quickly turned around, its eyes burning with fury. In a swift motion, it swiped its powerful paw at me, catching me off guard. The force of the blow sent me flying backward, crashing into a nearby tree trunk.


Pain surged through my body as I felt a sharp sting in my side. I gritted my teeth, pushing through the 'agony' and regained my footing. Blood trickled from the wound, staining my clothes as I struggled to rise.

The wolf, sensing my vulnerability, closed in, its teeth bared and ready to deliver the final blow. I knew I couldn't afford to stay on the defensive any longer. With a surge of determination, I mustered my remaining strength and rolled to the side, narrowly evading the wolf's ferocious bite.

But the creature was relentless. It circled me, its red eyes gleaming with hunger and its muscles coiled, ready to pounce. I knew I had to act quickly, or this would be the end of my journey.


Summoning all the Mana I could gather, I infused my body with a surge of energy. My wounds throbbed, but I ignored the pain as I focused on the task at hand. As the wolf lunged once again, I met its attack head-on, my Katana slashing through the air with a newfound speed and precision.


The clash of steel resonated through the forest as my blade met the wolf's jaws, narrowly deflecting its lethal bite. However, the force of the impact reverberated through my injured side, causing a searing pain that made me frown.

Before I could regain my composure, the wolf retaliated, its claws slashing towards me in a blur of motion. I managed to dodge some of the strikes, but one of its claws grazed my arm, leaving a deep gash that welled up with fresh blood.

The pain intensified, and my movements grew sluggish. It was a race against time now, a battle between my determination and my body's limitations. With every swing of my Katana, I felt the strength draining from me, my strikes losing their former precision.


However, my eyes were calm, I only needed one mistake from the wolf to end its life.