Extra's Magic-Chapter 86 The Reward

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Observing my surroundings, I surveyed the corral village before me, looking for any lurking monsters or other potential dangers.

My vigilant gaze shifted from one corner to another, scanning keenly as if looking for an invisible enemy.


Nonetheless, solely deep-sea fish caught my attention gliding past me while appearing unperturbed by my existence.

They came in various colors and shapes, but most of them didn't seem intimidating or anything. These creatures even seemed friendly.

"Well, time to go..."

Abandoning the sunken ship, I carefully took a step on the seafloor, feeling the crunch of sand and pebbles beneath my feet as I made my way toward a group of shimmering fish that reminded me of jewels.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

Of course, the fish felt me approaching and quickly swam away, seemingly uninterested in interacting with me, but I moved further, walking toward the center of the corral village.

Tap... Tap...

My footsteps somehow made a gentle rhythmic sound in the quiet underwater world, creating a soothing ambiance that filled the surroundings.

As I walked deeper into the village I noticed a strange red glow emanating from a small cave entrance.


My eyes sparkled with excitement as I realized that this could be the place where the artifact was hidden.

With cautious steps, I approached the entrance of the cave, noticing the inscriptions etched on the walls that appeared to be ancient runes or symbols.

"Finally found that shit..." 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑛𝘦𝘵

It was a language I knew, and the inscriptions told the tale of an artifact that possessed immense power.

Entering the cavern, I noticed various corrals growing around, but in the center a small pedestal stood, emanating the crimson glow that led me here.

A small watch lay on the pedestal, surrounded by intricate carvings that seemed to pulsate with energy.

"I've found it!"

Approaching the pedestal with extreme care, I reached for the watch, quickly snatching it from the red glow's hold.

Although now it seemed like an old watch, I perfectly knew its immense value and power.

This item is called The Timekeeper's Pocket Watch.

This intricately crafted pocket watch allows one to manipulate time on a small scale. With its power, I would be able to slow down or speed up time within a limited radius, affecting objects and creatures around them.

While it cannot alter large-scale events or turn back time, it would enable me to gain an advantage in moments of danger or urgency. The Timekeeper's Pocket Watch is a valuable tool for strategic planning, precise actions, and navigating challenging situations but does not possess the ability to alter the course of history.

I've used it multiple times whilst playing the game and this was one of the few things that allowed me to kill a few powerful bosses that I would have struggled to defeat otherwise.

It was a cheat item that could be found very early in the game. However, the Mana Cost for using the Timekeeper's Pocket Watch was very high, so I could only use it a few times before being completely drained of energy.

Excitedly clutching the Timekeeper's Pocket Watch, I stepped out of the cave, the red glow slowly fading behind me. The underwater village greeted me with its tranquility as the shimmering fish continued their elegant dance in the crystal-clear waters.

Curiosity filled my mind as I wondered how the watch's power would manifest in this enchanting underwater realm.


I set the watch to slow down time within a limited radius, hoping to witness the subtle changes it would bring. As I thought about slowing the time and supplying some Mana into the watch, a soft click resonated in the quiet surroundings, and a faint aura enveloped the watch, indicating that its power had been activated.


Suddenly, everything around me seemed to shift. The once lively fish now moved in a graceful slow motion, their delicate fins and vibrant colors emphasized as they glided through the water. I watched in awe as each movement became a mesmerizing spectacle, the underwater world transformed into a captivating ballet.

With my newfound ability to manipulate time, I reached out, gently caressing one of the fish as it floated past me. Its scales felt cool and smooth against my fingertips, and I marveled at its intricate details, magnified by the slowed time.

Curious about the watch's effect on their behavior, I decided to observe the fish's response when I returned time to its natural flow. With a single thought, I gradually reset the watch, feeling the pulse of energy recede, and time resumed its regular pace.

The fish immediately resumed their swift movements, as if catching up to the lost moments. They darted through the water, their agility and speed leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake.

"Damn... It's like in the game..."

Fascinated by the interaction, I experimented further, manipulating time to speed it up this time. As I willed the time to go faster, the watch hummed with renewed energy, and a surge of acceleration filled the underwater realm.


In an instant, the fish became a blur of color and motion, zipping through the water with remarkable swiftness. It was as if they had harnessed the power of the currents themselves, effortlessly navigating their surroundings.

Intrigued by the effects of the Timekeeper's Pocket Watch on the underwater world, I couldn't resist the temptation to experience its power firsthand. Gripping my black katana tightly, I decided to test the watch's effect on myself, curious to see how it would enhance my movements.


With a focused mind and a sense of anticipation, I adjusted the watch to slow down time within my immediate vicinity. As the familiar click resonated through the silence, I felt the watch come alive with energy once again.


Instantly, I could sense a shift in the world around me. The weight of the water seemed to lessen, and every movement I made carried a heightened sense of precision and control. My own actions unfolded in a graceful, deliberate manner as I swung my katana through the water, each arc and strike amplified by the slowed time.

The feeling was extraordinary. I observed my own movements as if watching an elegant dance, every swing of my weapon measured and deliberate. The sensation of the water caressing my skin, the sound of my own breathing, all seemed heightened in this altered state.

As I continued to slash my Katana, I couldn't help but revel in the exhilaration that the Timekeeper's Pocket Watch provided. It was as if I had become one with the currents, flowing effortlessly through the water, my every action in perfect harmony with the slowed time.


However, I could feel my Mana draining at a rapid pace. It was already getting hard to catch my breath.

"I should leave..."

I've already spent too much time in the dungeon and it was time for me to leave. I didn't want to be expelled from the Academy, due to spending too much time playing with the Watch.

I swam through the corral village, searching for the portal that would lead me back to the surface. The houses in the village were vibrant, with intricate designs and colorful corals adorning their exteriors.

With my senses heightened, I carefully examined each house, scanning for any signs of the portal's presence. The village seemed abandoned, devoid of any signs of life, except for the occasional glimpse of a shimmering fish darting through the gaps between the corals.

I moved from house to house, peering through windows and inspecting every nook and cranny, hoping to discover the telltale signs of the exit portal. The interior of each house was filled with fascinating shells and kelp, remnants of a civilization long gone.

One house caught my attention with its elaborate carvings and peculiar arrangement of corals. It seemed different from the others, and a faint energy emanated from within. My heart quickened with anticipation, and I carefully approached the entrance, mindful of my remaining Mana.

As I stepped inside, the glow of the Timekeeper's Pocket Watch illuminated the surroundings, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air felt heavy with ancient magic, and my senses tingled with the presence of something extraordinary.

Navigating through the rooms, I discovered an inner chamber hidden behind a coral-covered door. Intricate patterns adorned the walls, pulsating with a faint, ethereal light. In the center of the chamber, a purple crack was present, it was the portal!

Glancing around the underwater realm one last time, I absorbed the tranquility and beauty that surrounded me. The vibrant fish, the swaying corals, and the shimmering light dancing through the water, all etched in my memory.

It was very different from what I've seen through the computer screen...

This was real.

"Well, whatever..."

I stepped toward the crack, feeling a gentle pull as the portal beckoned. The world around me began to fade, the colors blending into a hazy blur. As I passed through the threshold, the underwater village disappeared, leaving me in the darkness.

I was finally leaving this fucking dungeon!