Extra's Magic-Chapter 96 Frostpeak

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Ting... Ting...

I glanced outside the train's small window, observing the droplets of rain trickling down the glass pane's surface.

As I watched the raindrops race down the window, my eyes slowly shifted toward a blurry image of the massive mountain range in the distance, shrouded in a thick veil of rainy clouds.

I could see the steep terrain and lush vegetation covering the mountains' slopes, but the heavy rain and low visibility made it difficult to distinguish any specific features.


Except for that massive waterfall cascading down the rocky cliffs, visible despite the rain's dense curtain.

[ Frostpeak Mountains ]

The robotic voice interrupted my thoughts, announcing the next stop in the train's route.

Ting... Ting...

Slowly, the train started to decelerate as it approached the station, coming to a complete stop with a soft hiss of the breaks.


Stepping out of the train, I was immediately greeted by the sound of heavy rainfall and gusts of chilly wind.

Although I hadn't taken an umbrella with me, I was smart enough to bring a coat with a hood to protect me from harsh weather.

Tap... Tap...

Navigating my way through the rain-soaked platform, I slowly separated myself from the crowd of people, who were going in the direction of the city.

My footsteps echoed softly against the wet asphalt as I made my way toward a nearby hiking trail that would take me deeper into the Frostpeak Mountains.

"I still remember the way..."

Humming to myself happily, I pulled out my Katana from its sheath, letting its dark blade glisten in the rainy light.

Although there was no particular reason for me to unsheathe the blade, I wanted to be prepared if any unexpected monster leaped out from the greenery.

The Frostpeak Mountain range was home to a lot of different monsters, particularly ones that thrived in the humid and rainy weather.

Most of the creatures in this area wielded Water Element, making them even more dangerous in such weather conditions.

Thus, the combination of heavy rainfall and dangerous monsters made the Frostpeak Mountains a challenging place to explore. 𝑏𝘦𝘥𝑛𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝑚

Despite the risk, Awakeners still flock to this mountain range due to the rare and valuable resources that could be found here.

The humid climate and lush vegetation of the Frostpeak Mountains make it an ideal environment for various plants and minerals to grow, such as rare herbs used in alchemy or precious gems and metals, which are highly sought after by blacksmiths.

Although they are very hard to obtain or even find, their price is humongous.

Furthermore, there are even parties created solely for the purpose of exploring this mountain range.

"Let's just hope I don't run into them..."

Walking further up the trail, the path became increasingly steep and rocky, it also began to narrow and become overgrown with vegetation, making it more challenging to navigate.

Soon, I completely lost it, but guided by my memories, I continued to make my way through the mountain, taking extra care not to slip on the slick rocks or trip over any protruding roots.


However, my peaceful climb was interrupted by the low growling sound that reverberated through the trees.

My Mana instantly surged in alert, and my grip on Katana tightened as I scanned the surroundings for the source of the sound.

Tap... Tap...

The rain continued to patter down, making it harder to pinpoint the source of the sound. Everything seemed to blend together in a constant symphony of rain, wind, and rustling leaves.

Eventually, though, I saw a movement in the corner of my eye and turned my head to see a pair of glowing eyes peering at me through the foliage.

I couldn't quite make out the monster from where I stood, but the creature's strength was around E Rank based on the amount of Mana it was emanating.

Click... Click...

Slashing my Katana through the air, I tried to intimidate the monster, so that it'd retreat, however, the creature didn't seem too bothered by my actions, just staring at me with a steady gaze.

It seemed that it was somewhat intelligent.

Tap... Tap...

I tried to back away slowly, but the creature let out another growl, signaling that it had no intention to let me go.

"Come out then..."

I taunted the monster, taking another few steps forward and enveloping my Katana's blade in a layer of Mana.

Carefully assessing the situation, I realized that I had to change the area of battle to gain an advantage over the creature.


I used a quick burst of Mana to propel myself upwards onto a nearby tree branch, putting some distance between me and the monster.

The creature, of course, didn't want me to escape and stepped out of the bushes, revealing its full form.

The monster looked like a large, feral wolf with matted fur and sharp teeth. It had a massive maw full of sharp, yellow teeth, and its eyes glowed an eerie yellow in the dark.

The wolf even had old scars lining its body, indicating that this wasn't the first time it had fought in the wild.


It suddenly rammed into the tree I was perched on, snarling as it tried to knock me off the branch.


I leaped off the branch in response, flipping through the air to land on a nearby tree trunk and launching myself again back towards the wolf with an attack.


However, the monster was able to deflect my attack with ease, swiping its claws at me with lightning-fast speed.

"I should probably use it..."

Sighing, I took out an old watch that seemed so ancient it could break any second.


Suddenly, everything around me slowed down, the falling rain, rustling leaves, and even the wolf's movements all seemed to be moving at a slower pace.

The time seemed to have slowed down to a crawl, allowing me to move and react with enhanced speed and precision.


My Katana cut through the air with greater finesse and speed, allowing me to strike at the monster's weaknesses with pinpoint accuracy.


The blade slashed through the side of the monster's, causing it to fall back immediately. Even with the time slowed, the wolf was as agile as me.

As the wolf staggered back from my strike, I seized the opportunity to press the advantage. With the enhanced speed granted by the time-slowing watch, I swiftly closed the distance between us.


My blade whirled through the air, aiming for the wolf's exposed flank. However, the creature's instincts kicked in, and it managed to evade my attack at the last moment, narrowly avoiding a grievous injury.

Undeterred, I seamlessly transitioned into a fluid sequence of agile movements, darting around the wolf with calculated precision. Each strike I delivered was met with the wolf's desperate attempts to counter, but my enhanced reflexes and swordsmanship allowed me to parry and evade its attacks.


Metal clashed against fangs and claws as our battle raged on, the rain-soaked surroundings echoing with the sounds of our struggle. The wolf fought ferociously, its yellow eyes burning with an unyielding determination.

The rain continued to pour down, creating a surreal atmosphere as I danced through the downpour, locked in combat with the relentless wolf.


Growling in frustration, the wolf circled me, searching for an opening. Its eyes never left mine, its gaze filled with an intensity that mirrored my own determination.

Suddenly, the wolf pounced, claws outstretched. I sidestepped its attack, but its sheer speed caught me off guard. Its claws grazed my arm, leaving a shallow gash that stung with the rainwater.

"It's still that fast?!"

Gritting my teeth, I channeled my Mana and unleashed a barrage of attacks, aiming to overwhelm the wolf with a flurry of strikes. But the wolf was relentless, evading and parrying my blows with uncanny agility.

Taking a step back, I allowed the wolf to approach, feigning vulnerability. Sensing an opportunity, it lunged at me once more. This time, instead of evading, I spun on my heel, redirecting its momentum and sending it crashing into a nearby tree.

Seizing the moment, I closed in swiftly, striking at the wolf's exposed flank. My blade sliced through the air, aimed at its vital point. But the wolf twisted its body at the last second, narrowly evading the strike.

With a snarl, the wolf retaliated, launching a series of vicious swipes in rapid succession. I deflected each blow with deft precision, utilizing the full extent of my training and skill. The sound of metal against claws echoed in the rain-drenched forest.


I could sense the fatigue weighing on both myself and the wolf. But I refused to yield.

Summoning a surge of Mana, I channeled it into my Katana, infusing it with a radiant glow. The blade hummed with power as I launched a final, devastating strike toward the wolf.

The wolf, sensing the impending danger, leaped backward, narrowly evading my attack. But I was prepared. Swiftly, I transitioned into a spinning motion, my body a blur as I unleashed a whirlwind of strikes upon the wolf.

The air crackled with the intensity of our clash. My blade connected with the wolf's side, and a pained howl tore through the rain-soaked forest. The creature stumbled, weakened by the force of my blow.

Sensing the opportunity to end the battle, I closed in, my Katana poised for the final strike. With a resolute gaze, I brought down the blade, aiming for the wolf's exposed neck.
