Fairy Tail: Collapsing Stars-Chapter 663 Do something!

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Chapter 663 Do something!

A sharp clang echoed in one of the courtyards of the Imperial palace. The maids all hid behind the pillars while the shadow guard who kneeling on the floor shivered, he knew just how important this mission that he was given was exactly but now all his efforts went down the hill just because of a stupid village man.

He didn't know why his mistress wanted to deal with that commoner girl but as a servant, he really didn't have many rights to save his life at the moment much less care about why his mistress was so bent on taking care of that girl. Thus, the shadow guard stayed where he was with his head lowered ignoring the throbbing in his temple as blood dripped down his face.

" You mean to say that you couldn't get the thing that I asked you to do?" asked Lady Su as she stood in front of the shadow guard, cold fury oozing out from every pore of her body. " I asked you to take care of that woman, once and for all and you are telling me that she is fine?"

The shadow guard didn't dare to raise his head when his master was so infuriated, he kept his head lowered and simply answered the question, " She was smarter than I expected her to be, managing to get away every time, we did get a chance to take her down but she was lucky enough to get away."

" And you let her get away?" shrieked Lady Su as she picked up the vase that was sitting beside her bed and hurled it at the shadow guard not even flinching when the shards of the broken vase dug deep in the skin of the man. " You had one job, one! All I asked you was to take a girl who has no backing, no power and nothing in her hands and you couldn't even do that? Are you sure that you are a man and not a woman trapped in a man's body?"

Challenging a man's ego was the worst kind of insult. Sure enough, after he was disrespected like that the anger in the shadow guard's heart reached another level but as a mere servant he didn't dare to retort his master.

However, Lady Su wasn't done she stared at the shadow guard in front of her and felt more and more anger rise in her heart. Why was it that such a simple thing couldn't be done? She just wanted to kill that fake Su Wan, so why was it proving so hard? That was her body, her name and her life and she didn't want it anymore so it should have been destroyed but instead, that woman was flourishing more and more, she even got pregnant using her body!

Just the very thought of someone using her body for doing such shameless deeds as sleeping with five men made her ground her teeth until they became white powdered dust.

And what was more as long as the existence of Su Wan stayed she won't ever be able to calm down. Su Wan wasn't supposed to stay alive, she was supposed to die.. die so that the Shen family will live a life full of regrets. Die because then those Lin brothers who came to marry her had to leave with their faces buried in shame.

With questions and curses hurled at them for forcing a young woman to become a shared wife when she didn't want to!

All of these people were supposed to be full of regrets than living a happy life, so why weren't they huh? Why were they still all right!

Lady Su nibbled on the nail of her thumb as she started to pace in her room, she shouldn't be having so much trouble dealing with that woman, no matter how smart she was, she was in the end just a wandering soul who had no right to stay in her body without permission much less use it as she wished.

Because of her, all the plans that she had in her mind went up in the smoke, if not for her… those people who bullied her would have been suffering through all the pain that they have put her through!

She needed to do something and she needed to do it quickly that child that was growing in the belly of the fake Su Wan will pop out any day and she didn't want anyone to use her 'body' to give birth to a bastard with an unidentified father. Five men, who know who was the father of that brat! How can she let such a humiliating thing be tied to her name?

Su Wan gave birth to a bastard child? Eww! Just the very thought was enough to make her feel disgusted. That was her name and she wasn't going to let anyone tarnish it! That child needed to go! And it needed to be killed as soon as possible!

" You… go to the Dong Tong town and try again, this time kill the entire family," ordered Lady Su ruthlessly not even caring about how many lives will be lost because of her madness.

" Kill every single member of the Lin family and if the Shens are still with them, kill them too, there is no need to keep them when all they do is go against her."

What a good family she had! She was the one who was the real Su Wan but her maternal family couldn't even recognise her anymore instead they were treating that fake as their real granddaughter and niece without even investigating whether she was the real one or not!

Where was this love when she was getting bullied in the Su house? So what if she said a few harsh words? They should have dropped to their knees and coaxed her well.. after all, it was them who abandoned her first. She was at least kind enough to see them when all they did was leave her alone in that houses with no care.

And instead of taking care of her, they turned their back on her but now that the fake one was there to suck up to them because of the money, they were treating her like a princess!

How can they do something like that?

No, they didn't deserve to stay happy under the false pretence that everything was fine! They definitely deserve to cry tears of blood and she will make sure that they do something like that!

"I am afraid that I cannot do something like that," said the shadow guard trying to suppress the anger in his voice. " That girl is the adopted god granddaughter of Lord Fei, I investigated her relationships in the town and I found out that she has a very good relationship with both Lord Fei and his wife, I am afraid that if I try to harm her then her family will ask Lord Fei to investigate the cause behind it. We need to be more careful now that the Shen family have found out that someone from the Imperial family is behind this matter."

Lady Su stayed silent for two minutes before she burst out scolding. " Idiots! Bunch of fools that's what you all are, all I asked was to take down a common village girl and you couldn't even do something as simple as that even got caught by the Shen family, how can I have so many idiots around me?"

The shadow guard clenched his fists, he wanted to say that apart from drinking, sleeping and dishing out unnecessary orders what else can you do? No matter how much of a fool I and my men are we are still better than you who can do nothing right!

However, he kept a tight grip on his mouth and just stayed silent while watching Lady Su thrash the entire bedroom of her.

It went on for a while before she sighed and sat down on the bed with a crazed look in her eyes. " What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do, if that woman does now die then it will be a disaster, all right.. that woman needs to die!" That body was supposed to rot six feet down so that she could watch the Lin and the Shen family cry tears of grief with a gleeful smile on her face.

If that woman does not die then doesn't it mean that her committing suicide was completely useless? What did she kill herself for? Wasn't it because she wanted to make the Shen and Lin family fall to the bottom of the abyss?

"Lady Su, why don't we do something that can kill all the three birds with a stone," said her handmaiden who was standing on the side calmly till now. " I mean if you want to kill that woman so much then there is no need to dirty your hands, there are enough ways to push someone off the edge that they no longer want to live."