Fantasy Assassin in a modern world-Chapter 18

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The demise of the gang leaders

In the following days, Loki dealt with the other gangs that could threaten Luke and his friends. He took down the leaders of each gang with extreme speed and efficiency. The first gang leader he killed was just a test run, just so that he could gauge the strength of the gang members. Now that he knew what the level of his opponents were at, for as long as no one similar to Leila appeared he could deal with these gangs using a more direct approach.

He used the spell [Enhancement] on some hair he took from a random cat. Using [Enhancement] on the hair made it into something that was as hard and sharp as a steel needle. He didn’t use his hair since it was possible that someone might notice it.

Loki found it quite funny that the bosses of these so called gangs, would usually position their office in a room that had lots of windows. It was like they were asking for them to be attacked through the windows. Well to be fair to them, with the distance of the nearby buildings being quite far if you used normal guns like pistols and such you won’t have an accurate shot. Though Loki knew that there were guns that were made for long-distance shooting, but those were hard to acquire and required a special license to own not to mention they were expensive. To deal with such a small-time gang leader with something like that, wouldn’t be worth it, would it?

‘Well, it doesn’t matter for whatever reason they decided to make their office with such large windows. It just makes things a bit easier for me.’

After Loki took a position on the roof of the opposite building, he double-checked and looked at the picture of the boss. He then looked at the person sitting on the desk in the opposite building. Once he was sure that person was the boss in question, Loki used [Enhancement] on his body and on the piece of hair he got from a random cat, he then threw the cat hair towards the boss’s throat. The cat’s hair flew straight at a similar speed to a bullet. The hair penetrated the window and went through the boss’s throat.

The boss stood up from his seat shocked by the sudden act, the moment he did so, Loki got a clear shot at the boss’s heart. Loki threw another hair this time aimed towards the heart. The hair penetrated through the chest and went through the heart. Blood started pouring out of the boss as his subordinates were confused as to what was happening.

The boss got to live a few more seconds before he slowly died unsure as to what happened. Once the job was done, Loki disappeared into the darkness of the night.



A couple of days had passed and Loki finally killed the last remaining boss on his hit list. The last few were quite troublesome to deal with, as they were already expecting an attack of sorts. The bosses stayed hidden in remote locations and it took some effort to track them down. Unfortunately for them, their subordinates weren’t as loyal as they thought, just a little bit of torture and they spilled all the info they could spout.

During these days as Loki was rampaging around, the local news started talking about him, or to be more specific the vigilante that was killing the local gang leaders. There were also some who speculated that Loki was a hired hand that was sent by a bigger gang to kill all the bosses of the smaller gangs.

After he killed off the bosses of the gangs that were related to Luke and his friends, some of those gangs were absorbed by larger gangs, but most of them disbanded permanently as most of the members either changed their lifestyle, were forced into hiding, or were simply killed.


“Ma’am another one of those incidents just happened. This time it’s the boss of the Hyenas.” An officer driving a police car spoke to the woman sitting beside him who was his superior. The woman was an energetic-looking person, who had an athletically slim body. She was wearing a leather jacket, a tie, and a red tank top, she had her badge at the side of her hip. The woman was eating a burger she finished eating it before answering.

“Well, what are you waiting for let’s head to the crime scene.”


The two arrived at the scene of the crime were there were already several officers on the scene. The woman flashed her badge at the officer guarding the blockade.

“Detective Watanabe, I’m the lead detective of this case. I heard that the boss of Hyena has been under surveillance for the past few days. How was he assassinated under such conditions?”

“I’ll be the one to answer that.” A person wearing slacks and a polo shirt with a tie appeared. He was a rather tall individual as he looked down on Watanabe who was five foot six, he spoke as he adjusted his glasses.

“Who could’ve guessed that it was the great Detective Morgan that was stationed here. So tell me how you guys failed to stop the assailant.” Watanabe Matsuri smiled as she questioned Harold Morgan. Harold frowned but he still answered in a professional manner.

“We had the cottage were Spencer Baker aka Koda the boss of Hyena was staying at, under twenty-four-hour surveillance. At around 16:45 the window was broken and a few seconds later Jiro, Koda’s lieutenant, and his right-hand man started running away. We immediately stormed the cottage but it was too late. We also apprehended Jiro but he has no clue how his boss was killed. Koda’s cause of death is similar to the other gang leaders, which was a penetrating blow to the heart and throat.”

“Hmph, so the exact M.O. I’ll take a look myself.”

Matsuri entered the cottage and saw Koda’s dead body. All the windows in the cottage were shut tight and the curtains had covered them all except one. There was one broken window with a rock on the ground. As she continued to look around, Matsuri noticed a single piece of hair.

‘Another one, same as all the others. I can already pretty much guess this is just some random cat’s hair. It seems impossible, but could this be related to the weapon used to kill the gang leaders? Based on the holes in their chest and throat, they said it was something similar to a needle that was used for the kill. It’s highly probable that a martial artist had killed these guys, but why? Martial artists are considered to be the elite, especially those stuck up old families they would never allow their members to do something like this.’

While Matsuri was deep in thought her partner detective John Realle spoke.

“Well whoever is doing this, might be bad, but at least he’s just killing the scum and that’s fine in my book. If he’s just killing the scum, why won’t we just let him do it?” The moment those words came out of John’s mouth, Matsuri glared at John.

“No matter how scummy a person is, no one has the right to take their lives. No one can be above the law and no one should be allowed to have the power to become one’s judge, jury, and executioner. Never ever say those words in front of me again. If you do I better have a new partner.” Matsuri who usually had a smile on her face had this frightening scowl which made John shiver in fear, not because of the look, Matsuri was showing him, but because of the pressure, she was emitting. It was a suffocating feeling that made John take a step back.

“I’m sorry Ma’am, I will never speak of such things ever again.” Hearing John’s response Matsuri’s expression returned to normal and she smiled.

“Sorry about that, I just get a bit emotional regarding vigilantism. Well anyway, let’s get back to work.” As if the events that happened a while ago never happened, Matsuri went back to looking around the crime scene.