Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills-Chapter 800 - : Free Labor

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Chapter 800: Free Labor

Editor: Henyee Translations

Chu Qingzhi gave Ye Zixing a meaningful look, “Calculate our losses.”

Ye Zixing blinked, a flash of cunning passing through his eyes, and loudly responded, “Yes, Miss.”

Xia Zongxian hastily said, “It was clearly his fault. Why should you pay? You shouldn’t compensate!”

Qin Yuming reasoned, “If you hadn’t intervened, this wouldn’t have happened!”

He was grateful his friend stood up for him, but it led to even bigger trouble, leaving him feeling helpless.

Xia Zongxian disagreed, “It was Tao Ming’an who insulted first. How could I not teach him a lesson? Yuming, this isn’t about you.”

He turned his criticism towards Tao Ming’an, “Every encounter with you leads to trouble. Be a man and pay up!”

Tao Ming’an shirked responsibility, “Why should I pay? I think you should. Without you, would this shop have been wrecked?”

After he spoke, Ye Zixing presented the accounts to Chu Qingzhi, “Miss, I’ve tallied the total losses.”

This chapter is updated by freēwē

Chu Qingzhi reviewed the bill, each item listed clearly.

The loss included specially made teacups, valued at fifty taels per set, not sold individually, amounting to fifty taels. freё

The disruption prevented business for approximately two hours, translating to a loss of about thirty taels.

The damage to the shop’s reputation was roughly estimated at twenty taels.

Considering the time Chu Qingzhi spent dealing with this issue, which she could otherwise use to earn a thousand taels per hour, the total came to one thousand one hundred taels.

She handed the bill to Qin Yuming, “Time to compensate.”

Qin Yuming, expecting to pay a minor sum, was stunned to see a demand for over a thousand taels, unable to find fault with any listed item.

Xia Zongxian, upon reviewing the compensation bill, was astounded, “One thousand one hundred taels?”

Ye Zixing kindly reminded them, “You better compensate quickly. If it takes more than an hour, you’ll owe two thousand one hundred taels. Miss Chu’s time isn’t to be wasted lightly.”

Hearing this astronomical figure, the bystanders became exceedingly cautious, even treading lightly, wary of the high cost of disturbances.

Tao Ming’an, relishing their dilemma, scoffed, “Weren’t you going to pay? Hurry up and get your silver!”

Qin Yuming’s family could perhaps afford three to four hundred taels, but a thousand was beyond his reach, making him increasingly tense.

Xia Zongxian, a warrior with limited funds, was faced with the prospect of paying over a thousand taels, a daunting task.

Scratching his head, his demeanor became uneasy.

Had he known the cost of hitting Tao Ming’an would be so steep, he would have remained calm.

Chu Qingzhi observed them both, “This incident involves all three of you, so the compensation will be divided among you. Tao Ming’an, being the instigator, will pay six hundred taels, and the other two will pay two hundred fifty taels each. If you don’t have the money, you can work off your debt until it’s cleared.”

Free labor, how could she refuse?

Without a second thought, Xia Zongxian agreed to work off his debt, “Miss, I’m willing to work for you until my debt is cleared.”

Chu Qingzhi stated, “Working for me pays three taels a month. It would take eighty-four months, or seven years, to work off two hundred fifty taels. Poor performance means no pay for that month.”

Xia Zongxian, considering his scant savings, agreed, “I accept. But what if I can pay sooner?”

Chu Qingzhi generously allowed, “You can settle the debt early, interest-free.”

Grateful for the interest waiver, Xia Zongxian readily agreed.

Chu Qingzhi signaled Ye Zixing, “Draft the contracts.”

Yes, thought Ye Zixing, admiring Chu Qingzhi’s ease in securing two workers.

Qin Yuming, observing Xia Zongxian, also volunteered, “I’m willing as well.”

He could ask his family to pay the silver, but could he allow Xia Zongxian to labor alone? The trouble was for his sake, after all.

Chu Qingzhi instructed, “Draft another contract.”

From behind the counter, Ye Zixing confirmed, “Yes.”

With the compensation determined for the other two, Tao Ming’an had no choice but to agree and immediately sent someone to fetch the silver.

With the issue resolved, Chu Qingzhi turned to the onlookers, “Thank you for visiting the bookshop. We need to tidy up now. Please, leave us for half an hour before we reopen.”

As the crowd dispersed, everyone internally vowed never to cause trouble in the bookshop again, lest they provoke Chu Qingzhi and face potential ruin.

The tale of the bookshop’s costly disturbance quickly spread throughout the county, reminding everyone not to cross Chu Qingzhi, for it could lead to the undoing of a lifetime’s effort.

Chu Qingzhi told the three, “Clean up the bookshop. Qin Yuming and Xia Zongxian, come find me in the village tomorrow morning. I have work for both of you. We’ll discuss everything then.”

Qin Yumingacknowledged, “Yes.”

After signing the contracts, Chu Qingzhi sat aside, watching them clean.

Tao Ming’an, having paid, questioned why he also had to clean. Chu Qingzhi challenged his earlier aggression with sarcasm.

Resigned, Tao Ming’an began sweeping, sending resentful glances at Qin Yuming and Xia Zongxian, wishing his stares could dismember them.

Ignoring Tao Ming’an’s animosity, Qin Yuming and Xia Zongxian accepted their responsibility for the consequences.

Once the shop was restored, Tao Ming’an’s servant returned with the silver, which was handed over to Chu Qingzhi.

After verifying the payment, Chu Qingzhi ordered, “Ye Zixing, reopen the doors.”


Following the reopening, Chu Qingzhi returned to the village.

Xia Zongxian inquired of Ye Zixing, “Is Miss Chu always this fair and just?”

Ye Zixing countered, “Haven’t you experienced it yourself?”

Xia Zongxian further questioned whether Chu Qingzhi was strict, as he would be working under her and needed to know more to avoid offending her again.

Ye Zixing assured him, “Miss Chu is very strict, but you’ll realize being with her is a blessing. Cherish it.”

Skeptical, Xia Zongxian doubted a young lady’s capabilities, dismissing the widespread rumors as mere gossip.

As they left, Qin Yuming called, “Let’s go.”

Agreeing, Xia Zongxian followed, worried about his impending laborious days but walked on silently.

Back in Chu Village, Chu Qingzhi continued her search for a location to establish the Seal Office.