Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World-Chapter 228: Easy Mistakes

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Chapter 228: Easy Mistakes

She wants to use her spiritual sense on me. (f)reenovelkiss

Clearly, this is a test of trust. One that I cant afford to fail at this point in time.

Yes, you can use your spiritual sense on me. After all, you are my master now.

She gives a soft and mysterious smile, right before I can feel the effects of her sense on me. Although I have a minor block against spiritual senses, I quickly lower it so that she can scan me more effectively.

Of course, the other elders could scan me so easily because theyre just that powerful. And also, it would have looked terrible if I resisted. Especially during a test where theyre supposed to actually determine whether or not Im cheating.

To my surprise, she actually does the same level of probing as she did the first time when I met her up on my first Test.

However, I could see her face scrunch up more and more and, almost unconsciously, she probes deeper and deeper. All until she goes far deeper with her spiritual sense than the other elders did. Searching every aspect of my body, and taking my permission as far as I would allow it.

Probably, because theres no other elder here to keep her in check and give off the image of impropriety.

Of course, I say nothing, because that gives her a far better opinion of me and what Im trusting her with

The only thing she should be able to get from it is the depth of my healing abilities, which in some ways, would have come out anyway. Considering that she has a relationship with Elder Ro, theres the chance that she may have heard of my resurrection, of sorts. This would explain that, and if shes willing, allow it to protect me in a different way.

Everything else is housed in my deepest parts of my soul, and while she is probing towards the cultivator soul, my actual one and its qualities that wouldnt show up on any type of spiritual sense.

Funnily enough, in almost every other situation, any special additions or effects on the soul would also be shown on the cultivators soul. With my abilities not being reflected in the same way, it is a perfect cover.

But just as soon as it had begun, it quickly finishes.

The almost permanent look of surprise on her face is actually quite entertaining. Shes clearly surprised at the number of benefits my healing ability has given me, and, to be specific, the healing constitution.

You really something else, arent you? I was wondering why they looked so surprised when they scanned you.

Its also explaining why you held up so well against my pressure. I could tell from that moment there was something special about you.

She pauses in place. And her looks shift yet again.

But I suppose we can talk about that stuff later. For now, lets focus on the thing that we both know is the reason that I accepted you for.

What is your plan, in terms of healing me of this curse? And what will you need from me to make it happen?

This is honestly another plus in Elder Song's favor, making me glad I joined her instead of the others. In some ways, she is subtle, but in others, shes extremely direct to the point.

It feels like I can trust what she says.

Now, if thats the case, is a different story.

I get straight to the point, as theres nothing else that really needs to be said.

The combination of my cultivation method and special constitution should suffice to fix the issue, with no outside items. Youve likely already heard about my techniques through your information channels.

While I cant share details on this, as there is another master that has sworn me to secrecy, my healing constitution is one that allows me to boost any type of healing action that I do.

While I was in the library from when I first entered the city, I looked for any ways to explain away the slightest hint of healing that Ive done before I got my cultivation method.

Luckily, there are quite a few methods that allow the giving of life force and other mystical ways of transferring energy to heal others. As an example, Lin, who shared hers and kept Ai alive despite her rampant illness and abuse. Though it certainly stunted her growth in several ways.

Combining that with my alchemy abilities, that should quell any suspicious rumors from the time that I may have healed others, despite the fact that I wouldnt have had the ability at that time.

And my explanation bore fruit, as she nods to herself and affirms my words.

Ive heard about the way you healed the teleporter guards and their family members.

Despite her attempts to look sagely, I can slowly see excitement and hope creep into her eyes.

If what you say is true, we should start immediately, then.

She hesitates for a moment and pauses.

But there is one thing that we need to do first, before that.

Stepping back, she performs a set of hand gestures and then releases some Qi towards a wall in the corner.

Materializing like it was always there, is a tray with a single slip of paper and a full set of tea. Hot as if its just been made.

Once again, her eyes look at me with expectation, and while not as much as before, some level of excitement.

My conversation scan already showed me what I need to do and what shes expecting.

I guess this is it, the disciple ceremony.

Where a student and teacher swear to enter a relationship as close as or even closer than family. In my world, such a thing was a verbal or written agreement. And while shameful, you could break such a contract with no personal effects, other than social.

Here the line is both more solid and blurred. A complete betrayal to your master might have effects on your cultivation, though its not a sure thing. But doing the ceremony ties yourself to them in a way that is a little more esoteric than most other things. Betraying them is like betraying yourself. Its truly binding yourself and your intentions with theirs.

Its the reason when I use a hidden master as a cover. Its believable. With such a sacred relationship, their word is law.

Of course, if you disobey them or even do something against their interests, it doesnt mean there will be negative effects. That only happens when you do things along the lines of truly betraying them, such as trying to get them killed. And even then, if the relationship is broken to that extent, they would likely feel it.

My scan goes into overtime to learn the ceremony and what I need to do, while I keep my conversation scan active to figure out how I should approach this.

Surprisingly, it directs me to stop worrying about it, as it would be better to let her take the lead on this.

Ah, considering your background, you may not have known such a thing.

Siiiigh, I guess it will be up to me to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

Despite her words, its clear that she is fighting to keep a delighted, smug smile off her face.

In short, it seems like shes happy just to have a disciple and is excited to teach about it.

Which is strange, because my scans show she was extremely against having any disciples before I came along. Though it is more likely that she was averse to getting one that isnt worth her time and doesnt already understand her situation.

She quickly explains what I need to do, and how while bringing the tea set over to us.

Setting it before us, we go through each of the motions of the ceremony as a practice session of sorts. From getting the tea ready, to pouring it for her and allowing her to drink.

Even within these steps, my scan gives me indications to make minor mistakes so that she can correct them.

Despite her clear skill, knowledge and poise, it appears there may be some insecurities that get eased with these types of slip-ups. By showing me the ropes, it allows her to feel more comfortable in this situation. And with me by proxy.

Thank goodness for this conversation scan.

I cant scan the elders or other cultivators directly, as that could trigger something. The conversation scan gets around that, by reading the situation itself, and including information about the past that would help.

In doing it this way, it gives me a little of information about the person in question, while also allowing me to navigate the situation in a better

Why is she holding my hand so tightly on the cup?

My eyes focus on her hands, tightly woven around mine on the cup. From there, I noticed the slightly heavy breathing resounding through the room.

And finally, when I raise my eyes to meet hers, I found her intense and heated stare.

This is when I remember a critical flaw of my conversation scan. Almost every interaction goes better when the other side is attracted to you.

Looking at it from another perspective, namely hers, she is currently around 50 years old, but already considered a wizened old woman.

Right when she would have been looking at her best, her body was changed into a state considered being completely unattractive to most of the population. In addition, going through such a accelerated process with her body caused certain changes to her hormonal levels, even as a cultivator.

Many women become hornier as they grow older.

That was compounded and intensified for her. With her desperate situation and no one being truly attracted to her (that would be to her standard), she would be bottled up.

Of course, dual cultivation was an option, but that had its own connotations that she would want to avoid.

So, likely, her only outlet would have been porn.

But tasteful ones. Like romance novels.

And this exact situation is one that could be found in a niche one a few years back.

A youthful, powerful, and foreign young man finds an older woman extremely attractive and looks to be her disciple, seeing both her amazing power and beauty. Teaching him step by step, eventually the lessons become more intimate in nature, until they cross the boundary from master and disciple to insatiable lovers.


And since Ive gone this far, my scan shows I at least have to do one thing to make sure this goes well, but can still stop the cascading storyline. freew ebnove

With her gaze hot onto mine, I slowly lean towards her

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