Fire Mage-Chapter 633 Poisoning

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Chapter 633: Poisoning

Meanwhile, the Minotaur, its attention drawn to Charles, observed him closely. To ensure its advantage in the impending confrontation, the Minotaur unleashed the [Might of Berserk] bloodline spell upon itself. As the chaos energy coursed through its veins, a profound transformation occurred. Its once menacing eyes now glowed with a deep, darkish shade of red, while its already imposing horns grew even larger, exuding an aura of heightened power. The creature's hands and legs swelled with increased muscle mass, further augmenting its already formidable physique.

Simultaneously, a uniquely dense and chaotic aura erupted from the Minotaur's skin, swirling around it in a tumultuous display of energy. Gradually, the chaotic aura condensed into a deep-reddish, protective structure resembling an ethereal shield. This newfound barrier enveloped the Minotaur as an additional defense against potential harm.

Before Charles could react or strategize his next move, the Minotaur swiftly squatted down, summoning the [Bull's Charge] spell. In an instant, the creature propelled itself forward with astounding velocity, closing the distance between them in a blur. The sheer speed of the Minotaur's charge was almost inconceivable, leaving Charles in awe and a sense of impending danger.

Charles realized that his only hope of keeping up with the Minotaur's lightning-fast movements was his unique skill, [Accelerated Thoughts]. Without this skill, he would have been utterly overwhelmed and unable to keep pace with the Minotaur's rapid assault.

As Charles assessed the situation, a realization washed over him. Evading the impending attack seemed next to impossible. The Minotaur's assault was swift and relentless, leaving Charles no means of escape or defence. Furthermore, he was acutely aware that he still required over twenty minutes to cast the [Rebirth Domain] spell, a time frame he did not possess at this critical moment. A sense of urgency gripped him as he realized the gravity of the situation, his expression turning grim.

Although Charles maintained his position behind the golden shield, he doubted its ability to withstand the direct onslaught of a Legendary Magical Beast such as the Minotaur.

With astonishing speed, the Minotaur arrived before Charles, its hulking figure dominating the space. Its gigantic metallic axe loomed overhead as it prepared to strike. It brought it down without delay with a thunderous impact onto the Golden Shield spell Charles had hastily conjured.

The sheer force of the Minotaur's attack reverberated through the surrounding wilderness, filling the air with a loud sound that echoed in all directions. The impact created a supersonic shockwave, rippling outward with incredible speed, disturbing the tranquillity of the once-serene landscape.

Although the [Golden Shield] magic spell withstood the initial onslaught, it became evident that its power was insufficient to withstand the Minotaur's relentless assault. The subsequent attack was imminent, and Charles was ill-prepared for what would come.

In a fraction of a second, he was sent hurtling backward like a projectile, propelled by the force of the blow. His body collided forcefully with an unforgiving rock, causing a sickening crash reverberating through the surroundings.

Undeterred by the impact it had inflicted, the Minotaur let loose a roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, an intimidating display of its indomitable will. With lightning speed, it charged forward, instantly closing the distance between itself and Charles.

In stark contrast to the Minotaur's ferocity, Charles slowly rose to his feet, determined to flee. In a desperate bid to regain his strength, he cast the 'Soul Heal' spell, channeling the soul fire into his own being. And as if that weren't enough, he cast the [Fallen Angel's Wings], empowering himself with blackish flame wings that sprouted from his back.

Just as the Minotaur drew nearer, Charles summoned every ounce of strength and flapped his newly acquired wings with tremendous force. Propelled by this sudden surge of power, he ascended rapidly into the sky, soaring higher and higher, distancing himself from the Minotaur's reach.

Yet, even with Charles soaring above, the Minotaur refused to relinquish its relentless pursuit. Its massive form continued to hurtle forward with unfathomable speed, an unyielding force that seemed unstoppable.

Upon reaching the precise spot where Charles had stood mere moments before, the Minotaur abruptly crouched down, launching its powerful legs skyward. Ascending to a considerable height, it employed its inherent wisdom to manipulate its trajectory, defying gravity and soaring even higher.

Simultaneously, the Minotaur opened its formidable jaws, focusing its gaze on Charles.

Charles had long seen the upcoming attack, turned around mid-air, and tried to cast [Burning Thoughts] spell on Minotaur.

But to his surprise, nothing happened!

Minotaur cast the [Chaos Breath] spell with deadly precision, conjuring a searing burst of reddish fire. The fiery projectile surged towards Charles from behind, resembling a scorching ray aimed at his vulnerable back. Instantly, it closed the distance, tearing through one of his blackish flame wings and disintegrating his left hand upon impact.

Yet, against all expectations, Charles managed to maintain his composure. Instead of succumbing to the Minotaur's assault, he calmly pivoted mid-air, utilizing his 'wisdom power' to remain aloft. Taking advantage of this respite, he cast the [Soul Heal] spell again, harnessing its revitalizing energy to restore his wounded body.

In the blink of an eye, the miraculous power of the spell took hold. Flesh, bones, blood vessels, and tissues started to merge, gradually reconstructing a new arm to replace the one that had been mercilessly torn.

"That was dangerous," Charles calmly muttered, recognizing the immense danger before him. With composed determination, he raised his index finger, casting the [Finger of Destruction] spell upon the imposing figure of the Minotaur.

In a synchronized display, Charles simultaneously cast the [Fallen Angel's Wings] again, granting himself blackish flame wings that allowed him to ascend even higher into the sky, gaining a tactical advantage.

Meanwhile, the Minotaur, wielding its colossal axe, deflected the menacing Ray of Chaotic Flame that surged towards it. Gradually, the mythical creature descended to the ground, maintaining its composure amidst the chaotic onslaught.

However, as the Minotaur gracefully touched down, an acute awareness drew its gaze downwards, compelling it to fixate on the wound that marred its mighty chest. Though the damage appeared minuscule, the inherent regenerative powers of the Minotaur proved futile in healing it, resulting in a relentless flow of crimson fluid staining its rugged exterior.

In a persistent act, the Minotaur extended its left hand towards the injury, emanating a bellowing roar reverberating through the sky. Undeterred by the setback, the beast embarked on a purposeful stride, determined to reach where it had tossed the lifeless remains of a Wild Boar.

Before long, the Minotaur arrived close to the discarded carcass. With a deft motion of its left hand, it retrieved the boar's lifeless form and continued its determined trek toward a distant waterfall.

Yet, after traversing a few more meters, an abrupt realization seized the Minotaur's attention—an alarming eruption of peculiar blisters began to manifest across its formidable frame. Filled with a potent blend of fury and frustration, the beast emitted a guttural growl, comprehending that these unsightly blisters were a direct consequence of a venomous poison coursing through its veins.

Without wasting another moment, the Minotaur harnessed the power of another formidable bloodline spell [Revitalizing Burst]. In an instant, an intense surge of chaotic energy emanated from the creature's heart region, swiftly suppressing the poisonous affliction that plagued its entire being.

As the blisters gradually receded under the overpowering influence of the revitalizing energy, the Minotaur heralded its triumph with a deep bellow, signaling its unwavering determination to press forward.

Continuing its relentless march, the Minotaur ventured forth for several more minutes until it reached the vicinity of a modest hill. At the very base of the incline, a rugged cavern carved into the rocky terrain beckoned its attention. Without hesitation, the indomitable creature entered the cavern's depths to rest.

On the other hand, Charles maintained his aerial position, hovering in the expansive sky as he calmly observed the Minotaur's entry into the dark and foreboding cavern below.

Aware of his limited time, Charles solemnly muttered to himself, his voice filled with urgency. "I only have around 1 hour and 45 minutes to activate the altar."

With this realization, he waited a few more minutes, patiently biding his time for the cooldown of the [Rebirth Domain] spell.

While Charles waited, the insidious poison coursing through the Minotaur's veins began to take effect. Initially, the venom of the Serpent affected the creature's senses, causing a gradual deterioration in its sight, hearing, and sense of smell. In addition, the wound on its chest showed no signs of healing, resulting in continuous blood loss.

Despite consuming half of the wild boar to satiate its hunger, the Minotaur experienced dizziness and fatigue. Unbeknownst to the beast, the venom had already penetrated its body, beginning to affect its internal organs. Its heart rate slowed while its mind grew increasingly foggy and disoriented.

Within just 30 minutes, the Minotaur began to feel an intense burning sensation throughout its entire body, unleashing painful, thunderous roars that shook the very foundations of the surrounding hill.

Although the Minotaur's innate regenerative abilities, coupled with the protective properties of the [Revitalizing Burst] spell, continued to heal its wounds and provide some level of defense, it proved insufficient. While the creature wasn't in immediate danger of losing its life, its strength had been significantly diminished.