First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse-Chapter 36 The Annual Evaluation Test

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It was just another rainy day in district one in the Delwias Island region, people woke to the sound of the palace horn defused everywhere and in all the five districts announcing the beginning of the annual evaluation for ascension.

This year's applicants lined up at the entry of the palace with their invitations, not knowing that this was meant to be the last evaluation ever in Delwias Island.

Most of them were teanegers who were experiencing this evaluation for the first time, they had a lot of hope in mind and they all shared some extra confidence in their powers which made them look ridiculously dumb.

When the other participants who were much older just went with the flow, they already looked exhausted and tired even before the start of the process.

They knew what the evaluation test was all about due to their previous participation and they were not that excited about it either.

The evaluation was divided into three parts, the theoretical part and the practical part and the last part was about fighting each other .

Only a few winners were allowed to leave Delwias Island and there was no consideration of age during the last test.

People who attended this test were very quiet and they all kept aside, because the evaluation doesn't start when you enter the palace but the evaluation test starts after the sound of horns is heard.

Which meant every moment since the horn sound was defused was counted as part of the process.Only the people who had previous participations knew that but they didn't share it with the others.

Every single one of them was thinking about themselves and no one could blame them for that.

There were five reception bureaus to traite the participants,this year there were a thousand participants from all the districts which was a huge number compared to the other years. f𝗿𝗲e𝒘e𝚋n૦𝘃𝙚𝑙.com

The mages at the reception bureaus were already rejecting the disabled, noisy teenagers, pregnant females and the list goes on…

Even then they eliminated a lot of the participants from the actual test.

There was a man with his pregnant wife who started to cause a scene there after his wife's rejection when one of those mages struck him with lightning pushing him so far away from the bureau, he wasn't dead yet but his body was not okay and therefore he got eliminated from the test with her.

They didn't even give him some healing magic, his wife was holding him and crying over his body making everyone around look at her.

Some of the participants tried to walk towards her to give her some help but one of the mages there said:" If someone tried to show mercy towards them he is eliminated with them"

Coming from higher authorities, those words felt like a hidden law to them and therefore no one tried to help them or even look at them .

Eventually that woman disappeared from their sight as the line kept only going further.

The rain was pouring like it was going to flood the place, that gray look of the place around them made everything look very sad and melancholic.

The rejected ones were walking with their heads down on their way back to their home, some of those who already participated more than once were already crying for wasting their chance in vain.

The air felt heavy and the people lined up to the reception bureau looked like they were getting tickets to heaven.

That process took almost three hours and the participants who were allowed to pass the evaluation test were only five six hundred .

Ethyl was looking at the people around all feeling like she was superior to them, most of them kept looking at her too because she looked so young and fragile .

The mage who read her invitation gave her a look of doubt, he asked her when she graduated and when she told him he nodded his head positively then asked her to go further and even wished her luck .

"Yes …yes …she is one of those "

"Yes …I heard that this girl has amazing powers…"

" I wish i don't compete with her in the final test"

" Why is she even passing the test…they should have handed her the ascension paper already "

People were talking about her as if she was not hearing them, some admired her and some envied her but she …she kept focusing on the region above her while saying inside of her ( This is only one step from opening hell gates in your homes …bastards)

The look in her eyes contained a lot of buried anger that she forced herself to hide.

She saw Richard standing next to his friends with a smile on his face and she got disgusted by him.

" huuuu!...i think i should have broken a bone or two that day "She said with a smirk on her face.

"Who is this girl? Do you know her? "Garen said while looking down on her, he even tried to provoke her with pointing his hand above her to show her how small she was .

" shhhhh….just focus on your business man !"Richard said while walking towards her .

"I see that you learned your lesson buddy"Ethyl smirked.

" I don't drug any attention to myself during the evaluation, so please stay away from me girl, i can't afford to lose and …"

" And ? "

"I am sorry about that day, I acted like an ass and I shouldn't have done that "Richard bowed his head at her then went back to his friends, while she stood there shocked with his change of heart.

All the six hundred participants were shown the path to follow their instructors for the theoretical test, it took place in a huge hall filled with small tables and chairs.

All the participants sat there following their code number on their chest, waiting for more instruction when a new mage walked in front of them at a steady pace then said when he was in front of them:"The sheet paper that will appear on your tables is filled with questions, a hundred question to be precise, you have one hour in front of you, the answers are going to be corrected automatically and at the first attempt, there is no way to change the answer …ah …i forgot to tell you that …the test has already began ..good luck "