First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse-Chapter 73 Compatibility

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The options were not clear, the mission had a twisted goal, and the path was very dark yet Isiah knew exactly that he had to do something.

He already experienced oblivion before he got reincarnated, and this place was nothing like it.

There, he didn't experience pain, he was not even using his all senses, he was just surrounded by darkness all over, to the point where he could say that he was not shaped.

Here, everything screamed with horror, he was able to see everything around him, and he was able to move and even speak.

Isiah couldn't understand what he was asked to do, after calling him like that with his real name the voice didn't say another word.

Staying here was not something promising, all he cared about was to leave and go back to district one to revenge himself for his death.

He walked very slowly as if he was studying his own steps, the place was not bright, the only light there was the one coming from the fire all around him.

The heat increased each second, yet no matter how Isiah walked he just couldn't reach it.

However, he was feeling it burning his skin as if it was just millimeters away.

'Right, i am not in a normal place, this might be real or not, just like that voice inside of my head, maybe i am just walking through a path already chosen for me, maybe i am just picturing this inside of my sick brain'

He wiped his face which was heavily sweating, then continued to walk towards the fire, the only thing that changed was him choosing to take another direction.

He was all alone listening to his heavy breathing trying to find the way that voice mentioned to level up.

The pain was constant and it was more than any human body could take.

He placed his hand on his chest right next to his arm, then sighed for seconds.

' Something is definitely wrong with me, it is similar to what happened when Jivan tried to fix his sight and break the sealing spell'

The pain couldn't go away but it enlightened him to the fact that a change in his body was already been happening for a while now.

'As if i am drained from my divine energy, like all Delwias Island and Emperium's energy is gone ….but this cannot be possible…yeah ..i an still functioning…why ?'

Isiah remembered one of his first lessons in the institution, it was the simplest lesson he ever had here, because it was not sophisticated with terms he never heard of..

"A body can't function without divine energy, the energy work more like a fuel and a tool to help the mage exist in the old globe " The teacher of history said .

"Was it always there ? " One of his classmates asked .

"Yes, the history books show that the divine energy was always there, even before the ascension system was made"

"But every region has its own divine energy, how come they were all alike in the past" He asked again with a surprised face .

"Well, it is a good question, at first they all had the same energy, they were all on the same level, the core of the entire world was one …let's not discuss the obvious…after the wars that we all heard about, and the sacrifice of the blue sage this world changed…no one knows how he did it …but there are some speculations that he fractioned the core into 7, and that is how he was able to create the old globe.." The teacher answered.

" And the leveling up system?" Someone else asked.

"Another good question, well, every region has it is own divine energy, with this, the blue sage wanted to separate every region from the other, only the powerful people are the ones who are able to level up, if someone tries to go against the rules he will die due to compatibility problems"

Isiah remembered this conversation between his teacher and one of his classmates, he was able to feel that he had no divine energy inside of him which led him to believe that he was functioning with something else. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

The moment the pain turned to be unbearable, he stopped moving toward a place that he would never reach and sat on the ground .

'Even that minuscule amount of divine energy got erased the moment i died, i presume, then the chance to go back now is very low…i think i am not compatible to be there i guess…at least that is what the voice said'

Isiah hit the ground again with his fist and then wondered with his eyes all around when the new possibility hit him, and that is why he chose to speak.

" Heyyyy, where are you ? What is happening to me? I can barely feel any divine energy left in me" Isiah yelled.

No one answered him and that made him even angrier.

"Heyyyy are you listening to me? What happened to my divine energy?Where am i ?Why i am still able to use my senses and even use my body?"

Isiah felt more pain when he yelled in the second time, the pain was caused by the effort he made, so he sighed and then sit there without doing anything.

He exhaled slowly then said in a low voice: I know that you are listening to me, whoever you are, i know that i am not dead, i am not even going to be reincarnated, i already experienced that so i know for sure that it is not the case, then what is it ? Leveling down? What in the hell does even that mean?"

Isiah smiled this time when he realized that he was speaking to himself, he lay on the ground while putting his head above his palms, then said while looking to the darkness above him :" There is no Emperium here, no ascension, no divine energy, no light, it is no different from oblivion…no…no…it is different…i know that it is different ...please, just be different"