Genius Summoner-Chapter 1457 - All Dragons, All Dragons (3)

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1457 All Dragons, All Dragons (3)

The fifth level of the Dragon Palace was the entrance to the passage to the Dragon Valley!

Yun Feng curled her lips. The Dragon Palace should have something to do with the Dragons. As expected, their connection was deep. The light on the ground continued. Ao Jin’s golden eyes were full of smiles. “Girl, let’s go!” Yun Feng nodded. Ao Jin grabbed Yun Feng’s arm with his big hand and jumped into the light with her, disappearing from the Dragon Palace!

A long and ancient voice sounded from the depths of the Dragon Palace, accompanied by the sound of a huge body slowly rubbing against the ground. “We’ve come this far.”

The light was dazzling and she didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Yun Feng felt like her body had passed through an extremely soft layer of velvet. In a blink, she had already arrived in another world. Looking around, there was endless yellow sand. Countless tall pillars stood on the sand. Dragons of different postures climbed on the pillars. Looking around, it was as if thousands of giant dragons had broken out of the sand!

“I’m back! Get here!” Ao Jin roared. The yellow sand on the ground shook fiercely. A breeze slowly swept across the ground, stirring up some sand. “Swish, swish, swish, swish…” Many people rushed over from different directions and gathered in front of Ao Jin.

“Young Master! It’s really Young Master!”

“Young Master is back!”

The Red Dragons had already left the Dragon Valley with the Blood Souls. Only the members of the Black Dragons were left here right now. The members of the Black Dragons were all excited to see Ao Jin. Yun Feng didn’t miss the peace of mind that surged out of the depths of their eyes.

Ao Jin stood in the sky with a sullen face and waited patiently. Figures kept gathering and the members of the Dragons gradually gathered. Ao Jin was still waiting with a serious look on his face. He glanced at every member of the Dragons who arrived with his golden eyes. Yun Feng, who was standing behind him, could more or less understand how Ao Jin was feeling at this moment.

“Is that human Yun Feng?”

“That’s right, it’s her! Why did she come to Dragon Valley?”

The members of the Black Dragons immediately started discussing when they saw Yun Feng. The invasion of the Blood Souls made the members of the Dragons hate humans even more. The members of the Black Dragons, who were quite friendly to Yun Feng in the past, were all enraged and hateful at this moment. If it weren’t for Ao Jin, they would probably have attacked together.

“Brother Ao Jin!” A soft and longing call sounded. The gathered members of the Black Dragons immediately made way. A tall and beautiful woman with an enchanting figure was looking at Ao Jin with excitement on her face. In her hand was an old man with a withered face and a weak breath. Yun Feng looked over with her black eyes. That was Xiao Ling and the elder of the Black Dragons.

“Old Qi, how are your injuries?” Ao Jin’s face couldn’t help but darken when he saw Elder Qi of the Black Dragons. Elder Qi chuckled. “Young Master, don’t worry. My body can still hold on. Cough, cough, cough…”

Xiao Ling patted the old man a few times and finally helped him breathe steadily. She looked at Ao Jin with her beautiful eyes and was about to say something, when she saw Yun Feng standing behind Ao Jin. She immediately became like a hedgehog that had its hair pricked. “Yun Feng! Why are you here?”

Xiao Ling’s scream caused all members of the Black Dragons to glance over. Those who didn’t notice her at first also noticed her. Feeling the anger and resentment that rose in an instant, Yun Feng had some understanding of the Black Dragons in her mind. The Blood Souls were a group of humans after all. It was understandable that they rejected and hated humans even more this time. Yun Feng didn’t intend to argue with them.

“Shut up!” Ao Jin roared, and Xiao Ling didn’t give up. “Brother Ao Jin! Have you forgotten who invaded the Dragon Valley and caused the Dragons to be in such a miserable state right now? It’s those hateful humans! It’s all them! How can she still have the face to step in here right now? Yun Feng! If Brother Ao Jin weren’t here, I would definitely tear you apart!”

Yun Feng sneered. She could understand their anger, but she couldn’t understand why they blamed everything on her.

“I said, shut up!” The golden eyes emitted a burst of killing intent. Xiao Ling still wanted to say something, but Elder Qi quickly pulled her back. If his granddaughter still dared to speak, the Young Master would probably slit her throat. Didn’t she see how much his Young Master valued Yun Feng?

“Grandpa!” Xiao Ling roared in dissatisfaction. Elder Qi gave her a look and looked at Ao Jin. “Young Master, please understand the resentment and anger of our clansmen towards humans right now. Xiao Ling isn’t targeting Yun Feng.” After saying that, Elder Qi even glanced at Yun Feng. Ao Jin’s anger hadn’t been eliminated, but Yun Feng walked forward with a chuckle. As she stepped forward gently, all the eyes full of anger and hatred followed her.

“What do you understand? Hypocritical!” Xiao Ling mumbled in dissatisfaction. Yun Feng pretended that she didn’t hear anything. Elder Qi chuckled. “It’s good that you understand, Yun Feng. Since you know the emotions of the Dragons, it’s better to stay away from them in case anything happens. Yun Feng, what do you think?” Elder Qi’s eyes glittered. Even though his words were calm, he wasn’t calm in his mind. Even he, who was highly respected, couldn’t suppress his anger towards humans. It was already his limit to speak so rationally.

Yun Feng curled her lips and didn’t say anything. Ao Jin frowned unhappily. “Old Qi, are you so talkative? I haven’t said anything yet. Who are you to make a decision for me?”

“Brother Ao Jin, grandpa is right. Now…”

“If you say another word, I’ll skin you!” Ao Jin immediately roared as he released the pressure of the Golden Dragon at the same time. All the members of the Black Dragons were shocked in their minds and some fear surged in their minds. Xiao Ling immediately turned pale and didn’t dare to say anything else.

“Listen up! The miseries of the Dragons right now were caused by those bastards of the Red Dragons and the Blood Souls! It has nothing to do with Yun Feng! You can hate humans, but if anyone dares to attack Yun Feng, don’t blame me for punishing you!”

It was completely silent. The anger in their eyes that were like a tide just then immediately subsided a lot. The members of the Black Dragons didn’t dare to look up at Yun Feng anymore. Everyone knew how protective Ao Jin was of Yun Feng a long time ago in their minds. If they really did anything to hurt Yun Feng, their Young Master wouldn’t be joking.

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