Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon-Chapter 147: Grand Duke Bachor

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In the southern region of the Thunder Empire.

The teleportation field in Bachor City had been activated.

A figure emerged in the middle of the teleporter.

"Count Seinberg Kolo!"

"Identity confirmed!"

"Welcome, esteemed Count, to Bachor City!"

The sentry general, upon confirming the identity of the individual, immediately performed a standard knightly salute, displaying a humble attitude. As he concluded his greetings, the general made a gesture to the several mages behind him.

The barrier mages deactivated the defense barrier.

Su Wenhao retained a stoic expression as he stepped out of the magical formation.

Kolo territory's plan had utterly failed.

Now, he had no choice but to brace himself and face Grand Duke Bachor, the ruler of the southern capital.

A mixture of anger and helplessness surged within Su Wenhao's being.

The power of the Dragon Demon King far surpassed his imagination, as it had decimated the entire Korol family's knight order, inflicting devastating losses. He was left with no option but to seek aid from the Grand Duke.

An overwhelming sense of nervousness gripped him.

Grand Duke Bachor, ruler of the southern capital.

One of the four Guardian Grand Dukes of the empire.

In the eyes of such a figure, he, a mere Count, was but a trifling ant, easily squashed at will.

The Divine Sword Heroes Guild had suffered a catastrophic defeat.

Surely, the Grand Duke would be highly displeased.

Su Wenhao found it difficult to fathom the consequences he would face, but at this moment, he had no choice but to steel himself and face the Grand Duke.

Glancing at the guards stationed at the teleportation site, Su Wenhao instinctively activated a rank B appraisal spell.

This advanced appraising skill could glimpse into the target's level of strength, albeit lacking intricate details.

Su Wenhao's expression changed, his eyes widened.

[Sentry General of Bachor Teleportation Station] Level 5 overlord.

[Barrier Mage of Bachor Teleportation Station] Level 5 lord.

Su Wenhao was taken aback by the revelation.

These were just a few guards stationed at the teleportation platform.

Yet they possessed such terrifying power. It was beyond comprehension!

In this world, the utilization of spatial teleportation magic has become relatively mature. However, the construction cost of teleportation stations was exorbitant, and not all regions had the technological and material resources to build such facilities.

Throughout the entire southern expanse of the empire.

There were only five teleportation stations.

Apart from this one in Bachor City, the remaining four were situated in strategic fortresses.

Within the walls of Bachor City, the use of spatial magic was entirely prohibited. The teleportation station was the sole means of bypassing the formidable defenses and directly entering the city from the outside.

Precisely because of this reason, the teleportation station served as a crucial gateway.

Naturally, it required heavy military presence.

Leaving aside the paramount posts such as the Sentry General and the Barrier Mage, even the ordinary sentry guards were at least Level 4 elites, all in place to prevent any infiltration attempts through the teleportation station.

Su Wenhao then walked out and left the teleportation station.

The view of the Bachor City unfolded before him.

Bachor City was the largest capital city in the southern region of the empire.

The city bustled with life, its population reaching a staggering eight million.

Even compared to the cosmopolitan cities of his previous life, Bachor City stood on equal footing, radiating a vibrant atmosphere that was second to none.

With a sweeping glance, Su Wenhao took in the mesmerizing view of towering skyscrapers, shimmering magical towers, aerial gardens, and enchanting magical fountains---each brimming with splendor and a touch of fantastical beauty.

Other than its marveling sights, Bachor City was also heavily fortified.

Every street and plaza was vigilantly patrolled and guarded by soldiers clad in distinctive armor, proudly bearing the emblem of House Bachor.

Su Wenhao was awestruck by the magnificence and sheer magnitude of the city. It truly befitted its reputation as one of the empire's most prominent supercities, serving as the central hub of the southern region.

By comparison, he, a mere Count, was like a rural bumpkin who had just stepped out of the countryside into the grandeur world.

Before Su Wenhao could fully take in the awe-inspiring surroundings, a magical carriage suddenly appeared before him. An elderly man with silver hair, a benevolent countenance, and wearing the Bachor family crest alighted from the carriage.


"Count Kolo!"

"I am the steward of Grand Duke Bachor." Google search free𝓌𝗲𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝒆𝙡. 𝑐𝗼m

"Please, step into the carriage and come with me to meet the Grand Duke!"

[Steward of Bachor Castle] Level 5 overlord.

The corner of Su Wenhao's eyes twitched at the information. To think that a castle steward concealed such formidable power, he was actually a top-tier archmage!

The power and influence the Bachor family held were truly terrifying!

"Yes, thank you!"

Su Wenhao settled into the carriage.

The magical carriage did not rely on actual horses to operate.

The silver-haired Bachor steward uttered a spell.

In an instant, the entire carriage was enveloped in a soap-bubble-like bubble. Floating with remarkable stability and remarkable speed, the carriage glided through the air towards their destination.

Throughout the journey, Su Wenhao experienced no jolts or sensations of weightlessness. He could not even perceive the motion of the moving carriage.

The old steward's masterful control over magic was truly unfathomable.

After approximately ten minutes, the carriage arrived and Su Wenhao was brought into the imposing Bachor family castle.

The architectural marvel of a castle surpassed the scale of ordinary towns.

[Knight of the Blood Lion Knight Order] Level 3 elite.

[High Knight of the Blood Lion Knight Order] Level 4 elite.

[Knight Captain of the Blood Lion Knight Order] Level 4 lord.

As Su Wenhao was making his way in, he was greeted by a sight of many Bachor family knights adorned in blood-red heavy armor, resembling formidable iron giants.

The commander of the Kolo knight order could only be regarded as a lowly knight captain if he was placed in Bachor's family knight order.

Su Wenhao had heard rumors about the Bachor family, boasting no less than six major knight orders, each consisting of thousands of knights. These knights were handpicked from a vast pool of candidates, ensuring that only the most exceptional individuals were chosen.

These top-tier knights not only possessed at least the strength of Level 3 elite but also adorned themselves with exceptionally fine equipment, further enhancing their combat prowess.

What an incredibly and terrifyingly powerful force!

As Su Wenhao ventured further inside, his trepidation grew with every step.

[Archmage of the Bachor Mage Legion] Level 5 lord.

[Duke Bachor's Royal Guard Captain] Level 5 lord.

[Guardian Knight of the Empire] Level 5 overlord.


Su Wenhao's heart sank as he realized the immense power and influence held by the Bachor family. The oppressive atmosphere within the castle made him acutely aware of his own insignificance in comparison.

However, it was when his gaze fell upon a particular type of knight that his anxiety reached its peak.

These knights wore no heavy armor but donned resplendent golden suits adorned with intricate magical patterns.

With a single golden sword in hand, they were exuding an aura that seemed to suffocate all who beheld them.

Just how formidable were these golden-armored knights?

Su Wenhao knew it all too well.

There were the Guardian Knights of the empire.

They were entrusted with His Majesty the Emperor's absolute trust. However, their numbers were incredibly scarce, apart from the Imperial Place of the Empire, only a few could be found accompanying the Guardian Grand Dukes.

Not only were the Guardian Knights the Grand Dukes' formidable blades, but they also served as the Emperor's eyes for monitoring the four major duchies.

"You've finally arrived."

The Guardian Knight remarked with a sly smile.

His tone was devoid of the expected respect one would show towards a noble of Su Wenhao's status. Instead, there was a hint of contempt and disdain in his attitude.

"Should I address you as Lord Count Kolo or Guild Leader Su Wenhao?"

"You're a Hero too!"

Su Wenhao's eyes widened in surprise.

The Guardian Knight chuckled, his amusement evident, "Please step inside."

Pushing open the massive doors, he revealed a grand hall the size of an athletics field before Su Wenhao's eyes.

Within the hall, a bustling scene unfolded. Bachor's officials and nobles from various affiliated territories were engaged in discussions, presenting their reports.

On a raised platform.

Upon a magnificent throne.

Sat a regal and imposing elderly figure exuding an aura of authority as majestic as a lion.

Out of habit, Su Wenhao activated his appraisal skill.

[Grand Duke Bachor] ??????

Su Wenhao was utterly shocked to realize that he could not perceive anything, his appraisal skill failing for the first time.

As if sensing his insolence, Grand Duke Bachor slowly opened his half-closed eyes, and his piercing gaze locked onto the reckless Count.

In the next moment, Su Wenhao's consciousness became hazy.

When he regained his senses, the entire Bachor Castle had vanished.

He found himself in a nightmarish battlefield, strewn with lifeless bodies and blood-soaked earth.

'What's happening?'

'Is this some kind of illusion?'

'No! it's no illusion!'

[You're under the effect of "Asura's Domain". All stats have decreased. Skills below B rank are sealed. You will suffer continuous damage from the domain's onslaught every second!]

An arrow pierced straight through his chest.

Su Wenhao realized that he could not evade at all.

A second arrow, a third, a fourth---within moments, he was bombarded with a barrage of arrows, his HP rapidly diminishing.

Immense pain and terror overwhelmed Su Wenhao as if being swallowed by a tsunami of agony.

Although Su Wenhao had yet to personally experience a domain, he ought to have heard about it.

He realized that this was no mere illusion, but a Monarch's Domain!

Grand Duke Bachor, one of the four Grand Dukes safeguarding the Thunder Empire.

Ruler of the Southern Border, and the supreme authority of the Bachor duchy.

Wycliffe Bachor!

A genuine monarch level existence!

"Please spare me, Your Grace!" Su Wenhao desperately pleaded.

Finally, Grand Duke Bachor relented.

Su Wenhao was abruptly returned to normal space, his body drenched in a deluge of blood. He collapsed onto the floor of the grand hall, gasping for air in heaving breaths.

In a composed tone, Grand Duke Bachor uttered, "Consider this a minor punishment. Should you dare to provoke me again, you will rue the day you set foot in this world."

"Thank you for your mercy, Your Grace!"

Grand Duke Bachor continued, "Regarding the matter of the Chaos Forest, your performance has left me thoroughly disappointed. I demand an explanation."

Su Wenhao hastily replied, "My plan was on the verge of success, but at the final moment, it was thwarted by a powerful Demon King!"

"A Demon King?"

Grand Duke Bahol seemed unimpressed, "That is not a valid excuse. The empire is determined to annex the Chaos Forest. Thus, I shall grant you another chance."

"You are hereby authorized to deploy the Third Legion of the Southern Border."

"Within a span of fifteen days, you must eliminate the Demon King and reclaim the Bloody Fortress!"

"Remember, you have a maximum of fifteen days. Should you fail me again, you should be well aware of the consequences."

Upon hearing this, Su Wenhao was overjoyed.

The Third Legion of the Southern Border, the empire's formal army officially stationed near the Kolo territory.

Although mobilizing the empire's formal forces would undoubtedly attract attention from the Azure Water Federation and the Sunset Empire, thereby exerting pressure upon the empire, it was evident that the empire no longer wished to await opportune moments.

At present, the Thunder Empire's strength was at its zenith, while internal conflicts persisted within the Azure Water Federation and the Sunset Empire. This moment was the prime opportunity for expansion.

With the might of the empire at his disposal, success was undoubtedly within an arm's reach this time!

Grand Bachor then addressed, "Knight Gordes."

The formidable knight who had granted Su Wenhao entry responded promptly.

"You, too, are a destined Hero. I believe you would be interested in this Demon King, therefore I request that you accompany them on this siege."

The Guardian Knight promptly saluted and said, "Serving the empire is my duty. Please rest assured, Your Grace. With my personal intervention, no Demon King will be of concern!"

Su Wenhao couldn't hide his annoyance.

After enduring countless hardships, he was finally on the verge of gaining control over the empire's forces.

And yet, it seemed fate had conspired to include this meddlesome individual.

Serving the empire?

What a nice way to put it!

As if a Hero would truly be loyal to the empire!

Clearly, this person was here to snatch the limelight and claim the glory for themselves.
